What Type of Owl is This?

Owl I.D. (Photo by an edhat reader)

There were two owls in my backyard a few nights ago. Can anyone tell me what type of owls these are?

Owl I.D. (Photo by an edhat reader)
Edhat Reader

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    • would that canyon be, Honda Valley Preserve? If so, then you’re probably correct. We frequent the lowest section of the preserve which butts up against SBCC West Campus. There are 4 large GHO’s down there that we watch hunt. There are 3 more on East campus amoung the eucalyptus trees.
      The last time I was at the upper portion of the valley/preserve was last fall and i counted 6 large GHO’s there. I haven’t seen fledglings before, but would guess that’s whats in the photos. Could be a barn owl possibly too?

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