Removal of State Street’s Green Bike Markings

By the City of Santa Barbara

The City of Santa Barbara (City) is removing the green bike markings on the State Street Promenade. The purpose of the green markings were to channel cyclists to the center of the street and pedestrians to the sides of the street so user movements were more predictable.

While the green markings were effective positioning cyclists near the center of the street, the green markings were less effective positioning pedestrians to the sides of the street. Because of this, the city is removing the green markings and exploring other options for cyclists and pedestrians to coexist in the promenade.

Please expect traffic detours and delays at State Street intersections from Ortega Street to Victoria Street on Thursday, October 20 and Friday, October 21, while the markings are being removed. To minimize impacts to the public, work will start each day at 6 a.m. and should be complete by 5 p.m.

As a reminder, please continue to be SAFE ON STATE: All road users to be alert, stop at red lights, keep a safe distance, watch your speeds, and be respectful.

For more information, please watch:

By NatureBoy

So after spending all that money to paint the (strangely sporadic) green bike lane markers on State Street, the city has apparently decided to spend even more money to erase them by oiling them over. Anyone know what gives?

What do you think?


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  1. Why no cost estimate for this decision? The attempt to cater to bicyclists is increasingly expensive and takes resources from the 99% of us who don’t use self-powered bicycles. (I exclude the electric bike crowd as they should be subject to the same laws as all non-people powered vehicles.)

  2. This goes to show why we can’t have nice things. Too many people just don’t care to follow simple instructions anymore. People are too self absorbed to see how their actions affect others around them.
    That said, there is no reason people need to bike down State Street. Better bike lanes on side streets would be a better method.

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