By edhat staff
While on a walk at the Douglas Family Preserve on Sunday evening around 6:00 p.m., the edhat staff noticed Hendry’s beach wasn’t too packed. Although people were definitely lounging on the beach, violating the health officer’s order of no stagnant activity on county beaches. Swimming and walking are ok.
How have other edhat readers experienced local beaches during this holiday weekend?
The Boathouse was open, allowing people to sit and eat, so why can’t people sit on the beach? Was the order only to deter tourists or were there actual health concerns?
Went for a swim at east beach at 11 this morning. Biked down from wharf, seen over 100 people on beach laying down, so asked the life guard, he said the city told them to not bother, impossible to enforce!!! Welcome to the Wild West 2.0, whats next they can’t enforce much these days, enjoy the anarchy while it lasts methinks!!
My Dad always use to say…”Laws are made to be broken…”
Tourists are not ticketed in the Funk Zone for parking. Does anyone think the City would ticket a tourist or resident during a pandemic? Would ruin the City’s tourist friendly imagine.
I think its the County health is in charge of enforcement? to allocate to City PD or Sheriffs the rules -They obviously aren’t doing squat to protect the citizens health and safety -lets get rid of who ever is charge and replace with a competent Administrator
I saw big pop-up canopies at West Beach yesterday, and at least one today, and groups of ten or more people, standing very close to each other. Clearly there is no enforcement. I guess this is why they closed the parking lots; with access reduced, they’ll have fewer crowds. Seems lazy and unfair to the people who want access so they can get out to the water for safe activities. But I can see that I would not want to be the officer telling beach partiers to pack up. Might get shot or something.
Just drove along Cabrillo Blvd- Labor Day 3 pm- East Beach was completely packed with people, plenty of umbrellas, chairs, blankets, no sign of beach closure enforcement.
People were everywhere enjoying life on every inch of Santa Barbara beaches all weekend. Thanks for not ticketing families for taking their kids for a dip in the ocean. Covid cases from beach? Probably zero.
Seems unfair locals are inundated with threats and restrictions, while arriving tourists can do whatever they want, when they want it and where they want it. Stop threatening locals if you don’t care about tourists. It is our beach first.
Understanding of the potential consequences? Probably zero.
The test counts in two weeks will tell us how we did.
If Pelosi can violate a law, why can’t you?
If people are allowed to piss & defecate
in the street with no enforcement, & live in their cars in front of your house leaving trash & feces which are also health issues,
If illegal immigration is allowed and laws are not enforced…
What do you expect?
Most locals wanted to goto the beach, especially with this beautiful weather.
Don’t you know, the virus is highly contagious while sitting. Unless you are waiting in line; then the virus is highly contagious while standing.
Yes, be a lemming.
Even worse, SF has government gyms open for their public workers, while they closed down everyone else. (SFGate)
Appears to me it would not have mattered if local authorities did nothing, as in LA, Ventura, SLO and San Diego. Making edicts you can’t enforce seems kind of pointless, if not counterproductive.
Please don’t pretend you speak for most locals, clearly you do not.
The neighborhoods behind the closed parking lots must have really appreciated all of the people trying to park during the weekend. I feel your pain.
You have the most oxymoronic handle.
Get over it people. The beach was probably the safest place to be this weekend. Leave everyone alone and carry on smartly. Probably the best thing SB county has done since this pandemic started.