2024 Climate Action Plan Open for Public Comment

Together to Zero (Courtesy)

The City of Santa Barbara’s Sustainability & Resilience Department is pleased to announce the 2024 Draft Climate Action Plan (CAP) is open for public comment through Wednesday, April 24. The Climate Action Plan, called Together to Zero, outlines a comprehensive suite of short- and long-term actions the City plans to take to achieve its goal of carbon neutrality by 2035. 

The CAP was developed based on substantial public engagement and over 10 public meetings as an update to the City’s original 2012 Climate Action Plan. The CAP provides a user-friendly summary of the highest priority actions, including targets for emission reductions in key sectors, measures developed to achieve specific greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions, and specific action items that support each measure. The measures are sorted into five sections: Building Emissions, Transportation, Waste and Wastewater, Carbon Sequestration, and Community Potential. The appendices include a full emissions inventory and forecasts, full list of measures and actions, technical analysis of the GHG reduction measures, and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents. 

The CAP will act as the City’s climate roadmap for the next 10 years, and lays a strong foundation for achieving the City’s carbon neutrality goal. Designed to be a living document, the CAP will be updated based on the City’s needs and progress on action items. Equity plays a key role throughout each sector of the CAP, to ensure that our entire community can move Together to Zero.

“Our team is excited to release the Draft Climate Action Plan to the community. We’ve already taken huge steps to reducing our carbon footprint through the City-run Santa Barbara Clean Energy program, which provides our residents and businesses with 100% carbon-free electricity,” noted Sustainability & Resilience Director Alelia Parenteau. “This updated Climate Action Plan outlines the City’s next steps toward achieving its goal of carbon neutrality by 2035.” 

The public comment period for the 2024 Draft Climate Action Plan is open now through Wednesday, April 24. Documents are available for review in both English and Spanish at SantaBarbaraCA.gov/Climate, and comments are welcome via email at CAP@SantaBarbaraCA.gov.

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      • Sac, I am just curious, do you live in a tree? Drive a clean powered, not reliant on unsustainable energy, ethically manufactured EV? Ride a horse around town? Buy things at the store?

        We are all to blame. We all live in an industrialized nation and blaming those who capitalize most on that is not the answer. Be part of the solution you preach.

  1. Interesting that the City now has a “Sustainability and Resilience” Department – stuffed err staffed I’m sure by the request managers and staffers.

    It would be interesting to learn just exactly what this Department does that the rest of City government doesn’t do or duplicates.

    For example I wonder what sustainability impacts this Department has on projects such as the proposed not-very-sustainable demolition the 40 year old Paseo Nuevo Mall.

    • Name one thing. ONE. THING. that you will not throw a tantrum about our taxes being used. ONE. THING.

      Education? Wahhhh! Rescuing people in need? Wahhhhh!! Rebuilding after storm damage? Wahahahahahaha! Protecting our planet and trying to clean it up for our kids and grandkids? BWahahahahahah!

      Bro, get a pacifier.

  2. It’s all well and good to discuss and develop until viable when it will naturally dominate, but at the same time sickening to create more context for taxpayer and private money to be coerced into esoteric consulting and expensive speculative technology while the instant needs (housing and transportation) of poor and needy human beings are neglected. Biden bows to it to a degree -all electric by 2035 – to placate the progressive wing but in reality he knows it’s probably more 2050 and in the meantime we need to drill, drill, drill baby and he made that happen much to his credit. He’s doing it for the economy, foreign policy and yes even the environment and we would actually be f***** if he didnt. The way to the battery powered future is not prematurely crippling an energy paradigm (oil) that’s supremely regulated, ethical and efficient while buying into hucksters greenwashing of still inefficient battery tech that relies on questionable sources of materials and has significant unresolved recycling and disposal issues.

    • That’s a great comedy line: “prematurely crippling an energy paradigm (oil) that’s supremely regulated, ethical and efficient”.

      You’ve certainly managed to swallow the petro propaganda, no matter how toxic it is!

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