Large Vessel and Smaller Vessels off Goleta Beach/Campus Point?

There is a large vessel and a number of smaller boats off the bluffs of UCSB between Campus Point and Goleta Bech this morning.

Lots of activity with the smaller boats going out and coming back to the larger vessel.

Anyone know what’s going on? I work at UCSB and have never seen this kind of activity out there.

Edhat Reader

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  1. They call them reef balls. A group has been working on getting these things dumped out into Goleta Bay for many years now, as an attempt to provide substrate for kelp regrowth. I’m personally skeptical, but only time will tell if it works. Dumping tons of Montecito’s mud into the very same stretch of beach can’t be helpful.

Late March-Early April ISS

March Edness 2024: Day 18