By an edhat reader
Shawn Southard is a Scout with Troop 4 of the Los Padres Council of Boy Scouts of America in Goleta. Part of what it means to be a Boy Scout is to help others in the community.
One of the ways Shawn has helped his community lately was to complete a project for a local non-profit organization, Goleta Valley South Little League. For his community project, he solicited, planned, budgeted, purchased supplies, led, participated and completed building 2 picnic tables and landscaping the area near the 1st base side of the field.
In purchasing supplies for the project, Shawn shopped locally at Channel City Lumber for the wood and hardware, and at Knapp Nursery for the plants. Shawn wants to be sure everyone involved in helping his project become a success is recognized; Channel City Lumber, Knapp Nursery, the Scouts who participated and their parents.