By the Office of Rep. Salud Carbajal
[Last month], U.S. Representatives Salud Carbajal (CA-24) and Jimmy Panetta (CA-19) highlighted the $10 million investment in critical monarch butterfly and pollinator conservation they secured in the federal funding package passed at the end of last year.
The $10 million in federal funds, a $6 million increase over what was approved for the prior fiscal year, includes $3 million made available through the Monarch and Pollinator Highway Program, which was created as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in 2021 with the support of Panetta and Carbajal.
“I proudly represent two major monarch groves on the Central Coast of California: Pismo Beach and Goleta – both of which have been devastated by the dramatic drop off of monarch populations that we have seen over the past two decades. This decline has been a wake-up call for scientists, conservationists, and lovers of the monarch who come from far and wide to see their splendor each year,” said Rep. Carbajal. “I’m pleased we were able to secure this important increase in federal resources for preserving and growing the monarch populations in our region and across the western United States. I will continue working with Congressman Panetta and our local stakeholders to see these resources implemented to help our region, and build on this success with additional resources for the coming years.”
“The decline of monarch butterfly populations poses a serious threat to our environment, farmers, food supply, and the very character of our communities in California,” said Rep. Panetta. “This funding for the newly created Monarch and Pollinator Highway Program is critical to empowering state and local governments to restore the habitats of these essential pollinators. For generations, many Californians, including me and my family, have had the privilege of experiencing the migration of the western monarch butterfly, and providing the funding for more habitats is the least that we can do to ensure survival of this amazing species.”
The Monarch and Pollinator Highway Program promotes pollinator-friendly practices on roadsides and highway rights-of-way, including the planting and seeding of native, locally appropriate grasses, wildflowers, and milkweed. Funding is available for state departments of transportation and Native American tribes to better conserve pollinator habitats and populations.
Additional funds signed by President Biden for Fiscal Year 2023 are provided to the Department of the Interior to support western monarchs and other pollinators through the National Wildlife Refuge System, as well as $3 million to support scientific research.
Last Congress, Rep. Panetta alongside Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) reintroduced the bipartisan, bicameral Monarch Action, Recovery, and Conservation of Habitat (MONARCH) Act as well as the Monarch and Pollinator Highway Act. Rep. Carbajal was a co-lead for both efforts. The leaders plan to reintroduce the MONARCH Act in the 118th Congress.
It is estimated that monarch butterfly populations have decreased by 95 percent since the 1980s. After nearing historic lows, western monarch populations rebounded from 2,000 butterflies in 2020 to more than 247,000 in 2021.
Rep. Salud Carbajal represents California’s 24th Congressional District, encompassing Santa Barbara County and portions of San Luis Obispo County and Ventura County. He sits on the House Armed Services Committee, Agriculture Committee, and Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.
Roundup is essential for modern farming. Without roundup, highly efficient no-till farming practices would no longer be possible. This would result in a significant drop in the production of staple crops like wheat and barley. These crops are used in a wide range of food products, and for feed to produce countless more food products like meat and eggs. If roundup is banned, the resulting surge in food prices will be tremendous. There was a significant spike in prices and disruption in supply chains as a result of the Ukraine conflict reducing grain output, but doing away with roundup would be far worse. The result would be a dramatic rise in poverty at home, and famine abroad.
CHIP – the mentality that we need to stick with cancer causing chemicals and environment destroying fossil fuels to avoid an increase in prices is what has been ruining our planet for decades. Progress will cost. We can’t keep poisoning farmers and destroying our home for the sake of keeping prices low. We are one of the richest countries in the world. We have the money to make some change. Let’s spend it more wisely.
Agree 100% Sac we should spend the money wisely! Wisely as in recognizing over 60% of our countries CO2 reduction has come from switching from coal to Nat Gas power generation. As this is a global issue, the wise move would be to increase our nat gas production, liquification, and transportation infrastructure so we can export that nat gas to developing nations so they have an alternative cheap energy source they can use to move away from coal just like we did! With all the revenue and taxes generated by the exportation of natural gas we can make further improvements on the green front at home, which in turn can be exported when it becomes cost effective. Of course that would be the wise thing to do, both on the economic and environmental front, but we’re not doing that…