Apply for Short Term Rental?

By an edhat reader

I’d like to add my condo as a short-term rental with the City of Santa Barbara and want to go about it the right way. There are several people in my complex who are already doing it but I’m not sure if they’ve followed the rules. 

My condo is located downtown, a block from State Street, in the R-MH (R-4) – Residential Multi-Unit and Hotel zone. The city’s website section on short term rental’s is completely empty:

Do edhatters have any insight?


Written by Anonymous

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  1. Chances are the city will curtail the current STR scofflaws in your complex if/when you try to go legal. The better question – do you think SB has a “housing crisis” and should keep adding to the housing inventory with denser stack and pack units, while allowing many housing units to be removed from the residential market – legally or illegally? Some feel there should be no STR’s as long as one side of the mouth is claiming we have a “housing crisis”. Talk to your district city council person for more information -that is why we elect them. Contact their office at city hall.

  2. You need to check with your HOA. Most do not allow rentals shorter than 30 days.
    If your rental is greater than 30 days you do not need short term rental status from the City.
    As a property owner paying g the taxes & mortgage you have a right to do with the property you want under the law.
    The City/County needs to allow more construction of vacant land and needs to have a faster permitting process.
    However, since the permitting process is”difficult” and the freeway is only two lanes, 20 years behind the demand, And we are a coastal community which is highly desireable. We have a supply/demand issue.
    Resl estate has appreciated.

  3. STRs are way more profitable. Can get $300 a night and up plus charge a hefty cleaning fee of $400 but pay the cleaner $200. Same scam as the ebay shipping and handling fee that is more than the cost of the item. If buying for investment, STRs are a gold mine.

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