Unidentified Flying Object Seen Above Vandenberg in 2003, Congressional Witness States

By the edhat staff

Congressional hearings have caused an unearthly stir this week with a former Naval pilot and intelligence officers answering questions about unidentified flying objects (UFOs), now reffered to as unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs).

A portion of the hearing hit a little too close to home with a witness confirming a report of massive UAP hovering over Vandenberg Air Force Base, now named Vandenberg Space Force Base, in 2003.

Ryan Graves, executive director of Americans for Safe Aerospace and a former Navy fighter pilot, testified to the House of Representatives Oversight Committee’s national security subcommittee on Wednesday centered on UAPs.

“In the 2003 time frame, a large group of Boeing contractors were operating near one of the launch facilities at Vandenberg Air Force Base when they observed a very large, 100-yard-sided red square approach the base from the ocean and hover at low altitude over one of the launch facilities,” said Graves. “This object remained for about 45 seconds or so before darting off over the mountains.”

Graves continued to state the sighting, seen by multiple witnesses, took place around 8:45 a.m. and within hours a second sighting was reported.

“Later in the evening, post sunset, there were reports of other sightings on base, including some aggressive behaviors. These objects were approaching some of the security guards at rapid speeds before darting off,” said Graves.

Graves also stated that one of the witnesses had official documentation and records from the event that they held onto over the years.

While nothing was reported in local media at the time, Graves stated the same witness had documented police blotter corroborating the reports from that evening.

Lawmakers on the committee stated UAP sightings are an issue of bipartisan concern and raise national security questions. Some of the lawmakers accused the federal government to conceal UAP information from the public, although evidence of this was not provided.

“The sheer number of reports, whistleblowers and stories of unidentified anomalous phenomena should raise real questions and warrant investigation and oversight. And that’s why we are here today,” Rep. Robert Garcia, the top Democrat on the subcommittee, said in his opening statement. “UAPs, whatever they may be, may pose a serious threat to our military or civilian aircraft. And that must be understood.”

The three in-person witnesses made a series of claims during the hearing that include accusing the federal government of being in possession of UAPs,  stating ‘nonhuman biologics’ were found at a UAP crash site, and UAPs have been seen accelerating to ‘supersonic speeds’ by pilots.

The witnesses encouraged officials to establish a ‘safe and transparent reporting process’ and to destigmatize witnesses reporting sightings.

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. There were but three witnesses which seems pretty small for something like this. The witnesses were not actual witnesses but generally reported what others claimed and what seemingly was the scuttlebutt about the agencies. If there were actual aliens hanging around in our space and time there would be no reason that they would not make contact. Unless, I suppose, they just view us as we do the fish in the water off the barrier reef which we enjoy watching.

  2. i thought the UAP looked like a bug running around inside the radar system.
    and am wary of cherry picking of data tapes for news cycles.
    or would like to see the photos from all of the flight aircraft.
    from start to finish.
    and the ground maintenance records to see if any glitch was fixed.
    plus after 200 ‘x-intell’ clowns lied about Biden’s computer,
    i only trust testimonies from real aliens on camera.

  3. Not to sound like an “Edhat Crazy”, but on Thanksgiving, 2018, I witnessed something so insane that it HAD to be a UFO. I was in Solvang overlooking a canyon and saw a steady burning super white-blue line moving SO FAST in a vertical (space to the horizon line) and then move in a super FAST horizontal left to right movement and then simply DISAPPEAR… There was no way it was man-made. NO sound, wide bright lines of moving light.

  4. People want to believe, but aren’t looking in the right places.
    UAPs? Unlikely.
    Check the thermal hot spots on aquatic planets? Probability is high that some microbial life exists there.
    To think that advanced beings in saucers or other craft frequent Earth is very wishful, and very human thinking. We likely won’t ever leave our solar system without some superluminal breakthrough that isn’t probable.
    I challenge you all to ask yourselves, why this “testimony” is significant and what other explanations there might be for why we are just hearing about it all.

  5. In the 1930’s, Austrian Viktor Schauberger invented anti-gravity technologies. In 1958, the USAF invited him to the U.S., learned his secrets, and refused to allow him to leave until he was traumatized so deeply he died 5 days after returning to his home in Austria. The U.S. D.O.D. has had anti-gravity technology for 65 years. https://www.biologicalmedicineinstitute.com/viktor-schauberger

    • Does “anti-gravity” mean it can fly?
      “Schauberger’s genius caught the attention of all the wrong people and he found himself caught in the crosshairs of one of humanity’s most destructive eras. Adolf Hitler met with him in 1934 to discuss the potential of weaponizing water, but he refused to collaborate with the Nazis. Schauberger’s resistance led to his internment in one of the most horrific of all death camps in the Third Reich — Mauthausen, in Austria.
      Against his will, Schauberger was forced to work on a prototype of a gravity-defying flying saucer, known as the Vril-7. It was in Mauthausen that he invented an anti-gravity device, called a Repulsine, to power it. Fortunately, by the spring of 1945, the armies of the Allied forces had put an end to the Second World War, thus ending all research and development of the Nazi’s war machine.
      Afterward, there was a terrific fight over human resources on behalf of the British, Americans, and Russians. Along with scores of notable and valuable scientists, Schauberger became a natural target. What remained of his work fell into the hands of American and Russian agents. In post-war occupied Austria, the Russians ransacked Schauberger’s home looking for drawings and plans, and found nothing.
      But it was the Americans who were able to take possession of Schauberger and hold him prisoner until they could successfully convince him to disclose his work. Having no more use for him, the Americans set him free, but it wasn’t long afterward that Schauberger died a broken and penniless man. Meanwhile, the Americans were already at work across the Atlantic, studying his ideas.”

    • Nonsense to claim that this inventor created “anti-gravity” techniques except in the broadest sense that I can jump and create a temporary anti-gravity effect. This person apparently worked extensively on vortex and tried to create uses for that effect. If there were any benefits from his work in energy production or anti-gravity or …. we would know about it by now.

    • Come with us now to the Twilight Zone, as we travel into a comic book universe; a zone where the stubborn facts of science melt away before unverifiable claims, stuporous fantasy, and outright magic. We’ll encounter the classic formula for conspiracy theories, which mixes non-scientific mumbo-jumbo with allegations that governments are hiding the truth, in that fertile mental terrain where fear and distrust of authority meet superstitious folklore.
      The internet has enabled the crazy and profoundly ignorant to spread disinformation on a scale that was not possible before. To have it believed requires a poorly educated population unaccustomed to critical thinking. An open mind should not be so open that it becomes a garbage can. This is a huge threat to our continued progress, and indeed to our very survival as a species.
      When you encounter people like this, it’s easy to write them off as hopeless idiots. Though it may seem like an insurmountable task, do try to instill some rationality in them. Remember, these people are allowed to vote, as amply demonstrated recently.

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