Go Plastic Free Goleta: Watch New Video to Learn How

By the City of Goleta

The City of Goleta has released a new video about Plastic Free Goleta to share how our community members can be part of helping Goleta go plastic free. Passed by City Council in September 2022, the City’s comprehensive plastic pollution reduction policy went into effect earlier this summer on June 1, 2023. Watch the video, featuring the City’s Sustainability Manager Dana Murray, here: https://youtu.be/riwTyWkGwdw. It can also be viewed in Spanish at https://youtu.be/XpCJZ1mt6oQ.

Plastic Free Goleta regulations are part of the City’s efforts to reduce waste by prohibiting the sale and distribution of a variety of common single-use plastic items. It is estimated that there are over five trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean and that by 2050 plastic will outweigh fish in the ocean. Less single-use plastics being distributed and sold in our community will reduce plastic pollution litter in Goleta’s neighborhoods, waterways, and beaches.

The policy includes regulations to reduce the sale and distribution of: 

  • Disposable single-use plastic cutlery and straws 
  • Polystyrene foodware  
  • Polystyrene packing materials and coolers 
  • Polystyrene egg cartons, meat trays, and produce trays 
  • Mylar® or foil balloons and the release of any balloons

Learn more about Plastic Free Goleta on our website at www.CityofGoleta.org/PlasticFreeGoleta.

Thank you for helping to protect our environment.


Written by CityofGoleta

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  1. Awesome. Last week I picked up two plastic straws (off a dirt track, next to a creek). Then I waded into the bushes, next to the creek, to pluck out an inflated latex balloon. Popped it. Tossed everything into the trash bin. Same day, I picked up four empty/new/unused dog poop bags. Some dog walker dropped them along the trail. Kept those to use. When I got back to my car, there was a to-go plastic coffee cup lid and a squashed mini liquor bottle, in the street. Brought those home to toss in the trash. One day’s collection.

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