Homeless Camps in Old Town Goleta

By an edhat reader

I have been seeing homeless people living at the end of Magnolia Street in Old Town Goleta. I send many messages to the city and they tell me they deal with it, but the trash is left.

Some residents want to clean it up ourselves but worry about possible confrontations. Is there a better solution to cleanup the trash?



Written by Anonymous

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  1. If you wait for the government to address a decades old problem you may die of old age.
    Charge the government, City, for the time and clean up. Send them a bill.
    Here’s an idea, deduct it from your taxes as you are performing a government action, maintaining public land, or list it as charity donation to the community.
    Either way don’t hold your breath.

  2. The railroad right of way is the private property of the RR. They send out crews regularly to clean up the mess. Someone can contact them to ask for intervention. But the question not being asked or answered is why do we have, in a affluent society, people living like this? It should be an embarrassment to our nation that we do not provide housing and medical care and food for our least competent.

    • Why? Because liberals do not want people to become self sufficient and productive. You end up getting a bunch of slackers who just take and have no incentive to do otherwise. Unfortunately these slackers overshadow the people who truly need help. These slackers are not stupid – hence why they choose SB as a place to set up shop. Our government just enables them so you get more and more.

    • Some of it is pure choice, I know people that do NOT want to work or pay taxes, rent, etc and would rather “camp”. For some it is choice, for others it is addiction, some it is mental illness… SB has the climate where you can camp outside almost year round. We have a lot of resources for homeless here and they know it – free medical care, free camping supplies, free housing in more and more cases, etc. Many of the homeless in town have smart phones and are way more resourceful than people are giving them credit for!

  3. Its a Mexican old town mostly. It’s mostly old white people that live at those tracks behind the M streets. Back then when I was young the gangs (PJS) would make sure they didn’t stay. Harass beat then up and stuff. Why because they would steal. They didn’t buy all that stuff they stole it. But now those are the druggies these guys sell 2 so they are more than happy to let them be around. This is reality

  4. TGOD805 has it entirely correct. The gangs used to be the enforcers and keep the area clean, but now the “unhoused individuals” steal from the neighborhoods and are a market for the drugs the gangs sell, so it is a recurrent cycle. If you well meaning folks want to go out there with trash bags and pick up after them, good on ya. You might run across things that have “gone missing” from your yards and garages. Maybe your kid’s bike !!

  5. A good majority of these homeless individuals have serious drug, alcohol and mental issues. One just can’t just put them in housing. I myself was homeless and I do know what it is like trying to survive out in the streets of SB. In April of 2015 I finally received housing at a residential old hotel (more like a insane asylum) with the majority of the residents here, and they did not want to adjust to a normal way of living. They still had that street mentality do what I want, no one tells me what to do and not following the rules attitude here. Drugs, alcohol, destruction of the property, threats and violence to other residents. I myself was threaten quite a few times. Just a couple of months ago, a male (a trust fund baby) resident in their late 30’s who had mental and drug issues OD on fentanyl in his room. The cleaning lady hired by his parents to clean his room found him dead. He had his room filthy like a homeless encampment. And there is a lady here that she has her room like a homeless encampment that the housekeeper can’t even go there for weekly cleaning. It was about 4 or 5 years ago somebody made a suggestion here on edhat to put all the homeless individuals out on the oil rigs that are not in operation. Not too bad of an idea. They cannot buy any alcohol or illegal drugs. Teach them how to fish and lobster trapping, and drop off of monthly supplies of food, water, clothing and have Doctor Without Walls to go out there for medical check ups.

  6. Hey ya’ll I’m homeless right now I have been homeless since 2015 and I became homeless due to more than just one event but an array of issues that all came down throughout these years ……. I know almost all the homeless folks on the tracks of Goleta and I can tell you this most of them are all really good people just stuck in there own personal challenges weather it be addiction,death of a loved one, loss of job, depression , or mental illnesses……. Sometimes we do things that we have to in order to eat or find shelter . I speak for myself it seems like every time I get closer to going up a notch in society I’m chopped down financially or mentally by something ……. If you haven’t been homeless before you may not realize that a lot of the everyday luxuries that you may take for granted for us are very major for us like taking a shower or having heat or a kitchen to cook or a bathroom to use… I’m not asking for a hand out and I am not scared to work …… I’m just trying to get a little back into society and have a place to work but rent is so amazingly high and I’m trying to remain living in my car while dodging the sheriff from giving me tickets while trying to pay my registration and gas and keep my belongings safe and remembering appointments filling out paperwork while trying to cook as it’s raining and it goes on it’s everyday struggles it’s just different struggles of someone that has a house. I know everyone has struggles in there life but ours are more obvious to others I guess…… really if I could feel safe and know I could be excepted and my stuff be secure and cops wouldn’t be trying to tow my home/car I would be more available to get work. I do take on as many side jobs and hussels I can get in order to pay my storage, gas, cell phone , etc…… anyways just saying I do know there are some bad apples that may not know how to pick up after themselves and have an extreme case of the “fix£|%|>{> it’s” but really it’s only trash and it will be cleaned up and or biodegrade in time. I’m not trying to say it’s ok for others to live this way I’m just saying there has to be another way to approach the issue because most of the camps that are like that are the people that are either extremely high on drugs and or have mental illness and in the rare case are completely broken and just don’t give a f&$:?)/$”. Any ways I want to say I don’t have the answers to the homelessness of Goleta because some of them want to be homeless or some of them have been homeless for so long it is actually weird or foreign to live in a home to them…… I can say in my case I’d love to have a space to call my own and have a dresser for my clothes or a kitchen to cook and I will have this again some day I know it it just takes a little more time to build up any money here in this town mostly for me is having to dodge the big fines and fees of our county officers and parking people and ca state dmv fees lol . But I’m grateful to be alive and living in my home town even if I am homeless or living in my car I’m still happy to be alive and I do get to see some beautiful things from my car that not many others get to see from your homes . Have a good day and I hope to help as much as I can to better our town !!!!!!

  7. The people I feel most sorry for are the regular folks who are permanent members of the community. Our children have to see these bums and we have to deal with the added drugs and crime. A sane society would force these people into an institution of some sort; either a mental hospital or jail. It’s also sad that the county has bought-up low budget motels and turned them into shelters. These were the only option for middle and lower income families to visit our town. I much prefer low income tourists vs mentally detached bums.

    • BOARDER – you feel sorry for the people who have to SEE homeless people, but not the homeless, suffering people themselves? Are you a land baron’s wife from from the 1800s? Do you have a fainting couch? Sure sounds like it.

  8. You have substance use, mental illness and homelessness. Then you have human trafficking. They all run together. This is what happens when you combine the severest forms of all 3 in my opinion. The trafficking part of the equation assures this is the final result with no intervention. Complete and incomprehensible ruin, demoralization and destruction of another human being.

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