Knox School Reopening September 14

Source: Knox School

The Knox School of Santa Barbara is excited to announce it will reopen its campus to its K-6th grade students on September 14 after having received an official waiver to reopen for in-person learning from the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department.

This waiver has been issued in response to the school’s thorough application which described in great detail how the school will ensure the safety of students and staff on campus.  The school has met the guidelines set forth by the State of California and the Center for Disease Control for limiting exposure to the COVID-19 virus.

“We are thrilled to be approved for this reopening waiver as the students really need to get back to the classroom for so many reasons.  Accomplishing reopening the school safely has been a priority,” said Dr. Angela Tanner, Founder & Director of The Knox School of Santa Barbara.  “Our students began their school year in our Knox@Home remote learning program while our administration and faculty worked diligently to prepare for having them back on campus.”

Dr. Tanner continued, “Our facilities have been expanded in size for all classes, utilizing additional classrooms and outdoor classrooms, and our planning for safety measures has been meticulous.  Our school’s small size has proved to be a strength in this situation, as we are able to adhere to the guidelines set forth by the County and the CDC.”

Grades 7-8th will continue to learn remotely for the time being as the waiver only applies to elementary school grades K-6th.

The Knox School of Santa Barbara proudly serves Gifted & Talented students in Junior Kindergarten through Eighth grades in downtown Santa Barbara.  The school’s unique program allows its students to progress in their studies at a pace that follows their individual needs while being grouped with both age peers and intellectual peers.

For more information on the school and its COVID-19 response, visit


Written by knoxschoolsb


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