Physio Ed. Provides Physical Education for Seniors During Pandemic

Source: Ojai Health

Physio Ed. announced their physical education app designed for older adults. Giving seniors the ability to improve balance, strength, endurance, and cognitive skills from the safety of their home. Founders Kathy Doubleday and Gregory Jones produce physical education programs that enrich the lives of seniors with a convenient app.

“We are striving to be the country’s leading preventive healthcare application. Seniors need to find ways to stay healthy,” said Jones, Executive Director of Physio Ed. Jones continues to say,” Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have seen a significant increase in inactive related injuries and conditions.”

Physio Ed. classes are developed by medical professionals to meet the unique needs of senior health. The app is approachable, providing high-quality videos to guide users through a library of multi-level weekly workouts. Doubleday applies preventive physical therapy practices into replayable exercise routines. Programs are clinically-supported to ensure seniors don’t overdo it and hurt themselves. 

Modifications are placed throughout Physio Ed. exercise routines, making it ideal for people with osteoporosis, Parkinson’s Disease, and other mobility challenges seniors may have. “Physio Ed. is great. So many options and the alternative movements are a great help” says Beverly Schuberth, a Physio Ed. Follower and early adopter. “They’re a reason why we get out of bed.” Schuberth continues to say. Dr. Doubleday and Jones have seen an increase in mobility limitations due to COVID-19 and express the need for resources like Physio Ed.

Physio Ed. is accessible on app and streaming platforms, making it available on Smart TVs, tablets, iPads, and mobile phones. At $20 a month, seniors gain the inspiration, confidence, and knowledge they need to maintain strong and safe movement. Curious readers can view several programs on their YouTube channel, PhysioEd. Improving health and wellness from your home is now more critical than ever.

Physio Ed. LLC is a preventative healthcare program using education and movement science to help avoid common pitfalls related to aging. Originally created by physical therapists for their patients, it now encompasses daily fitness programs, workshops, and condition-specific information. Physio Ed. content is available on all major app and streaming platforms. For a brief walkthrough of Physio Ed., here is a link to their introduction video


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