By SBPat
I was wondering who (if anyone) is in charge of enforcing mask mandates. The last mandate was issued January 2, and I anticipate that a new one will be issued again on or near February 2, due to the current local high rate of transmission. Twice in the past month, I’ve visited a local business in Old Town Goleta and not all of the employees were wearing masks. The patrons seemed to be following the rules, but not percentage of the employees. I’d love it if the SB County Public Health Department would stop by and educate these people, but I can’t find a contact link. I know of a few people who currently have COVID and think they got it while dining out, so I think this is a real issue and not just nitpicking.
CHIP – No, you don’t understand at all. “You believe masks should be required no matter what, even if such a requirement is illegal.” – Never said that. Not even talking about mandates right now. Man… try to keep up.
CONSERVATIVE – uh….. never mind…..
argue amounts yourselves as much as you like. there are two sides. the side that follows rules and doesn’t want to be responsible for getting others sick or hospitalized or worse, and there is the other side. Those that complain, cause drama, make up lies and spread misinformation, create faux science statements just because it sounds good in their minds, those that complain about kids having to wear masks that “bruise and blister their faces”, but yet have no kids themselves in school. There are always two sides to every story folks!
There are more than two sides. There’s only two sides if you think “I am right and everyone else is wrong”. Simple example, those who do have kids and have real concerns about their kids wearing masks at school.
And which side would Gov. Newsom fall on ZeroHawk?
The burden of proof is on those imposing the mandates to show they are effective, not the other way around. I’ve posted many times here studies that have shown cloth masks don’t work to recue the spread, you’ve ridiculed them all for various reasons none of which had to do with the actual study, the science, or the data presented. Do you have an RCT that cloth masks are at all effective at preventing the spread of covid? I’ll hold my breath…
VOICE of ABOSULTELY NO REASON – “The burden of proof is on those imposing the mandates to show they are effective, not the other way around.” That is not the same as proving masks are ineffective. You know that.
You again dodge the burden. Your statement that masks are provide no benefit against covid is WRONG. It’s not true and it’s been proven time and again that they, even cloth masks, provide some degree of protection. Stop lying and show us where “science” (remember you called me the “Science Denier”) says the masks provide zero benefit.
You can’t.
OK I concede I may have misread that…
“The burden of proof is on those imposing the mandates to show they are effective, not the other way around.” – OK, fine. They’ve proved time and time again that masks are effective at reducing, even slightly, the spread of covid.
But again, the burden is ON YOU. You claim there is no benefit and that “science” backs your claim, but you fail to show us that proof. You make the claim, you back it up.
“Masks reduce the expulsion of respiratory aerosols (called source control) and offer some protection to the wearer.” (
“cloth masks may provide some protection if well designed and used correctly” (
Are the Cons still pushing Ivermectin?
Neither of those are an RCT on the effectiveness of cloth mask in reducing the spread of Covid 19. From your CDC link “The use of cloth masks during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is under debate.” and “cloth masks MAY provide some protection IF well designed and used correctly.” The use of the word “MAY” signals an opinion and not a something backed up by a scientific study, otherwise they would have used the word “WILL”. Statements like that from the CDC might have been justifiable back in the summer of 2020, but two years into this and they don’t have a firm, science backed answer is a dereliction of duty (though I think they know they don’t work, just as Fauci first said, which is why they don’t have a robust study to back it up).
Snorky has provided the answer to the question posed by the OP. It bears repeating. To report violations, fill out and submit the form you’ll find here:
Any business that flouts the public health measures has shown that its proprietors care more about their own convenience and profit than they care for the health of their community. They deserve to lose your business, since they have nothing but contempt for you. Report them to the Public Health Department.
These business should be reported and fined, and they should be listed publicly on the PHD website. We have enough COVIDIOTS out there prolonging this pandemic that we don’t need to pay them for the privilege.
VOICE – even if cloth masks are .000000000000000000000000000000000001% effective, your claim is wrong.
I’m not debating HOW effective they are, I know they’re by far not the most. I’m calling you out, again, on your repeated claim that they offer “NO protection” as in 0%.
I’m not doing your homework anymore. I’ve proven over and over that “science” says they’re at least somewhat beneficial, which…again…. proves you wrong.
