Cutting Edge Hair And Body Salon Joins Sustainability Initiative to Keep the Planet More Beautiful

63,180 lbs of hair clippings, 42,122 lbs of hair colour, 109,512 lbs of foil and colour tubes, and 206, 392lbs of wastepaper, salon bottles, and other paper and plastic items – that’s the amount of waste being tossed out by hair salons across North America EVERY SINGLE DAY; that’s a whopping total of 421,206 lbs! As a newly Green Circle Certified Salon, we are proud to announce that Cutting Edge is now part of a comprehensive recycling and sustainability program that sets out to significantly reduce our industry’s environmental impact on the planet.

From the sourcing of ingredients to the disposal of packaging and products, the salon and beauty industry has long posed many challenges to the environment. With this in mind, we wanted to join forces with Green Circle to take a stand for our planet and work together to reduce our ecological footprint and make our industry more sustainable. Through our partnership with Green Circle Salons, we will be redirecting what was once considered garbage out of our water streams and landfills to be repurposed into innovative green solutions. Starting in July, all hair clippings, extensions, any excess colour and developer, papers and plastics, foils, aerosol cans and colour tubes from Cutting Edge will be collected by GCS – effectively cutting down our salon’s total waste, literally overnight, by 85-95%!

As our customers continue to take increasing interest in the ethical and environmental impacts of their purchasing power, we wanted to give our customers a genuinely more responsible, and greener choice when it comes to looking and feeling beautiful. As a member of the GCS network, Cutting Edge empowers our customers with the ability to vote with their dollars for positive change. By supporting our salon, our customers have the peace of mind knowing that they are taking meaningful steps to keeping our communities and environment healthy.

I have owned Cutting Edge Hair and Body Salon for 24 years, we are a full service salon with an awesome team of 12 employees to service our community.

We are a Paul Mitchell Focus Salon, we also retail and use Eminence Organic skin care products.

We have a retail gift area as well.

I am hoping to bring more awareness to the Santa Barbara and Goleta area for more salons to become a part of Green Circle and be more sustainable. We are the first certified GCS in this area.

Any products used on or removed from a client will be recycled. Left over color, foils for highlighting, wax strips from hair removal, hair clippings. In the past we have sent hair clippings to Matter Of Trust to have the hair made into mats to absorb oil from oil spills. With joining Green Circle we can now recycle more than just the hair clippings.

I would love to have you meet our team and see the salon we are proud to be a part of the community for almost 25 years. It is exciting to see all generations over the years come to the salon. We are part of creating beauty for life events, marriages, weddings, barmizvas, proms, first dances, engagements, adoptions, births, sickness, funerals, first house purchase, all of the milestones in life. The gratitude to be part of these milestones is heartfelt. 

Now we can have pride in doing our best to not make a negative impact on our planet. 


Green Circle Salons provides the world’s first, and North America’s only, sustainable salon solution to recover and repurpose beauty waste ensuring that we can help keep people and the planet beautiful. 

We are able to transform beauty waste into a desirable commodity through an award-winning platform built by the industry, for the industry. Our turnkey program allows salons to repurpose and recover up to 95% of the resources that were once considered waste; materials such as hair, leftover hair color, foils, color tubes, aerosol cans, paper and plastics. 

Our platform is designed to support salons in four key areas; to be green, to build a recurring revenue, to gain clients, and to save money. We do this in a way that is simple, open and honest – everyone is involved, and everyone wins. 

Today more than ever, consumers vote with their dollars and channel spending into responsible brands that support healthy communities. Literally overnight, our program adds layers of value that enhance both customer and staff experience, and publicly position our member salons as responsible stewards of our planet.

About Green Circle Salons

Green Circle Salons is a movement to help the salon industry reduce its environmental footprint and provide options for consumers seeking genuine green options in salon care. Since its inception in 2009, GCS has been building a network of certified salons and providing them with a comprehensive pathway to green solutions including recycling, and the repurposing of hair for the manufacturing of oil spill booms (in partnership with BC Corrections and the Alouette Correctional Centre for Women), emergency bedding (used in Haiti following the 2010 earthquake), and other ongoing sustainable research applications. Today, GCS diverts waste from landfill spaces in every Canadian province and 45 states in the US and has the capacity to service every zip and postal code in North America. GCS works with a growing list of leading green and industry partners. Find out more at


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