Source: City of Santa Barbara
Bohnett Park is scheduled to close beginning Thursday, October 15 for the construction of a park improvement and storm water treatment project.
The park improvement project, developed with extensive community input, includes the installation of new turf and landscaping, irrigation, picnic tables along Old Mission Creek, BBQ grills, trash and coal receptacles, accessible park entrance and walkways, and new streetscape fencing. “Bohnett Park is a key recreational area for the Westside,” said Parks and Recreation Director Jill Zachary. “We are pleased to be moving forward with a project that will make the park more usable for all.”
The storm water improvement portion of the project includes the installation of underground gravel filled chambers that will capture, treat, and infiltrate storm water runoff from the neighborhood surrounding Bohnett Park. Retaining this storm water on site and allowing it to slowly infiltrate into the ground will help improve water quality in Old Mission Creek.
Civic Construction Associates will begin construction this week, and the project is expected to be complete in approximately three months. Work will occur Monday through Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The upper park area along San Andres Street will remain open during construction. This project is funded by a Community Development Block Grant, the City of Santa Barbara General Fund, and by hotel visitors through Measure B.
For more information on park improvements, contact Keven Strasburg at (805) 897-1906 or
For more information on the storm water project, contact George Johnson at (805) 897-1958 or