By edhat staff
The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department (PHD) is reporting 43 new COVID-19 cases and one death on Friday.
The person who passed away was between the ages of 18-29 with underlying medical conditions, resided in the City of Santa Maria and was not associated with a congregate living facility.
There have been 110 deaths within Santa Barbara County.
The county’s total case count is now 8,556 with 180 of those cases considered active.
There are currently 23 hospitalizations including 4 in the intensive care unit (ICU).
More data can be found at
we just had a holiday I was expecting to see numbers go up..that..and many peole who catch the virus are eating out …
Many people who catch the virus report that they ate out, it does not mean they caught “covid” at a restaurant. Don’t be the msm, tell the truth or the rest of the story. Sbrysa, supposedly we’re really close to the next tier. I hope that’s true.
People who tested positive were twice as likely to have eaten in restaurants within the two weeks prior. Per NPR article dated 9.11.20.
Yes, there’s a correlation, but dining out has not been shown to be a cause. My guess: people who eat at restaurants are more likely to be out doing other things as well, so they have more exposure in multiple situations.