By an edhat reader

Week of May 1-5, 2023: Council and Advisory Commission meetings of Santa Barbara City

A long-time Edhat subscriber, hoping for more public participation in our local government, thought it would be helpful and interesting for the community to have a weekly listing of selected meetings, those of city-wide interest. We agreed. Please tell us what you think. There have been requests for coverage of other jurisdictions; volunteers to do that, please contact If we’ve mis-posted an address or there’s a meeting that we failed to list, please note the correction in the Comments section below. Thanks!

Santa Barbara has a City Calendar of meetings; for May. City TV covers many of the meetings and has reruns. However, Consent Calendar meetings are not televised.

Common acronyms, abbreviations: hybrid or Hyflex, meeting access is both in person and via Zoom or other webinar; PDA, Project Design Approval; FA, Final Approval; CAR, Council Agenda Report. Agenda item descriptions are generally direct quotes from the agendas, especially where there would seem to be public interest. Meeting locations: City Council chambers upstairs at City Hall, 735 Anacapa Street; David Gebhard Room (DGR), 630 Garden Street; Parks Office, 402 E. Ortega St.; or where noted. Noted also for some Council and Advisory Committee meetings are non-public addresses; these are addresses for those public servants who choose to attend the meetings at home or elsewhere.

This week begins the annual examination of the various city department budgets, leading up to the June acceptances. For those interested in the nuts and bolts of how the City runs, these special Council meetings are worth watching, and some are listed on the City TV schedule. Budget Hearing Schedule. However, none in the first week have web access for public comments. Nor is it evident where, exactly, these departmental budgets are for the public to examine them online. If anyone knows, please post in the comments!


Single Family Design Board, 11:00 A.M., in person at the DGR: Consent Agenda

  • New item, Conceptual Review, 1889 Eucalyptus Hill Road, No final appealable decision will take place at this hearing. Staff Hearing Officer requests comments for project design supportability for a parking Zoning Modification. Neighborhood Preservation Findings and Hillside Design District & Sloped Lot Findings will be required when the project is reviewed for Project Design Approval.
  • Cont. item, PDA & FA, 900 Las Alturas Rd, (Proposal to construct one 119 square foot and one 20 square foot balcony at the second story of an existing residence located in the Hillside Design District, plus a new pool, etc. “Project Design Approval and Final Approval are requested. Neighborhood Preservation Findings and Hillside Design District & Sloped Lot Findings are required. Project was last reviewed January 24, 2023.”
  • Cont. item, FA, 2121 Las Tunas Rd., Project Design Approval and Final Approval are requested. Neighborhood Preservation Findings and Hillside Design District & Sloped Lot Findings are required. Includes removal of trees and replacement with 21 others. Project was last reviewed January 24, 2023. “Final Approval is requested. Project requires substantial conformance to the plans that received Project Design Approval on October 24, 2022, when the project was last reviewed.”
  • New item, PDA, 23 E. Padre St., “Proposal for a 78 square-foot first floor addition, replacement of the existing pool, with associated windows, doors, garage door, roofing, hardscape, and landscape improvements. The proposed detached 696 square foot Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) meets the ministerial design review criteria and is not under SFDB purview. Project Design Approval is requested. Neighborhood Preservation Findings are required. Project is next to a designated Structure of Merit at 15 E. Padre St.

Past agendas, architectural drawings and public comments from prior meetings, link.


Architectural Board of Review, 1 P.M., in person at the DGR, Consent Calendar:

  1. Final Approval:  1109 DE LA VINA St., Zone: C-G Proposal to convert 1,399 square feet of commercial space into three short-term rentals. Proposal includes demolition of an existing garage and replacement with four uncovered parking spaces.) Project requires compliance with the plans granted Project Design Approval on November 28, 2022.


Architectural Board of Review, 3 P.M., regular meeting, hyflex, DGR; agenda:

  1. Final Approval, 701 (e 711) N. Milpas, proposal for a new four-story, mixed-use, Average Unit-Size Density (AUD) project on a 1.52-acre lot located at the northwest corner of Milpas and Ortega Streets. The project consists of 1,490 square feet (net) of commercial space, 82 residential units (including 16 moderate-income affordable units), and residential amenities … and 110 parking spaces. …Project received approval of a Development Agreement by the City Council, and approval of a Height Exception, Front Setback Modification, and Parking Modification by the Planning Commission. Project requires compliance with the plans granted Project Design Approval on January 23, 2023.
  2. Cont. item, PDA, 401- 409 E. Haley St., “Proposal for a new mixed-use development using the Average Unit Density Incentive Program (AUD), in the M-C, Manufacturing Zone. The project includes a voluntary lot merger of two parcels, demolition of the existing structures, and construction of a three-story, mixed-use building with 26 residential units and 5,011 square feet of commercial space including 2,728 square feet of office/retail and 4 short-term vacation rental units (2,283 square feet). Architectural Board of Review approval of a Development Plan is requested (2,276 square feet of net new non-residential area). A ground-level parking garage will provide 53 parking spaces. The project requires the removal of 20 on-site trees.)

