The University Club of Santa Barbara Announces Centennial Anniversary & 2018-2019 Board

University Club of Santa Barbara Celebrates 100 years and introduces its 2018/2019 Board of Directors

The University Club of Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara’s premier social and dining club is proud to announce its Centennial Anniversary and will be hosting uniquely memorable events all year long. President Leonard Himelsein said…“Moving the Club into a new era while maintaining its historical elegance is critically important to me.” Himelsein is honored to serve his second term as President and joining him is the Club’s board of directors and they are listed below.

Leonard Himelsein, President
Lacy Taylor, Vice President
Briana McCarthy, Secretary
Jack Skidmore, Treasurer
James Ballantine, Past President
Pat Jones, Director
Alejandro Ochoa, Director
Dr. Julie Hemingway, Director
Steven Sereboff, Director
Eleanor Van Cott, Director
Justin Van Mullem, Director
John J. Thyne III
Mike Dillon


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