Micheltorena House Fire Displaces Couple and Baby

Kitchen fire displaces family on E. Micheltorena Street on December 5, 2023 (Photo by Geo Duarte)

Couple and their Baby Displaced Due to Fire on the 300 Block of E. Micheltorena.

4:50 p.m. on Tuesday night (12/05/23) a neighbor smelled burning electrical Vapors. She walked outside on to her porch and a neighbor’s house was showing smoke from outside.
A fire apparently self-ignited near the kitchen stove in the 300 block of East Micheltorena Street in Santa Barbara.
Investigators are still working out the cause of the fire. A small pet dog was smart enough to run out of the back doggy door and was safe.
Investigators were on site and retrieved items from around the stove. The homeowners were not home at the time, yet reviewed video from their interior cameras and saw how quickly the fire engulfed the kitchen.
The home was reportedly built in the 1910s and has many iterations of electrical work and equipment from many different decades. No one seemed to be injured and the management of the property was contacted in order to take next action.
Photo by Geo Duarte
Photo by Geo Duarte
Photo by Geo Duarte
Geo Duarte

Written by Geo Duarte

Geo Duarte is a volunteer scanner reporter for edhat.com. More reports can be viewed on Geo's Instagram page @Xtek_Overload

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    • Not sure what the interior cameras show. Burned fibers and a metal spoon-holder were pulled from behind the stove. Tagdes, you assumptions are as good as mine.

      A neighbor mentioned “The painters had just left less than five minutes earlier…” maybe they should be interviewed also. Painting fires due occur, for example, linseed oil self ignites when a rag is left in open air. There, thats my unfounded assumption. LoL

      • They are renters not contractors. The place needs a full rewiring, patchwork electrical-modifications are questionable. Especiall after a fire, the management and the owners are to be responsible parties, not the reters.

          • Uh….do you even know what “virtue signaling” means? Just because someone disagrees with you, doesn’t mean anything to do with virtue signaling. Lot of words people on the right throw out there as apparent “insults” with no understanding. See “woke” for example.

            • Virtue signaling as in:

              “Tenants and landlord = landlord bad”

              You sound like gen z complaining about the fact that people rent out their space.

              The trope of hating on landlords for being sensible and owning properties is so overdone and out of pocket, it’s like people complaining about being have nots.

              • ““Tenants and landlord = landlord bad”” – what? Just saying those two words means you think landlords are bad? Sounds like one of those microaggressions you young folks are always talking about got you all offended there, bub.

                All ANON did was point out the owners (landlords) are responsible for wiring, which is generally a fact. How do you get “landlord bad” out of that?

                “You sound…” – I didn’t make the comment…..

                Who’s “hating on landlords” here? LOL…..wowzers. Maybe I should get started on the weekend too hahaha!

            • Says the guy saying wind is “clean energy” lmao.

              Hey Sac, where do windmills and solar panels come from? What are the operational and up front costs to the environment of manufacturing and installing them?

              And the electrical work, unless proven guilty, is not responsible for the fire.
              I simply pointed out that anyone with knowledge of what’s in their electrical boxes behind the outlets and in the walls is more likely than your average Joe to tamp let with said components. Wouldn’t be the first time someone renting thought they were making things better when in reality the fault was their own.

            • Never have I ever anywhere at any time said wind is 100% “clean.” Nice try though. Funny how you cons (or whatever renewable energy-opposed people call themselves) are so fundamentally unable to grasp the “better than nothing” or “not everything is 100% or 0%” concepts.

              Y’all will get there someday. Don’t be a fool, stay in school! Say nope to dope and ugh to drugs! – Mr. T.

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