Motorcycle and Vehicle Collisions at East Beach

By Geo Duarte

Three vehicle collision involving a serious injury of a motorcycle rider at East Beach.

A motorcycle struck two cars on East Beach on Tuesday. The first was a vehicle that did not yield to the MC while making a U-turn. The second was a parked, white Hundai which had it’s front bumper ripped off by the motorcycle.

The motorcycle rider was taken to the hospital with scrapes to his arms and legs. A witness stated the motorcyclist was only wearing shorts and a shirt. No helmet.

The driver of the car making a u-turn was cited for not yielding. Apparently, the sun blocked the first drivers vision as he almost completed the turn before the MC contacted the entire right side of the SUV.

Drive safely.

Geo Duarte

Written by Geo Duarte

Geo Duarte is a volunteer scanner reporter for More reports can be viewed on Geo's Instagram page @Xtek_Overload

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