County to Consider Terminating Contract with Tajiguas Landfill Operators

Aerial photo of the Tajiguas Landfill area (edhat file photo)

The ReSource Center at the Tajiguas Landfill is an innovative facility that includes a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF), an Anaerobic Digester Facility (ADF), and a Compost Management Unit (CMU).

The ReSource Center recovers recyclable materials, transforms organics into landscape nutrients, and creates renewable energy. This project is crucial to Santa Barbara County’s Energy and Climate Action Plan as the single largest reducer of greenhouse gases.

The County and its participating cities also depend on the ReSource Center to comply with the increasing waste diversion requirements of new State laws such as SB 1383.

In 2016, the County contracted with MSB Investors, LLC (MSB) to construct and operate the facilities. On December 12, 2023, the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing to consider termination of this contract. Information regarding that item will be available before the hearing on the Board of Supervisors’ Agendas & Minutes web page at

The Santa Barbara County Public Works Department is dedicated to developing and implementing innovative environmental solutions to manage the community’s waste.

Interim Public Works Deputy Director Martin Wilder said, “Our mission is to effectively provide, operate, and maintain facilities to make life as safe and convenient for the public we serve. Although we’ve achieved some success with the ReSource Center the community and our staff deserve a project that is a 100% success.”

For more information on the ReSource Center, visit

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  1. The article should have mentioned that this contract was for close to $150,000,000 and was awarded to a company with no experience in this kind of facility. Simply put, it doesn’t work and never will work to minimize trash being landfilled. It is a fubar or the highest order and deserves close scrutiny by the Grand Jury.

  2. So the County Public Works Department decided to write the above press release without an inkling of explanation as to why they’re considering this, and then threw in a vague comment about deserving 100% success…. ? Which public employee wrote this?
    Click on the article below “County of Santa Barbara Faces Environmental Controversy: Proposed Tajiguas Landfill Capacity Increase Project Under Scrutiny” for a more comprehensive explanation of this boondoggle.

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