Fundraiser for Santa Barbara Fisherman Injured in Alaska

By the edhat staff

A GoFundMe has been set up to cover medical expenses for a local fisherman injured on a commercial shipping boat in Alaska.

Shaun Roche is a local urchin diver who lives in Santa Barbara with his wife Tricia and their young son Teddy. He also works as a commercial salmon fisherman in Bristol Bay, Alaska. 

According to the fundraising page, it was the final hours of the 2023 Bristol Bay sockeye salmon season and Shaun was spray-painting the engine of his boat, the F/V Sun Wing. A spark of unknown origin ignited the accumulated fumes in the room causing severe burns to Shaun’s body.

He was medevaced out of Naknek and taken to Anchorage, where he was determined to have sustained third degree burns on 16% of his body, namely his hands, arms and back.

Shaun underwent two surgeries for skin grafting and while he’s stable and the outlook for recovery is positive, there is no determined date for his return home to Santa Barbara.

“There will be some hang time before Shaun is able to regain the use of his hands, with rehab to follow, and while the sum total of medical expenses are as yet unknown, we can safely assume they won’t be small,” the fundraising page states. “Shaun will be unable to work for the foreseeable future. On the heels of one of the worst price/lb in the history of Bristol Bay fishery, with urchin season in Santa Barbara on the horizon, we ask that you help the Roche family as they navigate this difficult time, and allow for full-spectrum healing.”

Donations can be made to the Roche family here:

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. The fundraising looks more like it is needed for living expenses.
    One of worst price/lb in Bristol Bay history.
    Shaun Roche will miss urchin season
    His return to work is unforeseeable, so they are going to need at least a year of living expenses
    In addition, it is always expensive to be medevaced and hopefully he had medevac insurance (its about $500 per year). The other expenses would be family flights to and from Alaska, they probably will need to charter Shaun Roche down to Sherman Oaks burn center. Hopefully he also had disability insurance because a lot of us self employed people do not qualify for government benefits.
    I pay for my own disability, and medical insurances. (I’d rather buy my own, get the type of coverage I want, than pay higher taxes)

  2. No backpedaling at all. One or two commenters here appear to live in a non-reality state of mind, make up weird interpretations of others’ comments, and don’t realize that here’s a guy who worked hard and doesn’t have adequate care due to a system where more resources are given to those who contribute nothing to society. It’s just a hard fact. Easy to play the ‘good guy’ for some. Get real.

  3. I didn’t say not to contribute, or that I would not help. I am self employed and carry a lot of insurance and am hopeful the Roche family did the same. Medevac insurance is worth every penny. So is your own medical and disability if you are self employed. If you are self employed, no insurances, you get hurt on the job, you are completely out of luck

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