CADA Names C.A. Celic Contracts, Grants & Operations Manager

SANTA BARBARA, CA (February 28, 2022) – The Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (CADA) is pleased to announce that C.A. Celic has joined CADA in the newly-created role of Contracts, Grants & Operations Manager. The position was developed in response to an increase in CADA’s grant volume, a positive trend for the agency. C.A. manages all contracts and grants that support CADA programs, including compiling information and preparing reports required by funders. C.A. works closely with CADA’s Grantwriter, as they support the Finance Department and Program Managers with the development and monitoring of program budgets. They also ensure that all of the agency’s programs are in compliance with requirements specified by funding sources and regulatory agencies, including ensuring that licenses are current and in good standing.
“We are very pleased to welcome C.A. to this very key role,” said Dr. Scott Whiteley, CADA’s Executive Director. “C.A. has over 10 years of experience and demonstrated success in operations management. With this expertise now part of our management team, the leaders of our many youth and adult services programs can focus on delivering vital services to the children, teens, adults and families who need our help.”
Before joining CADA, C.A. was Operations Manager for Santa Barbara Hillel. They earned their Associate’s degree in communications studies at Santa Barbara City College and a Bachelor of Arts degree at California State University, Monterey Bay in Humanities and Communication with minors in Nonprofit Management and Environmental Studies. While earning their degrees, C.A. dedicated their career to working and volunteering with nonprofit organizations and education institutions.
When asked about their work with CADA, C.A. said, “I like to ‘herd cats.’ I enjoy being behind-the-scenes assessing and streamlining procedures and processes to ensure CADA’s contracts and grant operations are as efficient and effective as possible. I find it rewarding to help our program teams, by taking projects off their plates, so they can focus on providing successful programs that serve our communities. I am grateful for the opportunity to bring my nonprofit and operations experience and enthusiasm to CADA’s dedicated team and to support its mission.”

About the Council on Alcoholism & Drug Abuse (CADA)
Since 1949, CADA has delivered a broad range of effective programs and services focused on the education, prevention, and treatment of substance abuse and co-occurring mental health conditions affecting youth, adults, and families in Santa Barbara County. CADA’s commitment to provide a continuum of quality care in a safe and nurturing environment is supported by productive partnerships with local schools, community leaders, law enforcement, health care providers, other nonprofits, businesses, and the media. Working together, this powerful network helps CADA clients get and stay healthy and lead positive, productive lives that strengthen families and our community. Services are provided without regard to gender, gender preference, age, race, ethnicity, or national origin. No one is turned away for inability to pay.


Written by CADA_mtaylor


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