Fentanyl Smuggling Attempt Thwarted at North County Jail

By the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office

Custody Deputies at the Northern Branch Jail have thwarted an attempt to smuggle dangerous drugs into the facility.

On Tuesday, September 5, 2023, Custody Deputies initiated an investigation into suspected contraband in an intake cell at the Northern Branch Jail. Through their investigation, Custody Deputies found 19-year-old Isaac Peinado in possession of over 120 suspected fentanyl pills, some of which were secreted in his body.

Peinado had been arrested earlier in the day by Santa Maria Police on charges of robbery, assault with a firearm on a person, conspiracy to commit a crime, participation in a criminal street gang, carrying a concealed weapon and enhancements for using a firearm and an enhancement for participating in a criminal street gang while committing a felony offense and was being held on $1,000,000 bail.

This additional case will be referred to the District Attorney’s Office for charges.

The Sheriff’s Office would like to remind the public of the danger of fentanyl use, the importance of carrying naloxone, and recognizing the signs of overdose which may include:

  • Difficult to wake up
  • Slowed Breathing
  • Confusion
  • Blue or pale lips and fingernails

If you notice these signs, call 911 immediately and give naloxone. For more information about fentanyl overdose, the signs of overdose and how to get naloxone, visit fentanylisforeversb.org.


Written by sbsheriff

Press releases written by the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office

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  1. Here is how his gang thinks: 19 year old Isaac is going down for a long time with these charges so why not use him to smuggle drugs into the facility? He gets caught and he may get a little extra time, his lawyer will offer to plead out to lesser charges on the whole package of crimes. He is the perfect mule. ” robbery, assault with a firearm on a person, conspiracy to commit a crime, participation in a criminal street gang, carrying a concealed weapon and enhancements for using a firearm and an enhancement for participating in a criminal street gang while committing a felony offense and was being held on $1,000,000 bail.”

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