By edhat staff
Santa Barbara County Public Health officials stated a small uptick in COVID-19 cases is taking place among college students in their 20s.
During Friday afternoon’s press conference, Public Health Director Dr. Van Do-Reynoso stated the county’s COVID-19 case rate has significantly declined since January, however, in the past week the case numbers have not increased and the adjusted case rate has increased.
If the data continues on this trajectory, the county will not be eligible to advance into the less-restrictive orange tier.
Dr. Do-Reynoso confirmed the small uptick in cases may be the result of reopening activities as the department’s data team is seeing the pandemic shift to younger unvaccinated people who may be expanding social activities.
In the past week, there was a higher than average increase in COVID-19 infections for people in their 20’s as well as college students and those who work in office environments.
Public Health Officer Dr. Henning Ansorg stated he’s concerned because the continuous decline has now stalled. He explained there are more variants of the virus in the county which means the virus is spreading faster. “The more people that are vaccinated, the less the virus will spread,” he said.
For vaccinations, the county has currently received 194,360 doses and 82.9% of those have been administered with the rest committed to upcoming appointments.
At the recent community vaccination clinic in Lompoc, there were 9,450 vaccines administered. Appointments are now available for the upcoming clinic in Santa Maria from April 5-11. The community clinic in Santa Barbara will start on April 12 and appointments can be made beginning April 8. All appointments can be made at
For those who have already been vaccinated, Dr. Do-Reynoso says it’s “very very important” to hang on to your vaccination card as there may be activities nationally and statewide that only vaccinated people can participate in. If you lost your card, it’s best to seek a replacement from the place where you were vaccinated.
Possibly because being compelled to disclose any aspect of your health status, tests, results, etc. to someone other than your health care provider violates your right to privacy. Some exceptions are understandable, such as vaccines records for schools, but those are given to the health center and kept private in your file. Holding up a card in public, for all to see, removes this privacy.
You might say, well who cares, it’s just a vaccine for the good of the public. Sure, but then I guess you don’t mind the government listening in to your phone calls or reading your emails, since you’re not a terrorist, right? It’s for the public good. I think it’s a slippery slope to start requiring the public carry and present such documentation. It’s also hypocritical, since many of those who want these vaccination passports are the same people who object to someone presenting and ID when it comes to voting.
Big Bad Gummint paranoia meets whataboutism with regards to voting.
@Chem, the entirety of your first paragraph is nonsense and pure fiction.
No offense meant, but the world has changed a lot since yellow fever cards were implemented. That said, its very common to have to get all kinds of shots and their documentation to enter a third world country and to then return to the the US from that country.
Time for an entrepreneur to to start the presses and crank out some counterfeit vaccination cards. Might earn a few dollars from people that don’t want the vaccine but want to participate in state or national activities. Stock in counterfeit “green cards” previously selling for $200-$300 each has taken a hit this year with the now stupidly open to anyone and everyone.
Doulie, great idea if it’s just a piece of paper, but if they follow China (as some on MSNBC have recommended) then they’ll be using a digital database. Still, I think Do-Reynoso’s comment is just wishful thinking for now, as the vaccines are currently unapproved and not mandatory. Whether passports violate healthcare privacy or the Equal Protection Clause will be an interesting debate. Either way, given the direction some people want to take this country I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ll have special sections and fountains for the unvaccinated, and maybe a nice little tattoo or sew-on patch as well.
Are more young people dying of just testing positive?
Lord forbid someone gets a cough or a sneeze.
The plan was to protect the high risk and obtain herd immunity.
All that went out the window a long time ago and here we have big pharma pushing their profit making drugs and testing and keeping us all locked down.
I’m starting to understand how cattle feel about being branded and taken to market.
Because that’s what we Americans are, cattle, profit to them.
Just wait until there are biannual or quarterly vaccines to cover all the variants. You’ll spend the rest of your life standing in line at CVS for yet another shot, and big pharma loves that $$$!
Sac, I don’t buy requiring an ID inhibits voting. If those that thought it did put 10% of the effort they do fighting voter ID into actually getting ID’s for people that don’t have one, everyone who should have an ID will have an ID and this would be a non-issue. If India, with it’s billion people and significantly more rural/poverty issues than the US can manage a voter ID program, so can we. But there needs to be a will and right now that will is focused more on fanning the flames of division rather than bringing us together. Also, you’re incorrect in that things like free travel between the states are a fundamental right.
I don’t get your downvotes CFM, not sure why people think Big Pharma actually cares about people’s health, because they don’t, just profits. Also not sure why they think the politicians they continually vote for, who election after election take gobs of money from Big Pharma, actually care about peoples health either. Does no one see the conflict of interest?