So we’re going to fine SoFi stadium then? Everyone should have been in a mask (even Newsom) when not actively eating or drinking. You’re aghast and the danger of a small business in Goleta not enforcing mask mandates at the same time as a maskless event in Los Angeles occurs that brought together 70,000 people from around the US to mix & mingle together who today will now return to their hometowns after mixing it up in Los Angeles mask-free with the governor of CA, mayor of LA, and mayor of SF – the lead politicians in creating and maintain our State of Emergency and mask mandates. It’s scary how people can’t see what’s right under their nose hint: it’s not a mask!).
So do you, you’re family, and your BIL wear a helmet while driving? A life jacket in the jacuzzi? Definitely wouldn’t ever go outside when cloudy for fear of lightening strikes? That the risk tolerance level you’re purportedly comfortable with.
VOR these people will believe Newsom when he says “it was just momentarily while I took a photo” even though there are multiple photos available of him at the game without a mask. It’s not about science or safety, it’s about control.
What was a lie? If a helmet has a .00001% chance of saving your loved ones why would you not have them wear it? Why are you more concerned about covid sending a loved one to the hospital vs. a head injury, especially when both can be prevented (if, as you say, cloth masks work)?
There’s video too of Newsom hugging, high fiving, and yucking it up mask free with immunocompromised, HIV+ Magic Johnson, who also was mask free. Apparatenly, the elites aren’t as concerned as the sheep.
Zero, do you believe those who violate state law in Florida in an attempt to impose illegal mask mandates are rule breakers who should be punished, or heroes who should be supported?
Weighing in on the mask effectiveness debate.
“A September 2021 study published in Oxford Academic’s Clinical Infectious Diseases journal found that surgical masks reduce viral shedding in aerosols from COVID-19 patients by 48% to 77%. Another study, published in the American Society for Microbiology Journals in October 2020, determined surgical masks reduce the amount of COVID-19 inhaled by the mask-wearer by about 50%.”
Anyone who thinks that masks aren’t helpful, faced with the mountains of data out there proving their effectiveness, is either a complete idiot or is pushing an agenda of willful ignorance.
@3:58 as it relates to properly fitted and properly worn N95’s, you are correct. As it relates to cloth masks, you’re incorrect.
Notice, if you bother to read anything posted by this fabulist, that the result was from “non-clinical research” – in other words, not trials carried out in humans. No surprise there – that’s the same result you get with bleach.
VOICE – let me just ask you straight up, once and for all – are you seriously saying that cloth masks have ZERO benefit towards reducing the spread of COVID? Yes or no.
4:05 – Sorry, but that’s just not truthful, and you know it.
I guess you didn’t read your own source, or, as usual, only saw what you wanted to see.
To quote your linked story again:
“The original Reuters story misstated that ivermectin was “effective” against Omicron in Phase III clinical trials, which are conducted in humans.”
My comment was very truthful, many have known for a while, everyone else is finally catching on, that cloth masks are, how did they put it: “Cloth masks are little more than facial decorations.” said CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Leana Wen
You obviously equate truth with anything you choose to believe, no matter how ridiculous or counterfactual it is.
VOICE – “little more” means, well……. “little more.” Ergo, your own quote proves you wrong….. again. “Cloth masks provide NO benefit” is WRONG.
CONS – “SAC- wearing a mask is greater than .1%” – there it is. That’s all I’ve been trying to say all day. Thanks for finally getting it! Maybe you can help ol’ VOICE out. He’s still having a heck of time trying to figure this one out!
Where I was going was that the owners of the business and one employee were clearly violating the County’s mask mandate. The patrons, come and go and are exposed to a small number of people who are at the establishment at the same time. The owners/employee are there all day long and exposed to everyone who comes and goes, which is a large number of people. It is clearly a violation of the Health Department rules. I’d like them to follow the rules, plain and simple.
Thank you for answering my (OP) question. I appreciate the information (instead of pontificating and armchair quarterbacking).
VOICE, You didn’t quote the full statement, and the second sentence is they key part. The recent change from cloth masks is due to Omicron’s increased transmissibility, 2 to 3 times that of Delta. The cloth masks worked with Delta, now move on to a better mask for Omicron.
Why is it hard for people to understand that the COVID virus has changed and that our preventative measures need to also change and keep up.
Here’s the full statement:
“Cloth masks are little more than facial decorations. There’s no place for them in light of Omicron,” said CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Leana Wen
The people prolonging this pandemic are the people who are making kids wear masks to school and reporting businesses for letting people run on a treadmill without a mask. These forever maskers are the Covidiots…
I don’t see this as any different than if some restaurant decided that hand washing after using the restroom was a waste of effort. I’d prefer to let the Health Department correct the situation, and I won’t be patronizing this business again in the near future. I did try to contact business earlier in the month to ask about a previous (but similar) occurrence, and they never acknowledged my email.
