Goleta Water Quality

By an edhat reader

The Goleta water is abnormally chalky and bad tasting. Yes, worse than usual. What and where is this happening? Three people I know in Isla Vista complaining so far.


Written by surfergirl69

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  1. Because that’s what Goletans pay for! Big question, though, is why are the Goleta water board members paid so much $$ while the Santa Barbara water board members are volunteers? Goleta councilmembers also are paid more than their Santa Barbara equivalents for the amount of time they put in. Obviously, it’s a rich little city and money goes to salaries not water quality.

  2. Actually, building homes on farmland reduces water use. Farming uses way more water than homes use. About half of California’s water flows into the ocean, about 40% is used for agriculture, and about 10% is for domestic use. No matter how much we cut back on domestic use, it will barely put a dent in the problem.

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