By the Santa Barbara Airport
Santa Barbara Airport (SBA) is proud to announce the newest amenity for a traveling parent in need of a private space to breastfeed or pump while utilizing our Terminal, a secure and private Lactation Pod. This new facility can be found on the second floor of the Terminal building, past the TSA Security Check Point, and just to the right of Gate 2.
A parent in need of this facility can access the Lactation Pod via the Mamava app, available for Apple and Android devices. This smart lock technology ensures the safety and security of the parent to breastfeed or pump in private. The Lactation Pod is private, comfortable, and spacious, with controllable lighting and airflow, electrical plug for a pump, bench seating, and enough room for a stroller. The Lactation Pod size and design is also wheelchair accessible and incorporates handrail features.
SBA Administration also took great care in the customized design of the Lactation Pod. Both inside and out, it fits right into the Spanish style of the Terminal design and gives a beautiful and inspiring space to traveling mothers while in use.
Learn more about what Santa Barbara Airport has to offer to its passengers at
Spend the taxpayers money like it’s your own- ya right – no wonder taxes never stop going up
Better than a toilet? That’s crazy, there is no reason one cannot feed one’s child in any public space. If people are offended by a child eating, let them go sit in a pod.
“parent to breastfeed”.
Mother become a dirty word !!!
Erm, no. We’re living in the present here, where not all birth-and breastfeeding-capable individuals prefer to be called mother. What’s it to you?
8:12- 100%. Although I was wondering about “Mothers” preferring not to be referred to as Mothers. Who might they be and what do they prefer to be called if not Mothers? A pronoun?
If this is the track society is going down I want off the train.
@GFY don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
It’s creepy bros like you that make this kind of Sh!t necessary.
We’re very happy to let you off the train, later sucka!
Low intelligence republican posts – always defaming women. Not surprising.
GENERALTREE continuing with his usual HATE generalizations… Nice.
GT: What post are you referring to? Just the usual troll? Not surprised at the upvotes…
Those who were triggered are the biggest offenders…..
Ummm, to be honest. I think that was you bro…
How did Republicans get involved in this article about a lactation pod at SBA? No matter the article you can rest assured GT will show up to spew his hate towards others.
Hilarious, Voice. I get both newsletters for the local Dems and GOP. The GOP newsletter is constantly filled with hate at minority groups. Trans community, immigrants, people of color, low income, etcetera. Most of the same talking points I’ve seen on a specific cable news network. There is certainly hate out there, but a lot of it is coming from one side, nationally and locally.
Complete B.S. @12:31. Do tell what “newsletters” you receive from the Dems and GOP?
So you don’t know what newsletters I’m referencing but it’s already BS? Interesting. I get the Santa Barbara GOP newsletters by Bobbi McGinnis and the Santa Barbara Democratic Party. Maybe I’ll write an op-ed on this specific topic and you can tell me how it’s more “BS” when I’m directly quoting the newsletters instead of clogging this feed.
No matter the place or time, I am not going to be to concerned about my “privacy” concerning the nourishment of my child. Nor would I be one centime concerned about anyone else’s opinion.
Looks like a great area to do drugs before a flight. Get the app and do whatever you want in there…
Perhaps it will become the SBA Instagram Sex Pod for the Sea-Level Club….
Dang, everyone is so latched onto this conversation. Really milking it for all it’s worth. That POD is a behemoth, udderly ridiculous you think you have to seclude yourself in a giant Tide POD to feed your child. *Yacht Rocked* —> epic! And approve! haha
“Milking it”. LOL.
I’m fine with the pod, even though I believe that women should be able to breast feed their babies wherever they want. Some women are not at all comfortable feeding their baby openly in public…that’s fine, cover up if that’s what you want to do. Unfortunately, the boundaries will and have been tested with these “pods” and nursing rooms. There are activist groups of paraphilic infantilists who have been utilizing these pods. I want to say that this is absolutely wrong, but my guess is that for those living in “here and now” are okay with it. Whatever floats a boat I suppose.
Wait, so you think that people who are sexually turned on by pretending to be babies are going to go to the airport to sit in or perhaps nurse from their adult sexual partner in this pod?
Thank you, Baby cakes for the best one yet.
Lighten up 805. College kids aren’t the only ones with a sense of humor.