Car Crash Shuts Down S. La Cumbre on Saturday

Car crash on S. La Cumbre (Photo: Geo Duarte)

S. La Cumbre was closed for almost an hour on Saturday afternoon due to a traffic collision.

Tesla vs. SUV caused the traffic flow issues.

Photo by Geo Duarte
Photo by Geo Duarte
Photo by Geo Duarte

Geo Duarte

Written by Geo Duarte

Geo Duarte is a volunteer scanner reporter for More reports can be viewed on Geo's Instagram page @Xtek_Overload

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  1. Weirdly, about a week or so ago, i noticed a new turn arrow painted on the 5 Points side of that intersection and thought it was confusing because it looks like a dedicated right hand turn lane only. In the past, people turning left would go in left lane and people going straight or turning right would use the right lane. I thought hmmm…this is going to create confusion and potentially an accident based on historical behavior. Not sure if this accident was a result of that new traffic pattern (which looked like it wasn’t official) but drivers take care when entering that intersection now. It’s very confusing!

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