Driver Opens Car Door in Front of Bicyclist

By Geo Duarte

A dooring incident, Vehicle vs. Bike Collision

Around 6:40 PM (Tuesday, 9/5/2023), a gray Lexus CT 200h had pulled over at 615 Chapala facing North. This is a red zone where many drivers ignore the law and perform food and passenger drop-offs and pick-ups.

According to a witness, the driver did not check before opening the door and a bicyclist collided with the vehicle.

The rider was seriously injured and there was a good amount of red spotting on the asphalt near the car. The bicyclist was transported to Cotrage Hospital.

The driver was cited for parking in the red. He argued he’s from L.A. and was not aware of the local laws. The officer said “…the rules are the same here as in L.A…a red zone…”

Aparently, since 2016 drivers can also be cited for dooring incidents such as this. Drivers please check before opening vehicle doors. 

Geo Duarte

Written by Geo Duarte

Geo Duarte is a volunteer scanner reporter for More reports can be viewed on Geo's Instagram page @Xtek_Overload

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  1. I found out the “hard way” that 4129 State is out of SBPD’s jurisdiction: 25 stitches (10 internal & 15 external) after WAITing 45 mins. for an “Officer” to arrive to “Document” this exact type of incident. The MORON in his lifted Silverado opened his door without looking (I didn’t get a chance to see him as he was short enough to be hidden by the seat), although he seemed apologetic not speaking any English, I had no idea what he was saying (my fault there, as I don’t speak/comprehend any other languages, well except minimal German). After some time his brother showed up translating a bit, I’d called 911 & told the operator I needed an officer on scene immediately after I’d parked my bike an put a clean cloth over the gaping wound (you could see the shin bone). I’d told the 911 operator I didn’t want an ambulance (my bad!) she seemed to be unaware of the location even though I’d given an address etc. so when SBPD finally arrived he said it wasn’t his jurisdiction & I’d have to wait for the sheriffs dept. to take the report, even after all my pleading & giving him a glimpse of what was now a bloody mess on my leg. After my buddy Kenny showed up to collect my bicycle, he had to return with it as the Sheriff wanted to see the bike (?) (I had told him to make sure the lights were on {they’re pretty bright on high with both on} it was around 3:30PM so lighting wasn’t an issue (except for maybe the Chevy driver). At the end his brother gave a ride to Cottage ER, more waiting & bleeding…
    sorry for the RANT, but this type of “Accident” has happened to me personally more than once making it personal! You wouldn’t believe some of the “Reasons” for their actions, just like the above article states.

    • Christmas eve a few years back, after leaving VeloPro (Goleta) as I was approaching Larry’s Auto Parts, senior woman chastised me for “Not paying attention” after she “Door-ed”me. Please be aware that while riding next to parked cars I always look to see if there is a person in the traffic side seat, as you never know when they got there, so always assume that the door will open in front of my right of way. Had I “Swerved” to avoid in either of these incidents I’d not be typing this today!

    • Wounded where you can see the bone and you don’t want EMTs to come? I can see not wanting to pay to ride in an ambulance but if an injury that serious happened why not have them at least give you emergency treatment? I’m sorry that happened to you but the rant is pretty heavily about how it is all the fault of others, layers of others. Regardless, I’m glad you are ok to ride another day!

    • SBSand – thanks for the feedback. Yes my past experience (once) with EMT’s/ambulance ride was when I WALKED to the SB-VA Clinic (4.5 miles) to be seen by Dr. G (he was always great) only to be told to wait for a few moments, when the SBFD showed up then AMR, I was whisked away to the ER (they said it was just bruising), $2600 later… My “MOS” started with 91B (medic) but was finally transferred to my requested 91B (pharmacy), when I joined 73′ (now I’m listed a Vietnam Era Vet), was asked what would you like to do? my obvious answer was “drugs” which the recruiter translated for me to be Pharmacy (thank you sarge.)…
      Maybe not so obvious but my “Forte'” isn’t writing. Computer/Bicycle repair more-so.

