DMF Fund Seaside Development Project

Ocean Mesa on Santa Barbara Ranch. (Photo: Reeve Woolpert)

The coastal bluff at Naples on the Gaviota Coast is a stunning natural and agricultural landscape, a destination for coastal recreation, and important habitat for sensitive species.  Developers have eyed this picturesque area for residential development since 1888, but to date none have succeeded.

On May 20, the County Zoning Administrator will consider a new residential development proposal on the bluff at Naples. The proposal, “DMF Fund LLC Seaside Residence Project and Habitat Restoration”, includes a single family residence and accessory structures located South of the railroad and west of the main access road.  The residence is being processed together with habitat restoration that is independently required to remedy illegal destruction of sensitive habitat that occurred in 2020.

The County is relying on a 2008 Environmental Impact Report prepared for the Santa Barbara Ranch Project, coupled with an Addendum.  We are analyzing the newly released Addendum and other Project documents (available here:, and will post again in a few days with more information about the specific issues we plan to raise to the Zoning Administrator.

The agenda will be posted soon which will also have information regarding how to participate in the hearing. Written public comment must be submitted by Friday, May 17th at 9:00 A.M. Emailed letters can be sent to the recording secretary, Jonathan Martin ( and the Planner, Chris Schmuckal ( Physical letters can be mailed to Planning and Development Staff, Attn: Hearing Support, 123 East Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101.

The “DMF Fund LLC Seaside Residence Project and Habitat Restoration” (“DMF Project”) includes a 6,500 square foot single family residence, 1,000 square foot garage, 2,000 square foot barn, and 800 square foot guesthouse. The 2.20 acre residential development envelope is located South of the railroad and west of the main access road.


Written by GaviotaCoastConservancy

Protecting the Gaviota Coast since 1996, the Gaviota Coast Conservancy has grown from a local, grass-roots movement to become a community catalyst partnering with other organizations to advance the public interest in this area. Learn more at

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  1. I have a lot of questions. Who needs 6500 sq ft for a single family residence? AND On the last 20 miles of pristine coastline of So Cal? only an entitled family with too much money – the 1%ers – would not see the obvious – it’s wrong, it’s selfish and incompatible. Then, a 1,000 sq ft garage ? Really? I would guess for multiple high end cars. What’s the 2,000 sq ft barn to be used for? More cars? This home also cuts off wildlife exits when the train comes a rumbling through. I sincerely hope this project gets stopped DOA. This sounds like it could be a party home that could be rented out to more 1%ers. I urge the County Zoning Commish to halt this project. Take it up with the Coastal Commission – they have the right idea on keeping the land protected for sensitive species.

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