First Exclusive Pelvic Health Physical Therapy Clinic


The Pelvic Health Center of Santa Barbara, a clinic promoting awareness and providing comprehensive pelvic health physical therapy for all ages and genders, is the first clinic of its kind in Santa Barbara and has been serving the community since 2018 at 3902 State Street, Suite 103.

Pelvic health issues are conditions related to the pelvis – both internal and external. Pelvic floor therapy helps with the following ‘5 S’s’ :

-Sphincteric (which encompasses the Urethra, Anus, Vagina),

-Sexual Appreciation,

-Support (of the internal pelvic organs),

-Stability (to the spine, core, and pelvis),

-Sump pump (the pelvic floor muscles act as a blood/lymph pump for the pelvis.

Pelvic floor dysfunction can contribute to swelling or pelvic congestion), and both posture and breathing.

Pelvic floor dysfunction consists of any issues related to pelvic floor muscles such as urine and fecal incontinence and pelvic pain. They also include any pelvic organ-related problems such as pelvic organ prolapse, interstitial cystitis, constipation, prostate issues, digestive issues, painful menstruation as well as sex-related issues like painful sex in either men or women, premature ejaculation, and problems with erection and orgasm. Pelvic difficulties may also manifest as pain in the abdomen after surgery or even non-resolving chronic hip or back pain. Pelvic floor muscles support the bladder and bowel in both men and women as well as the uterus in women. Those at risk for pelvic floor problems include pregnant or postnatal women, patients going through menopause, those who have had gynecological or prostate surgery, and those who partake in high-intensity workouts. The Pelvic Health Center of Santa Barbara offers physical therapy and treatment of conditions related to the musculature of the pelvis, including bowel, bladder, breathing, and postural function. Treatment is conducted through behavioral and neuromuscular interventions by a trained Physical Therapist.

After going through two pregnancies, founder Dr. Dhara Solanki, DPT, who has over 15 years of clinical experience as a Physical Therapist, realized the genuine need for pelvic health therapy. She found it surprising that resources and treatment options around pelvic issues were scarce. Thus, motivated by her own experience with pelvic floor issues after her two pregnancies, she endeavored to provide more resources and awareness for pelvic floor matters. Her pioneering new techniques in this area over the past 9 years have helped with increasing awareness through blogging, information sessions, and talks for both men and women. Dr. Solanki keeps abreast of the latest treatment methodologies by following extensive research publications and undertaking continuing education courses. Her strong belief in evidence-based practice, broad clinical experience, and in-depth education have shaped her into a versatile clinician.

“Pelvic floor issues are like the elephant in the room. They are way more common than we think, but there is quite a bit of taboo around what is considered to be a private body part. So, unfortunately, we don’t talk about issues related to it.” Says Dr. Solanki, “I often have clients tell me they wish they had known about pelvic floor therapy a long time ago. Or they wonder why no one else had told them about these types of conditions.”

The clinic specializes in treatments for men, women, and children. According to medical research, 1 in 4 women deal with pelvic floor issues, and a third of them will experience a pelvic floor condition or problem by the age of 60. Mothers, in particular, suffer complications due to pregnancy and child-birth, which are stressful on the body. Men may have chronic pelvic floor issues from disorders like urinary dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, or prostate issues. In addition, kids as early as 24-36 months and up through adolescence and adulthood can also experience symptoms or be affected by pelvic floor issues.

Among the therapies that the Pelvic Health Center of Santa Barbara’s therapists offer are initial assessments, manual therapy, and massage, functional training of the pelvic floor and core muscles, as well as educating patients on diet and fluid intake while improving their awareness of their pelvic musculature. In addition to Dr. Solanki’s Master of Science in Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy from the University of Southern California and a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from the University of California, San Francisco, Dr. Victoria Kuberka, DPT is also on staff as a Physical Therapist. Also known as ‘Towi,’ she specializes in pelvic floor rehabilitation. She completed her Doctorate of Physical Therapy at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse as well as completing Pelvic Floor Level 1 Training (adult pelvic floor dysfunction) through the Herman and Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute. She has also completed a course through the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) on ‘Physical Therapy Treatment of the Pediatric Pelvic Floor Patient: Birth to 18 Years Old.’ They cater to patients of all ages, genders, and conditions utilizing a patient-centered approach.

The Pelvic Health Center is focused on both treatment and increasing awareness in the community and health sector on the role that pelvic floor physical therapy can play in improving quality of life. They teach a weekend workshop for healthcare professionals, allied health providers, and the public. They started teaching first-ever “Prepare for postpartum” classes for pregnant women, their partners, and new parents to educate about the physical, mental, emotional, and physiological changes of pregnancy and how to recover from pregnancy and childbirth. Dr. Solanki is passionate about postpartum care and started an information-based website called Her vision is to bring light to the lack of postpartum care and heal new mothers. After all, She says, “healthy mother means a healthy family.”

For more information, please visit, or call 805.682.7777

About The Pelvic Health Center of Santa Barbara:

Our mission is to provide members of our community with one-on-one care designed to facilitate pelvic health and wellness by empowering them with education and address issues limiting them with the most current and effective treatment in a collaborative, authentic environment with understanding and a plan of care as a healthcare ally.



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