    • SBSAND, huh??? It’s 100% fault of the car to “door” a bicycle, nothing wrong with ranting about that. Especially when folks have such a sour attitude toward hurting the bicyclist instead of apologizing. Also, have you ever been treated by EMTs? They will, no joke, charge you $1000 or more just for taking your vitals. It’s not just the ambulance ride that is $$$. If you don’t want a bill, do not ever even give EMTs your name or any identifying information, don’t even answer if they ask how you’re feeling, they can charge that as part of taking vitals. It’s a major, predatory issue. All the while, the kind EMTs (not their fault the system is set up this way!) are only getting paid minimum wage while their company profits, ugh.

    • Much better to sit around and bleed heavily with the bone showing than to get emergency medical care and a quicker response because of accurately reporting the gravity of an accident… ok, that makes sense! We live in an imperfect world for sure but I would still prioritize my own personal health and top priority would be to get medical attention for an injury like that. Why wait and run the risk of too much lost blood, infection, etc?

    • Yes it was “Covered” literately & figuratively, “Be Prepared” Boy Scout motto. I always carry some med supplies as this wasn’t “my first rodeo”… I attempted to point out medic training, I was also at the time a member of the “SBMBTV” (issued a backpack loaded w/med supplies etc.), also have taken multiple “training courses”… Fully aware of the ramifications of infection & what blood lost could be. FTW: I was actually standing most of the time, not seated.

  2. Why do bicyclists never think they have a responsibility in these things? I have been injured badly by a car that turned right directly in front of me after passing me a few yards earlier. Nothing I could do then but I could have avoided State Street which is a dangerous route. Yup, the driver was primarily responsible but I never believed he was a bad person. He did drive me to the emergency room by the way.

    • Agreed, can’t really blame the B-rider. Unless, such rider is breaking the rule of 40 /40. At Forty feet per second on a bike one is traveling at 27.273 miles per hour. Bone cracking speeds, seriously tearing bodily tisssues and more, IDK ,
      Thus, fast forward to 40 MPH (MPH x 1.47) at 58.8 Ft Per sec. I am afraid I may have a totaled full-sized-vehicle at that speed. On a bicycle, at that same speed?? I may have 6 Mo. of therapy to then pretend I have recovered and am somewhat back to a “new normal.” Sheesh.

  3. Years ago, I took a bike class at Bici Centro, and one of the things they taught us to to take possession of the lane, but riding straight down the street out of door swing range and not to swerve in and out around cars. I’ve been doing it ever since (much to the chagrin of some car drivers), and it has saved my ass a number of times when careless drivers opened their doors without looking.

  4. I bike around town a lot. Of course, I also drive a car
    Bikes and cars are inherently dangerous, though the biker will always receive a greater injury. The “door” thing is just a part of it. This discussion is good though of course it also inherent on us all to be in the “now”: use caution at all times even if it entails a little more time. Don’t just focus on your goal/destination/task. As a biker I often just stop or avoid by turning away when approaching dicey nexus situations. I can see this sometimes upsets car operators (when I can see those operators who don’t have darkened windows etc), other bikers or pedestrians. Lots of these incidents wouldn’t happen we just took a little more time to absorb our surroundings and slowed the f___ down, whether it’s opening our car door, breezing by a car that is parked or speeding (in any vehicle) towards a nexus.
    Be here now, never assume others know what you are doing, and slow down!!!

  5. I ride my bike outside the door opening radius plus some room for a fat driver, but generally speaking don’t like spinning the wheel of death, dismemberment and injury, and do not ride on State, Cabrillo, Milpas, De La Vina. Santa Barbara, Chapala etc. I do not ride up APS towards the Mission and I do not ride up Sycamore Canyon from Hots Springs. If I would have been hit 2-3 times by doors in downtown SB I’d change my route in and out. For instance when I cycle to Ralphs, I’d come in via Figueroa

  6. I don’t know what bone everyone is talking about, but I drove myself to the doctor after having the skin sliced off of my shin bone. I’ve taken myself to urgent care with broken bones (plural) and with a facial injury where I could barely breathe. I know a guy who had a equipment accident where he crushed his leg below the knee (later amputated officially)and he did not call 911 and instead called a friend for a ride to the hospital.

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