Source: County of Santa Barbara
[On Tuesday], January 11, the County Board of Supervisors approved local capital matching funds in order for the Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara to apply for a $16 million state Homekey grant to provide permanent supportive housing for persons who are experiencing homelessness or at-risk of homelessness. The funds would be used to purchase the Super 8 hotel located at 6021 Hollister Avenue in Goleta. On January 5, the Goleta City Council approved $600,000 in funds toward the project’s local capital match.
If the application for approximately $16,097,500 in Homekey grant funds is awarded, the County will contribute $3,047,501 in matching funds for capital costs. The Board’s action today authorizes the County’s Community Services Department Housing Division to submit documents to the state in order to support the Housing Authority’s Homekey 2.0 application for funding.
Second District County Supervisor Gregg Hart said, “Identifying sites for permanent supportive housing can be a long and challenging process. Thanks to the dedication of the County of Santa Barbara, City of Goleta, and Housing Authority of Santa Barbara County, our community is making progress toward our goal of increasing safe and supportive housing resources for people experiencing homelessness. This project will change the lives of the individuals who are provided with housing and services, while also improving the quality of life for our entire community.”
Goleta City Mayor Paula Perotte added, “The City of Goleta is pleased to partner with Santa Barbara County and the County Housing Authority in this major step to address homelessness among our residents. I am especially pleased that preference for this housing will be for Goleta residents and veterans.”
The City’s contribution of $600,000 is from, but not limited to, its 2021 ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) allocation to the project. The City’s funding reservation for a local capital match is contingent on an award of Homekey 2.0 funding.
The County’s funds would consist of $1,500,000 of the ARPA funds previously set aside by the Board on October 19, 2021; $1,015,191 in supplemental HOME Investment Partnership Program funds made available by the American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) approved by the Santa Maria/Santa Barbara HOME Consortium on December 17, 2021; and an additional $532,309 in County ARPA or Homeless Housing Assistance and Prevention Program (HHAP) funds.
The 60-unit housing project would be owned and managed by the Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara. State HCD Homekey funds would be awarded directly to the Housing Authority. The Housing Authority must provide reasonable assurance to the state of matching contributions to cover operations and service costs for five years. The estimated cost of annual operations and services is $992,698. The Homekey application would provide an estimated $950,400 in operations funding per year for two years. The remaining operations and service costs for the first five years will be funded with tenant and Section 8 rents.
Homekey is a California program to purchase and rehabilitate housing, including hotels, motels, vacant apartment buildings and other properties, and convert them into permanent, long-term housing for people experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness.
The City of Goleta was incorporated in 2002 and is home to approximately 32,000 people and thousands of businesses. Known as the Good Land, the City of Goleta expands eight square miles nestled between the Santa Ynez Mountains and Pacific Ocean, offering unparalleled scenic beauty. Goleta prides itself on its 550 acres of parks and open space making it the perfect spot to live, work and play. The City is a General Law City governed by a five-member, elected city council. For more information about Goleta, go to
Housing and Community Development is a division of the County of Santa Barbara Community Services Department that utilizes federal, state, and local funding to provide a variety of public service programs and public facility projects including Affordable Housing, Grants Administration, and Redevelopment Successor Agency Housing Fund activities. For information about the County Housing and Community Development Division of the Community Services Department, go to
Viva Goleta!
11:59, did you notice the Indy article was from November? Do you think costs have increased dramatically in the last 60 days?
@12:01 PM. Doulie’s meaning is pretty clear. They are saying that you can adopt any unlikely “if” condition and then pretend you’ve made progress. In this case, Fitz said they support this kind of thing IF we clean up other illegal encampments. Doulie is responding that that “if” is completely implausible.
Everywhere else we have looked up and down the west coast, programs like this have only attracted more and more of the problem, and NEVER results in cleaner/safer public results. Sad as it may be, cities that have touted themselves as the progressive leaders (from Oakland to Portland to San Francisco to Berkeley to San Jose to Seattle) have seen an EXPLOSION in the problem. Their policies don’t work.
Why next door to Old Towne, which is in desperate need of revival. Why not the Montecito Inn?
The answer is always “well, if we have housing more will come”, and “it’s too expensive here, send them to the desert”, and “well, if some of the homeless are from here, they OBVIOUSLY don’t want help, because they would have gotten it already.”
I am aware of the Frat house conversion. It is successful. People complain that these types of programs are expensive, and well, they are. But if you want success…keeping people off the street, not starting fires…it costs money. Housing people is cheaper than the alternative, and that has been shown.
San Francisco is spending $1.1 billion a year. That’s billion with a “b”.
Another good step for Goleta which has for too long avoided engagement in this area wide need. Thanks.
You can’t talk “taxpayer” sense into this pro-government aid Edhat audience… S.F. is a social welfare and social justice disaster, but just keep writing checks…
Downvote a fact. That’s an interesting political philosophy.
Now, facts are often marshaled in an unfaithful rhetorical context. We’ll all upvote that. But a fact should never be an un-welcomed guest for those of us with the patience to talk to each other and answer each-others’ questions as honestly as we can, and to the best of our capacity.