Duke, apparently you can’t catch Covid sitting down only standing.
Sure – I can get behind it for grocery stores and pharmacies. But people complaining about maskless people at bars and gyms are truly ridiculous. That’s not a necessity and it doesn’t matter if the other person at the bar is masked for the 3 steps they take to the door… thats just dumb through and through. And masking kids for 7+ hours per day is terrible… advocating for that is reprehensible.
Truth hurts!
I suggest that you state your concerns to the manager or owner. If you are not satisfied, then don’t patronize and let the owner know. Please do not report to the government. Businesses nationwide have suffered horrifically as a consequence of mandates. I believe that after this is behind us, we will recognize that the economic devastation and the mental health impacts both were far worse than the actual pandemic itself. When I patronize a business or restaurant, I consider myself a guest. If they enforce masking, I comply. If not, it’s my decision. And for the record: I am fully vaccinated; I’ve taken tests 3 times over the past year and half (all negative); I grocery shop early Sunday mornings, and avoid crowds. I am concerned that government will not let go of this event ever, and meantime we lose our freedoms. Rather, we are handing them over. And THAT is far more dangerous than any virus. The Bill of Rights is what stands between you and me, and tyranny.
I believe after the CDC announced cloth masks are not effective against the current variant, and Gavin Newsom was at the NFL football game with all of his buddies not wearing a mask, the mandate is over.
Continue to wear a mask if you chose that is important.
How would you know? You don’t seem to have ever encountered any.
CANYONKID – “CDC announced cloth masks are not effective against the current variant” – that is a lie and never happened. On the contrary, from the CDC website – “Masks offer protection against all variants.” (
I get what you wrote, but there is either a mandate or there isn’t. Since there is and while there is, affected businesses, such as restaurants, should obey it; if they refuse, their choice, they should post a sign at the door, “masks are optional” and that would give fair warning to customers. …SPBPat was not calling for the police but asking for “the SB County Public Health Department (to) stop by and educate these people. ” …Education is good and so is choice.
Definition of “mandate: instruct, order, direct, command, tell, require, charge, call on. ” “wish for” is not part of the definition.
Our own governor was photographed unmasked at a sporting event this weekend attended by tens of thousands of people, most of whom were also not wearing a mask. Numerous states ditched the masks long ago and have the same ate of transmission as CA or lower. Local businesses have suffered enough over the past two years. Don’t patronize the business if it bothers you that much.
The families of over 800,000 who have died will disagree with you. Public Health has asked the public to report issues with mask compliance.
Watch out, Ed Rooney and the fun police are looking for you!
Canyon- just self identify as the Governor or as attending a football game when you enter the store. When they question you, show them the photos.
SoCalMommy in the past, you have demonstrated a cult members’ level of anti-vaccination thinking.
The New Age anti vaxx hippy moms are also to blame for many deaths.
If you think cloth masks provide a benefit for covid you are Science Denier.
Bird, then what say you to those who put this mandate in place and continually don’t follow it themselves?
VOICE – Nope. Prove to me they don’t provide any benefit at all. Not just “minimal,” absolutely zero. Until then, check out my new website:
The science, the data all disagree with you. Even the pro-lockdown, fear mongering, we’re all gonna die “experts” at CNN and the mainstream media area saying non-N95’s don’t work. If they did, two years into this, we would have undeniable proof they’re effective via rigorous Randomized Controlled Trials, but we don’t, because they don’t work. You will argue with me that the sky isn’t blue, but these are the facts. The burden of proof is not on proving they don’t work, the burden of proof is on those mandating that their mandates work. As much as Newsom (and you) wish it were, CA and the USA is not a dictatorship.
VOICE – nope. You’ve failed the task. Where is the science that cloth masks provide “no benefit?” Show us, don’t just sit there making things up.
VOICE – “The science, the data all disagree with you” Show us. For your statement to be true, the “science and data” would have to show that cloth masks provide ZERO benefit. Do you not understand words?
Here’s CNN’s take on cloth masks:
The whole premise of the mask mandate is silly and nonsensical. Wear a mask while you walk into a restaurant or bar and then sit down next to people and everyone takes off their mask…it’s beyond silly…it’s a charade of idiocy.