Project requires approval of a Development Plan and compliance with the Project Compatibility Analysis and the following guidelines: Urban Design Guidelines, Infill Design Guidelines, Outdoor Lighting Design Guidelines and Haley-Milpas Design Guidelines. Project was last reviewed on June 5, 2017.”

  1. Cont. item, Concept Review, 110  & 150 S. La Cumbre Rd, “..The project consists of a proposal to merge the lots, demolish the existing 2,194-square-foot nonresidential building, and construct a 922-square-foot, automatic, self-serve, drive-thru, carwash with a 116-linear-foot dedicated approach lane for queuing of cars. No final appealable decision will be made at this hearing. Project requires compliance with the Project Compatibility Findings, Urban Design Guidelines and Outdoor Lighting Design Guidelines. Project was last reviewed on January 23, 2023.”


  1. New item, PDA, 528 W, Figueroa, Proposal to demolish the existing single-family home and accessory building to construct a two-story 8-unit residential apartment building and 8 parking spaces. The project is designed to comply with the City’s Average Unit Size Density Incentive (AUD) Program (SBMC Chapter 30.150) and California State Density Bonus Program. …proposes the following concessions from City development standards: to allow relief for parking design standards and stall/maneuvering dimensions, relief from open and private yard requirements, and modification allow parking within the required interior setback. Six units are proposed as replacement units for the approved hotel at 302 Montecito. “
  2. One-time Pre-application consultation, 523 W, Gutierrez St., “Proposal to demolish the existing single-family residence to construct a three-story residential apartment building containing nine units. …No final appealable decision to be made….”


ABR staff reports and other documents, link.



Sign Committee: 9 A.M., regular meeting, DGR, in person: Agenda:

  1. Item referred from conforming review, 1220 De La Vina St., Louise Lowry Davis Center; proposal for one new illuminated 17 square foot ground sign. Total proposed signage is 33 square feet, with the previously permitted 16 square-foot parking ground-sign to remain. …The project is located adjacent to El Pueblo Viejo Landmark District and is a designated Structure of Merit.).
  2. Continued item: concept review, 3775 Modoc Rd Vista Del Monte, …An exception is requested to exceed the maximum sign allowance.) Project was last reviewed March 21, 2023.
  3. 113 Harbor Way Owner: City of Santa Barbara Applicant: Business: Anchor Rose Proposal for four new non-illuminated 15 square foot wall signs. “Total proposed signage is 60 square feet. Total first floor frontage is 53 feet. Total upper story frontage is 106 feet. The building is a designated National Historic Landmark and City Historic Landmark and has an existing Sign Program.) Project received comments from the Historic Landmarks Commission Subcommittee prior to Sign Committee review, noting that they are supportive of ‘Rooftop Dining’ removal if not trademarked to avoid cluttering, and require that the color of the signage match existing signage color to maintain consistency may it be off-black or dark bronze. “(
  4. New Item: Concept Review, 3707 State St … Business: CHICK-FIL-A (Proposal for two new 5.9 square-foot internally illuminated menu signs. Total proposed signage is 60 square feet, with two 14.6 square foot wall signs and one 19.1 square foot monument sign to remain. An Exception is requested to exceed letter height on the proposed menu signs.)

Architectural drawings: link.


City Council: Finance Committee, noon, DGR, not listed on City TV but it is available on the Web, see the Agenda: “Subject: Finance Committee Review of the Fiscal Year 2024 Recommended Budget and Cost Recovery and Revenue Policy (230.05) Recommendation: That Finance Committee hear a report from staff in connection with the Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 on proposed changes to General Fund fees and staff’s proposed Cost Recovery and Revenue Policy.


City Council: Regular meeting, 2:00 p.m., Council Chambers, Hyflex, 2 P.M., Agenda (213 pgs., including Finance Committee), Consent Calendar (City Council: Minutes Recommendation: That Council waive reading and approve the minutes of the regular meeting of February 28, 2023; March 21, 2023; and the special meetings of March 9, 2023; April 10, 2023; April 18, 2023;

  • item 5 sets the date of June 6 for Set a Date for Public Hearing Regarding Renewal of Levy for Fiscal Year 2024 for the Wildland Fire Suppression Assessment District;
  • item 6, Authorization to Amend the Legal Services with Colantuono, Highsmith & Whatley, PC for Special Counsel Services [Agreement] from $250,000 to $750,000 for special counsel services related to the P. Boring, et al. v. Cathy Murillo, et al. case. This case concerns the enforceability of ordinances re: over-sized vehicles. CAR
  • Item 8, from the City Administrator, is the presentation of the OIR Group Audit of Santa Barbara Police Department Policies, Procedures, and Practices
  • Item 9 is from the Sustainability/Resilience department: 3-year extension of the bike share program. CAR


  • Council agenda reports and also a category for public comment, link, that deals only with speakers before the Council. It would seem that there is no written public comment to the Council; none is listed.