Well, there goes Goleta… Expect the same issues and problems that are seen on the Lower East Side. If it’s predictable, it’s preventable. Everyone in Goleta in 5 years will be scratching their heads about what to do with regard to the increased “homeless” population- If you build it, they will come- Go figure.
It’s our money not yours have a public vote
We need to start taring and feathering not the homeless butt the people that work for the county and our representatives -provide bus tickets for the homeless to Victorville or yet further out where land value is not so great
Since this is county money – why not locate in less expensive areas like Lompoc or Santa Maria. I guess they polled the homeless and the response is they will only accept housing in a desirable area. Why not oursource our homeless to Victorville where they can be living large on the same amount of money we have to spend to put them up in SB/Goleta. Or better yet – why not put them up at the Biltmore – I hear Ty Warner is looking to sell. I am all for helping people/children who hit bad times and are actively looking to improve their situation. As a society we need to be empathetic enough to deal will with this situation. However, a beggar can not be a chooser. Most of what I see what government is doing is enabling people to continue to be takers on our society at the expense of the makers. Ideally money should be going to address root cause issues – like mental illness and drug use.
I think this is a good location. Perhaps then they can clear out the huge encampments along the 101/union pacific fence line in the Patterson/Fairview areas, which are in full view of anyone passing on the 101. How the city/county can allow these camps to flourish is beyond me. I fully support this Housing Authority project IF and only IF the encampments are emptied and cleaned up.
Will they enforce sobriety in this place? If not, then we will have drug dealers roaming through the area.
Will this be limited to veterans or just anyone who wants free rent?
How much property tax will be lost every year by taking this property off the tax rolls?
This is a good location due to the proximity of a grocery store, transportation (bus) services up and down Hollister, the large medical facility at Patterson and small town businesses (barber shops, inexpensive restaurants, employment possibilities, etc) in Old Town. Also good to see prioritization of housing for vets and Goleta residents.
I’ve heard it said, IF my aunt had ——-she’d by my uncle. The encampments are like the drug war. There will always be someone available to take the place of those that move on for whatever reason.
60 units here for a bit over triple the cost, so no more than 1.5-2x cost per unit. Knowing new construction nowadays, I think the motel is a much smarter idea, financially. I also wonder if the City’s number has been updated since COVID significantly increased material and construction costs.
DOULIE… what the heck does your first sentence mean, in this context??
Prediction: the elimination of Transient Occupancy Tax from the repurposing of this motel will further incentivize the Goleta City Council to approve the two new hotels proposed to be built, one on the site of Chrushcakes on Hollister and one adjacent to Zodo’s on Calle Real. The City Council will also propose an increase in sales tax after the next Council elections this November.
See their motto. The Santa Barbara county sheriff has been “keeping the peace since 1850”
If this happens, I suggest establishing a new Sheriff’s substation at the place. There will be plenty of business for them, and response times will be short.
Babycakes, we’ve had single party rule in CA for decades, most of the time with a super-majority in the legislator meaning they can do whatever they want, unopposed. Please explain how you then come the conclusion that the continued homeless problem is the fault of the party NOT in control, the party that DOESN’T have the super majority? With a super majority here in CA, how exactly have Republicans prevented anything?
3:40, prop 13 is a double edged sword and altering it may not increase tax revenue in the end. Voters unwittingly eliminated the exemption from re-assesment for property transfers between parents and children in the last election because it was sold as a way to help wildfire victims. Your property will be re-assessed to market rate when it is transferred to its next owner. Many people will be forced to sell family homes and properties they inherit because they can’t afford the property tax at market rate, which is why the realtors association supported prop 19. This will be a rude awakening for many who do not realize the implications this change. However, taking the next step and eliminating prop 13 protections would force many property owners to sell who are no longer wealthy enough to afford the tax in their neighborhoods. This would put significant downward pressure on property values. In addition, how could a mortgage lender evaluate your ability to afford your house expenses if there is no way to predict what property tax will cost in the future? How could a homeowner plan for retirement if there is no way to predict what property tax would cost in the future? Property values went up about 30% in the last year, imagine if your tax bill did too. Prop 13 provides stability and it is one of the big reasons why california real estate is so valuable. Because most properties change hands and get re-assessed often, the increasing values help increase tax revenue overall. Eliminating prop 13 would raise taxes on people with low assessments, but for most property owners it would result in a reduced property value and a reduced tax bill, leading to lower tax revenue overall. The declining property values would also likely put many homeowners underwater on their mortgages, leading to bankruptcies, further declines in property value, and financial crisis.
We need to fix some aspects of Prop 13, not repeal it completely.
One way tickets to Hawaii would be much cheaper
Prostitution, drug marketplace, pedophilia, fentanyl, meth, freeloaders, all centralized to ruin Goleta. How long before it burns?
I wonder what proportion of people saying “this is a great location” live in Goleta? I’m guessing it’s very low and none in Old Town. Ask the residents there if they need even more drug addicts and thieves in their neighborhood. Because that will be the result of this.
Facilities are needed for the homeless, but for the majority of them, who are recalcitrant addicts, those facilities should be separated from normal society.
The Sky is Falling?