False equivalences…the business in Goleta is not the same as SoFi Stadium. I’m not saying that maskless attendees at the game was okay, just pointing out the difference in venues, SoFi being considered an outside venue because it is open on the ends and requiring proof of vaccination or testing prior to entrance.
A mask providing 1% filtration and 1% illegal immigration at the border is also a false equivalence…I’m actually still trying to wrap my head around why these two things are in the same sentence.
And lastly, the biggest false equivalence bandied about and causing discord…wearing a mask vs not wearing a mask. It is opposite, but not equal.
False balance (bothsidesism) also rears its head with mask/COVID discussion.
Madhatter- what is the false equivalence for a Goleta business versus SoFi stadium? Because one is outdoors? Genuinely asking.
It would be great if people could stop taking the most extreme possible implication from a statement as if it were the fundamental intent of the speaker. HA, that’ll be the day.
Chip- I like this question of yours and hopefully I can answer it. I personally believe that our government should be limited in scope and power. I believe in individual freedom. I don’t believe that school district officials should be imposing on freedoms and I don’t believe Florida should be punishing school officials. But if I had to pick, in most cases I am going to lean towards the side that fights for individual freedoms. I do not believe in enforcing laws regardless of what they are. There are many bad laws in our country that get enforced and many bad laws that don’t get enforced. Hopefully that makes sense? It did in my head at least
Can anyone else answer this question because I’d like to know
SAC- I view it as this, you support my freedom to not wear one, and I support your freedom to wear one. Then there is no need for enforcement
I truly don’t understand where SBPat is going with this. His/Her friends went out to eat and got COVID, and somehow that is because someone on the staff wasn’t masked (though obviously everyone in the restaurant was unmasked as they ate and drank)…? The whole charade of wearing a mask while you order a coffee and then sitting down 2 feet away and eating and drinking it is crazy. You have to walk into a bar with a mask but on the stool close to people maskless is fine???
Wow… what is happening here?? I’ve got two soap boxes in my garage and will happily tote them out to Shoreline Park tomorrow morning if folks can coax CONSERVATIVESB and SACJON to put some cloths on and come out of their bedrooms to face-off in public… VOICE_OF_REASON can moderate, masks optional.
hmmmm so does your company also not care if your “own health decisions” directly and negatively impact and intrude on the “health decisions” of coworkers and customers?
If anything, the false equivalence is that a packed full SoFi stadium (concessions and hallways are interior) with people from all over the US is a much higher risk place than a small store in Goleta.
Wearing masks is not a law .
My company believes in everyone’s freedoms. Mask? Great. No mask? Great. Vaccine? Great. No vaccine? Great. It’s really not a new concept.
VOR- I was really asking because this isn’t an indoor/outdoor question. Those who make the argument never saw the photos. The pictures were taken inside an enclosed VIP box. They are literally wrapping their arms around each other indoors. So the risk of spread is much higher in their photo. The only false equivalence is that the people who create the rules don’t have to follow them
HARBOR – hardly a soap box, just me asking for a simple thing – the science showing that masks are completely ineffective against the spread of covid. The rest is just VOICE and CON spiraling and dodging the simple question. Don’t get your hopes up.
Like SAC states, there is no arguing with someone who will still wear a mask if it’s only 0.1% effective. At a point long before 0.1%, you’re just wearing a facial garment.
CONSERVATIVE – it’s more than .1% so just stop. The whole point is I would be willing to be minorly inconvenienced to reduce a loved one’s risk of death by ANY degree, no matter how small, and you wouldn’t. That’s the difference. I hope your family and loved ones are all healthy and well. Not all of us can enjoy that peace of mind.
SAC- wearing a mask is greater than .1% BUT you said you would still wear one if it were .1%. I support you wearing one if it’s .1%. I don’t support you mandating me to wear one even if it were 100%. Those are our own decisions to make.
Let’s reset here and remember the comment that set this off:
“If you think cloth masks provide a benefit for covid you are Science Denier.” – Voice of whatever
He is, and has been all along, unable to provide any proof of his stance that masks provide zero benefit. If you can help him support that verifiably false claim, please do. No more “what about” the border or Florida or a Rams game…… I challenge all of you to back that claim. Until then, I’m out.
CON – FFS this isn’t about mandates! Read my latest post about Voice’s comment that set this off. You and your con buds here need to stop what abouting and rambling off topic.
