Police Response at Turnpike Shopping Center on Friday

By an edhat reader

Does anyone know what happened at the Turnpike shopping center parking lot around 2:00 p.m. Friday?

There was a large police response looking for someone and apparently chasing some suspects.



Written by Anonymous

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  1. my daughter said some kids were drinking over at the shopping center, cops showed up and one of the kids tried to fight the cops. I asked how was he fighting, she saw some of it, said the kid literally punched a cop and tried to hit another so they took him down. Good. Weird thing, back in the 80s we used to smoke weed or cigarettes at the ‘stoner square’ across the street from SMHS, cops would come, we would scatter like ants, the slow one got caught, but not always. We would never try to swing at a cop, tha’ts just stupid.

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