City Council, morning special meeting: 8:30 a.m., Agenda: City Council chambers, public comment only in person with no web access listed; Subject: Fiscal Year 2024 Recommended Operating and Capital Budget for the Council to hear a presentation from the Airport Department regarding their Fiscal Year 2024 Recommended Budget.


Staff Hearing Officer (SHO), 9 A.M. DGR, broadcast live and online, listed on City TV; for Zoom link, see: Agenda:

I. Preliminary matters, two announcements: Accessory Dwelling Unit at 485 Braemar Ranch Ln., and 361 Palisades Drive. See the agenda descriptions for the limitations on the SHO, specified in the SBMC §28.44.110. There is a 10-day review when “(t)he Staff Hearing Officer may receive and consider written comments from the public, but without a public hearing. The announced decision will be the final action of the City.”

ll. Project: 1187 Coast Village Road, installation of two prefabricated ‘Struxure’ patio cover systems, comprised of trellises with columns and motorized retractable solar shades, above the existing General public comment, staff reports: link.


City Council, afternoon special meeting, City Council Chambers, 1 p.m., in person, televised, no web listing in the Agenda: Subject: Fiscal Year 2024 Recommended Operating and Capital Budget (230.05) Recommendation: That Council hear a presentation from the Police Department and Fire Department regarding their Fiscal Year 2024 Recommended Budgets.



Street Tree Advisory Committee, Parks and Recreation Department, 8:30 A.M., regular meeting, in person, no TV; Parks Office, Agenda:

  1. Tree removal considerations:

Street trees

1. 1527 Crestline Drive – (4) Fraxinus uhdei, Evergreen Ash – Andrew Bluhm

2. 701 Westmont Road – (3) Fraxinus uhdei, Evergreen Ash – Catherine Dealy

3. 625 N. Alisos Street – (2) Sequoia sempervirens, Coast Redwood – Tyler Reynolds

4. 3728 Torino Drive – Schinus terebinthifolius, Brazilian Pepper – Robert Richards

Setback trees:

    1. 1527 Crestline Drive – Fraxinus uhdei, Evergreen Ash – Andrew Bluhm

    2.18 Vista Del Mar – Phoenix canariensis, Canary Island Date Palm – Anna Gardner


B. Street Tree Master Plan:

    1. 100-400 blocks of S. Milpas Street – request to evaluate existing designation –     STA

    2. 300-1100 blocks of Shoreline Drive – request to evaluate existing designations– staff.

Agenda attachments: link.


Planning Commission, 1 P. M., City Council Chambers, meeting cancelled.


Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals, 2:30 P.M., 630 Garden Street, regularly scheduled 1st Thursday meeting, but no minutes, agenda, or notice of cancellation as of Sunday, 4/30.



City Council, special meeting, Council Chambers, 1:00 p.m., in person, no web access, televised on city TV. Agenda:  Recommendation: That Council hear a presentation from the Sustainability & Resilience Department, Waterfront Department, and Library Department regarding their Fiscal Year 2024 Recommended Budgets.


Of general interest:

City Advisory Commissions are listed with their duties and powers described in the Charter of the City of Santa Barbara, See: Article Vlll, Appointive Boards and Commissions, pg; 25 et seg. Other commissions may be formed by the City Council for certain issues of public concern.  Santa Barbara Municipal Code. The City Council meets at 2 p.m., Tuesdays, except for these holidays: January 3, January 17, February 21, March 28, April 4, May 30, June 20, July 4, July 11, August 8, August 15, September 5, November 14, November 21, November 28, December 19, and December 26, 2023. The regular Council meetings are sometimes preceded by their Finance and Ordinance committees whose agendas are part of the regular council meeting agenda; the Council also has a Legislative Committee and a Sustainability Committee, each of which meets irregularly.

AIA-Santa Barbara, August 2020,  State Street Promenade and housing community survey results, more than 4,800 responses, linked here. Civic groups concerned about city government: Allied Neighborhoods Association, Citizens Planning Association, League of Women Voters -Santa Barbara, and various hyperlocal neighborhood associations.

City of Santa Barbara says it emphasizes transparency: Listed under city transparency is a link to the Ralph M. Brown Act (“Brown Act“), “In enacting this chapter, the Legislature finds and declares that the public commissions, boards and councils and the other public agencies in this State exist to aid in the conduct of the people’s business. It is the intent of the law that their actions be taken openly and that their deliberations be conducted openly.”


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