Meet The New Board of Directors for 2017-2018 Santa Maria Women’s Network

In July 2017 the new Board of Directors for the SMWN was voted in at their monthly meeting by its participating members. Each took an oath to perform their duties to the best of their abilities in hopes to grow the organization into one of the biggest and best Santa Maria networking groups in the area. 

The Santa Maria Women’s Network is an organization designed to promote the professional and personal development of its members. Membership includes men and women from the business and private sectors of the community who gather to exchange information, provide mutual support and assist in the overall advancement of women.

Monthly luncheons take place at the Santa Maria Country Club on the first Wednesday of each month. Luncheon costs are $22 for members and $25 for guests. Meetings include a full lunch along with networking activities or featured speakers. Proceeds help put on the annual “Women of Excellence” dinner, luncheon costs and are also distributed in scholarship funds and grants for local students, teachers, non-profits and annual member grant.

Learn more about this growing networking group at or feel free to join them at any of their monthly meetings. 

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff


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