Rose Pruning Day Draws Record-Breaking Turnout

Rose Pruning Day Draws Record-Breaking Turnout (Courtesy)

The City of Santa Barbara Parks and Recreation Department held its annual Rose Pruning Day on Saturday, January 13, 2024, at Mission Historical Park. This year’s event drew a record-breaking turnout, with 150 volunteers of all ages and skill levels coming together to prune more than 1,500 rose bushes in A.C. Postel Memorial Rose Garden.

The annual volunteer event has been a January tradition for almost 40 years to help prepare the nearly 1-acre garden ahead of spring growth. The Parks and Recreation Department had initially sought up to 150 volunteers for the 2024 event after recruiting 100 volunteers in 2023. The enthusiastic response exceeded expectations.

Santa Barbara Rose Society member and resident rosarian Dan Bifano provided rose pruning demonstrations throughout the event, while Santa Barbara Master Gardeners helped volunteers sharpen and sanitize their tools.

The Parks and Recreation Department extends its appreciation to the community for the overwhelming support and invites everyone to explore future volunteer opportunities by visiting

Volunteers watch a rose pruning demonstrationVolunteers work on rose bushes as Mission Historical ParkA volunteer prunes a rose bushStaff raking at Mission Historical ParkVolunteers sharpen hand prunersVolunteers work on rose bushes as Mission Historical ParkVolunteers work on rose bushes as Mission Historical ParkVolunteers work on rose bushes as Mission Historical Park

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