Why would they accept those tickets? They’re not idiots. If you are talking about forced removal, that is illegal. Oh, I get it, you are not actually presenting a serious solution. Waste of time.
To answer my own question, $93,381.50 for 2021-2022 Property taxes, per SB County Online Property Tax System. That’s money that won’t be going to schools, fire and police, among other services. It doesn’t include Transient Occupancy Taxes or Sales Tax income, etc. So it goes.
There is lots of cheap housing available – in the midwest.
Human beings are NOT things you can ‘source’ out. With that kind of wording, we can all see that you are truly not “all for helping people/children who hit bad times”. You put a caveat on it. Many people have hit bad times. We all have a duty to try and make this world a better place. The root cause of mental illness and drug use is genetics and poverty. With the current disparity between the wealthy and the poor, NONE OF THIS will be addressed anytime soon. We need affordable housing, healthcare and for the rich to pay their fair share. One single sweep and ultra wealthy people like Bezos, Warner and Elon Musk could fix so many things, but here we are. Billionaires shooting themselves and other rich people up in space for the day. SHAMEFUL.
100% agree! This is a good location and a good effort. Hope it works.
YES. That’s always their answer. No solution at all. To them it’s “out of sight, out of mind”. They don’t care. VOTE OUT EVERY REPUBLICAN!
Since when have police EVER “brought peace”???
It OK Yacht Rocked, Goleta already raised our Airbnb TOT to make up for it. The county also lost out on millions of dollars in property taxes and accepted a ongoing financial liability with the gift of the San Marcos Foothill Preserve. That wont be going toward needed services either!!
I think you need a few economics courses Big Ugly. Even if you took ALL the wealth from the 50 richest Americans it would only be one-time drop in the bucket. Elon’s 2021 tax bill is going to be the highest individual return in the history of the US but that’s still not enough? How many people do just Musk and Bezo’s employ, provide health insurance for, pay payroll taxes for in the businesses they created from nothing? Most importantly, you erroneously think if only our government had more money they’d be able to solve problems like homelessness. Since when has the government throwing more money at a problem made it better? You may not be aware, but here in CA we have a budget surplus yet these problems remain. The ultrawealthy not paying more taxes isn’t the reason we don’t have affordable housing and healthcare.
How come nobody wants to talk about the root cause of “homelessness?” The poor souls living on the streets and in the encampments are stuck in that lifestyle for a reason. Why can’t we identify the problem and confront it head on instead of pretending we are dealing with a housing crisis?
@ Chip: Homelessness is a symptom. The disease is the substance abuse/mental health spiral that most of the visible homeless are in.
The myth that regan closed all the mental hospitals has been pushed for many years. It’s just a phony talking g point. In. 1967, Regan signed the Lanterman–Petris–Short Act (Petris and Short being democrats) that was passed by a Democrat controlled state legislature. See link below. A lot of people like to blame this problem on Regan, but he wasn’t to blame from day 1 and the situation has only gotten worse in the 50 odd years of virtually uninterrupted Democrat control since this legislation was passed.
@1:58: Just because the Democrats have had single-party rule in California for decades does not mean that they are responsible for any of our problems. It’s obvious (to me anyway) that if Dems had complete/complete control, our lives would all be better for the most part. We certainly can afford a few hotels, mini-houses, etc. to house more of the less fortunate.
Babycakes and BigUgly, can you please get back to us on how Republicans have prevented CA from better addressing our homeless, mental health, and drug addiction problems?
Baby cakes, Democrats are in complete control in california. The governor is a democrat, and legislature is controlled by Democrats. The Democrat majority is so large, that it overcomes 2/3 vote requirements established in the state constitution for certain types of legislation. See the explanation for this at the link below. The only thing slowing the implementation of Democrat policies in california is the Democrats who are in control.
Babycakes @ 8:56, fingers crossed that’s sarcasm. It’s hard to tell because many here do believe that with all their heart.
oh that’s easy. Reagan admin gutted the mental health funding and removed all protections and laws. This happened in 1981. He also started the faux war on drugs which actually increased the drugs on the street. This is all facts folks…seems like most of you “forget”. I have more if you like? Or is this good enough to answer that question? Here are facts about his reign on homelessness and the poor and the massive divide he created. Reagan came to office in 1981 with a mandate to reduce federal spending. In reality, he increased it through the escalating military budget, all the while slashing funds for domestic programs that assisted working class Americans, particularly the poor.
whatever economic growth occurred during the Reagan years only benefited those already well off. The income gap between the rich and everyone else in America widened. Wages for the average worker declined and the nation’s homeownership rate fell. During Reagan’s two terms in the White House, which were boon times for the rich, the poverty rate in cities grew. There ya go….have at it folks.
Big – we did just that in California and…well… mixed results at best !!!
Zero – let’s assume everything you said about Reagan is correct… thats over 40 years ago in which the left in California has essentially had perpetual and complete control over the state. So sure… completely Reagans fault! But at what point does the one party rule in California for most of our lifetimes bear some responsibility for the current situation? At what point have we gotten far enough past Reagan that it becomes comical to continue blaming? 60 years… 80…100??!!