Prove that masks provide zero benefit against covid.
Provide the proof that wearing a life jacket provides zero benefit against drowning in my morning cup of coffee. Until then, I will continue wearing it.
Understood Sac. You believe masks should be required no matter what, even if such a requirement is illegal. Taking that position is fine, but you can’t also claim to believe that rules are rules and the law should always be enforced. You believe in masks above all else as a matter of personal faith, and while I respect your right to live in accordance with your faith I draw the line when you attempt to impose your faith on me.
don’t report them? why? there is a mandate in effect and they aren’t given a pass. if clients are coming in respecting the mandate, certainly the employees should as well.
Gee, it seems our esteemed Governor thinks going maskless is OK. What does that tell you? Duh.
Like Gavin Newsom, for instance.
Every day in every paper we can read c-19 stats. Perhaps Edhat could do an article on all the businesses in the County that are gone due to Public Health Policies.
DUKE – really? Masks at grocery stores where you only quickly pass someone are OK, but not at gyms and bars where you are close up and personal for long periods of time, sweating and yelling? I always mask up at the gym if anyone is near me. I literally can see the spit and sweat fly out of our mouths. I think you got this backwards man.
My self and others here fully support your preference to wear a mask whenever you feel like it. Properly worn, N95’s protect you. The vaccines protect you. You have everything you need to take care of yourself and minimize the threat of covid down to and below the threat posed by many other respiratory viruses we’ve been living with all our lives.
Sac – my point is about where and when it could possibly be reasonable to demand everyone mask. People don’t need to go to bars, nightclubs, restaurants, gyms, etc… to demand people walk into a bar with a mask before they can then take it off is silly. Wanting to force someone to wear a mask while working out, is silly. If you are truly worried about Covid, it’s really simple… don’t go to gyms or nightclubs…
Everyone on the planet will catch Covid-19, mask or no mask.
The damage has definitely already been done by Reuters’ publishing this inaccurate article. The retraction and correction will barely be seen.
“TOKYO, Jan 31 (Reuters) – Japanese trading and pharmaceuticals company Kowa Co Ltd (7807.T) on Monday said that anti-parasite drug ivermectin showed an “antiviral effect” against Omicron and other coronavirus variants in joint non-clinical research.
The company, which has been working with Tokyo’s Kitasato University on testing the drug as a potential treatment for COVID-19, did not provide further details.
The original Reuters story misstated that ivermectin was “effective” against Omicron in Phase III clinical trials, which are conducted in humans.
A Japanese company found that the antiparasitic drug ivermectin showed an “antiviral effect” against the omicron variant in a lab setting. Reuters has corrected a story in which it “misstated” that the drug was effective in a phase 3 clinical trial with human subjects. Some social media users have repeated Reuters’ reporting error but have not repeated the correction.
I searched “reuters correction ivermectin japan” to find these articles.
Here’s the correction article on a conservative site:
Joe Rogan is, AFTER Reuters published a corrected, clarified story.
Nope. But enjoy that fantasy.
About those kids, please read this report from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Can someone please explain to me why the rates for the children of CA and FL so closely matched? CA kept schools closed the longest, still requires universal masking, and has crazy covid quarantine policies, while FL was quickly back to in person learning with no masks, how could this possible be? Shouldn’t children be filling up hospitals in FL by now? Shouldn’t CA cases be much lower than FL? Please make it make sense.
Part of the discrepancy is because DeSantis in Florida has his thumb on the scales of their health department, appointing a COVID conspiracist as its head and stifling information flow.
So you answer is governmental fraud, tin foil hat on a little tight there @2:59?
Details on Florida’s poor choices:
Yet more recent news on Florida’s health debacle:
For all the criticism of florida, it gained population in the last year while california lost a record setting 1%. By the time the 2030 census is conducted, california will likely lose several representatives in the house and Florida, texas, and other growing states will gain. It has also been interesting to see so many mask mandate supporting politicians caught vacationing in Florida over the last two years. Even they seem to appreciate Florida’s policies. Finally, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the uk, and now Canada are all starting to follow Florida’s lead in eliminating covid restrictions.
So still the only answer to why super strict CA with school closures and masks, and FL with open schools and no masks, yet nearly identical pediatric covid rates is because….. Florida is fraudulently alerting/withholding their stats? What about the other states and even entire countries that never masked their kids? Are they lying about their child covid stats too?
