Police Chase in Summerland/Montecito?

By an edhat reader

There was a police chase that ended in Montecito right after Olive Mill exit. It’s backed up right now, Car was stopped by spike strips and the tires are blown off.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. We must fund the police. Put the felons back in jail. These new crazy policies of defunding police and letting the criminals out of the jail is insanity. Crime is surging. Us decent citizens have a right to live in a safe society.

  2. @Liberty (ironic name!) – If you’re dedicated to staying scared of the boogeyman then you can keep ignoring the obvious reality of our situation, but maybe try examining the abundant statistics that refute both the basis of your argument AND your proposed “solution”?
    The fact is: America’s “tough on crime” approach, our War on Drugs, our overzealous, over-funded, & militarized law enforcement with god-like powers, our “throw away the key” mentality that has given America the shameful title of leading incarcerator in the world, unjust and devastating court system, etc. just hasn’t been working! There are a lot better evidenced-backed approaches we can take to reduce crime in our society, but your way isn’t one of them.

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