Power Outages Downtown Trap Four People in Grocery Store Elevator

Santa Barbara City Firefighters work to free four people trapped in an elevator at the Ralph's grocery store on Carrillo Street (Photo: Geo Duarte)

Four college aged people required emergency rescue from an underground elevator below Ralph’s grocery store on Carrillo Street in Santa Barbara.

One female and three males patiently awaited a solution to their elevator ordeal.

The Santa Barbara Fire Department had to use the “Jaws of Life” to ultimately free four people stuck in an elevator after almost an hour. This was due to an initial power outage. They tried to use other measures to open the doors yet they were all initially unsuccessful.

Saturday night around 10:00 p.m. the power went out again causing a widespread outage in a section of the Downtown Santa Barbara grid.

Stop lights were also affected by this second outage. At least one vehicle collision was reported in the area around that time.

Four people freed from a broken elevator after being trapped for about an hour on Saturday evening (Photo: Geo Duarte)
Emergency vehicles at Ralph’s Grocery on Saturday evening (Photo: Geo Duarte)

Geo Duarte

Written by Geo Duarte

Geo Duarte is a volunteer scanner reporter for edhat.com. More reports can be viewed on Geo's Instagram page @Xtek_Overload

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      • Not Sunday night, but on Saturday night (no wind at all) our power went out a few times, and each time was only for a split second. Just long enough to cut internet connection, so that we had to reboot the router (unplug and plug back in) several times.Today (Monday), I saw the SCE crew working on the same power pole (at Olive & Islay Sts.) they were servicing during our planned outages of a couple weeks ago.. Thanks for reminding me ——- I forgot to redo my outgoing message for our landline. Every time the power goes out, there goes our OGM. ——— As for the elevator . . . Sure hope those “college-aged” people hadn’t already done their shopping and bought themselves any ice cream.

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