Even more:
VOR you must not read much…what @2:59 said was 100% true and accurate. DeSantis has been ignoring doctors, scientists, and virologists across the nation. He flips back n forth just about every other week. He has officially assigned a very well known conpiracy theorist as the head of their health department. so yeah….tin foil hat snarky comment just backfired pal. please do some reading before you post.
You’re getting close Zero! If DeSantis ignored “doctors, scientists, and virologists across the nation” why are their pediatric covid rates nearly identical to super strict, “follow the experts” CA’s?
Because they fudge the data. Look, everyone with an ounce of common sense realizes that DeSantis is cast in the same mold as the orange moron as far as self-serving mendacity, and is turning Florida into a hot mess.
So how you would you explain all the other states and countries that didn’t close schools and mask kids? They fudge the data too? If an entire state could fudge the data, what’s ruling out other states like CA, or the federal government from fudging data for their own benefit? No no no, they wouldn’t ever do that…..
Anyone with a reasonable answer out there?
If SoFi is considered an outdoor venue, why wouldn’t any room with windows and doors open also be considered “outdoor”?
Voice, I suspect things could get interesting as we get closer to the midterms. Biden is going to do anything and everything he can to try to avert what is increasingly looking to be a disastrous election for him. Declaring victory over covid and getting life back to the way it was in years past could be one angle to try to win votes. However, states like california and New York are likely going to want to persist with covid mandates and regulations. I don’t think all the folks here who want to carry on with everyone wearing masks forever would give all that up just because biden says covid is over. I’m looking forward to seeing how that plays out.,of%20particles%20on%20average.
“Researchers tested how well different masks and modifications filter out airborne salt particles, which are the same size as the smallest SARS-CoV-2 particles, but are not harmful.”
“For example, surgical masks with ties provided 71.5 percent filtration, while surgical masks with ear loops only provided 38.1 percent.”
” the effectiveness of the masks varied widely: a three-layer knitted cotton mask blocked an average of 26.5 percent of particles in the chamber, while a washed, two-layer woven nylon mask with a filter insert and metal nose bridge blocked 79 percent of particles on average. Other masks scored somewhere in between.”
It looks like a one layer cotton mask may provide very minimal protection
I believe Omicron is not more infectious because it produces smaller particles that fit through a cloth mask, but rather because Omicron produces multiple times more particles.
25% of 100 particles is one thing, 25% of 500 particles is another.
If our leaders were serious about masking, they would always be wearing the most effective masks worn properly.
Most people seem to be wearing the minimum to fulfill the regulation. I rarely see people wearing top end NIOSH approved N95 masks
Since COVID is very much an urban spreader, there are likely many people in rural areas who will never be exposed, but a dominant percentage of the global population will eventually be exposed to COVID or to the vaccines.
25% of the USA have tested positive for COVID. Experts reckon the number of actual cases to be double that.
64% of the US are fully vaccinated
COVID will still be with us for years
CHIP, it’s florida. I don’t care what they do. I care what people in my community does, not a state more than half a country away. So do I believe this or that about them and what they do? No i don’t even remotely think about it. Again, it’s Florida. This is California. Santa Barbara to be specific.
however…since you asked me, i will answer for you. Thinking about it now…I would say they are the smarter ones out of the bunch down there, Chip. They are the ones simply putting a mask on their faces whereas the others, like yourself, constantly cry and whine about this or that and some random ‘freedoms’ being taken from us. Hey man…you know what is far worse than losing a tad bit of “freedoms”? Dying. That’s far worse. So yeah, those folks that are attempting to impose an “illegal” mask mandate are heros and clearly they have more intelligence and concern for their fellow community members than the ones opposing it.
Conserv. I’ve got kids and I’ve got kids in local schools in town. They all wear masks and are all vaxed. Their faces aren’t blistered and bruised either, in fact i had them read those posts on Edhat and m boy printed them out and took them into school yesterday. His entire homeroom class had a huge laugh about what some of you folks are saying….i actually do this often when people that obviously don’t know what they are talking about and don’t even have kids, start popping off about whats going on in our schools. The kids are fine. The schools have a good system in place. The kids all wear masks, most (majority) at SMHS are vaxed too. There are kids of course that don’t follow the rules, just like any rule, kids don’t always follow them. Those kids get talked to and 2nd time, the folks are called in. Pretty simple, if you want to take advantage of our socialist run schools, you follow their basic guidelines and rules, otherwise you have the choice to leave campus and find an alternative school that isn’t enforcing a mask policy or vax policy. But really, those schools don’t exist…..
real concerns about their kids wearing a mask in school. Do you have kids in school in the state? If so, whats your problem about protecting your kids health? Whats the problem with following a simple rule? Life is full of rules and guidelines. You can’t wear a dallas cowboys shirt at school. Where is the outrage there? You can’t tell my kid what he/she/it can’t or can wear! Yes they can. It’s called school policy. Don’t like it? You can always find another school, but those schools, even private ones have policies. Man I grew up in the punk rock scene and am all about no authority and non conforming, but this is just stoooooopid. wear a mask it will protect you. just like it does for the folks in a hospital….you do know thats why they wear them right? That’s another thing…where is the outrage that a doctor must wear a mask in surgery? because according to you guys…those masks do nothing…cept blister your face lol….
Obesity is out of control, yes. However, it’s not a simple thing, and never will be. Unfortunately, if you become obese as a child (for whatever reason), it will affect your weight forever. So if you are obese through no fault of your own (what elementary school kid chooses their own food?), you are already going to have great difficulty reaching (or maintaining) a “healthy” weight.
Many European countries have less obesity – for a number of reasons, that I can think of, from my vacation to Denmark a few years ago. Fifth floor walkups. Fewer cars and expensive cars and gas. Bike lanes everywhere…a large percentage of the population walks or bikes to work. Shorter work hours…so that you can walk or bike to work. More vacation time – no working when you are actually on vacation. Smaller portion sizes. Better healthcare.
Natural immunity is not a myth…I read…somewhere…that a Delta infection provided quite a bit of immunity to Omicron. Of course, it was still deadly, which is bad.
Are masks effective?? Hot off the press…yes they are!
And do you prefer to flaunt precautions and personally find out if COVID affects your brain?? No thanks! Some findings that warrant further study, and a mention about being careful with the reagent fluid in some COVID rapid test kits because it might be the poisonous sodium azide.
Ed- We rural folks do go to town often enough,once a week or so, to contract Covid and take it back to the hinter lands. I doubt there will much delay in rural infection. We’ll see.
Denmark just lifted ALL Covid restrictions and are returning to their pre-Covid life. Their Covid models of the peaks were spot on, unlike the lock-down driving modeling in Britain. This is an excellent vid with the doctor who did the modeling that finally freed the Danes.
Covid is now endemic and even Fauci now says that everyone is likely to catch some form of Covid. We personally are over it and only mask where others are masked, and this solely out of respect for them. Two years of living in FEAR has been brutal and the lifting of said weight has been a delight.
Other states have been fully open with no restrictions for months to over a year, and on any given day, their active cases are indiscernible from ours. In other states kids have been in school nearly the entire pandemic, without masks, and their pediatric rates are no different than ours. How could that be? ! ? How can we look at that and continue to keep our young children in masks?
My Danish friends are very happy. Their death rates are far better than ours though.
Right on MADHATTER. No point arguing with VOR, they are very consistent in their unwillingness (or inability?) to deal with changing times…the virus changes, and our masks much change also. Thus, I wore a KN95 (head straps, not ear loops) while donating blood in a room full of people this week.
Denmark is also a vastly different country compared to the US. They were going to fare much better regardless due to the health of their people and access to healthcare. The U.S. is full of obese people who mostly eat saturated fats and preservatives, our immune systems are crap compared to most European countries.
Yeah, Denmark didn’t have the levels of mask and vaccine denial that we have, or the myth of “natural immunity”. Same for most of the Nordic countries, except Sweden, which screwed their populace.
“Myth of natural immunity”? This is what actual misinformation looks like.
Chevy, I think you bring up a good point regarding obesity. There is a summary of the societal harm caused by the obesity epidemic from the CDC at the link below. Unfortunately, this problem has been exacerbated as a result of covid policies and current obesity rates are even higher. Given the magnitude of the problem and it’s impact on public health, I think we need to implement an emergency public health mandate to address obesity. Every American should be required to have their BMI evaluated. Those who are in a healthy weight range should be issued a health pass, perhaps it could even be integrated with their driver’s license or passport. We could then require a valid health pass be presented to enter non-essential businesses and to engage in non-essential travel. Another helpful approach could be a tax on those who fail to maintain a healthy body weight. Obesity is out of control, and fighting obesity will save countless lives, improve public health, and save taxpayers billions of dollars.