By Jess Silverstein
Solvang City Councilmember Robert Clarke is not only a bigot, he’s an idiot.
I read two different news articles about the Solvang City Council voting against a celebration of pride month for the LGBTQ+ community. One article was by the Santa Ynez Valley News, and the other by The Independent where Clarke said he expects to be called a bigot and subsequently rambled incoherent nonsense about gay people.
Here’s the brief recap, the Solvang council voted 3-2 last week denying an application to hang rainbow streetlight banners and crosswalk paintings as a temporary art installation in June to celebrate Pride Month. Some councilmembers hid behind hypocritical banner policies and others, like Clarke, were forthcoming with their discrimination.
Numerous speakers called this “divisive,” “political,” and my personal favorite, part of a “woke agenda” (whatever that means). Several homophobes took to the mic and expressed their clear disdain for LGBTQ+ people ruining their WASPy version of Danish-America. Yet somehow these simple-minded pearl clutchers forgot that Denmark is extraordinarily gay-friendly being the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage and has some of the strongest LGBTQ+ protections in the world. So it seems those who claim to be a “5th generation Danish resident” stopped evolving after the first generation.
According to the articles, Clarke said he just couldn’t wrap his head around the idea that banners hanging from city streetlights would make Solvang’s LGBTQ+ residents feel any better about themselves. And how could he? First, he’s an idiot. Second, he’s incapable of understanding how anyone different than himself might feel. He’s in the majority. As a (presumably) straight, white, male, he’s never had to worry about being denied services because of the color of his skin, not being paid an equal wage, or not able to marry who he loves. So why should he care about anyone else that differs from him? Clearly this position of being a sworn public servant meant to represent everyone won’t change his stance, making him the worst kind of idiot: one that is aware of his shortcomings but will do absolutely nothing to learn, grow, or attempt to understand how others may feel or experience life. Defiant ignorance.
“I’ll be called a bigot tomorrow,” Clarke said after rambling about a drag event. “I’ve been called a bigot before. I don’t care.” Defiant ignorance. Robert Clarke is an unintelligent, hateful, idiot.
It is profoundly disheartening, anger-inducing, and exhausting for LGBTQ+ people to have their identity, questioned, ridiculed, judged, criminalized, and deemed “political” simply for existing. The queer population in the Santa Ynez Valley is very small, but Solvang is a massive tourism town. A lot of LGBTQ+ people visit Solvang and spend their money there. For residents and tourists alike, seeing that rainbow flag is a small symbol of hope, acceptance, and inclusivity telling them “hey, you’re welcome here and we love you just as you are.”
The Santa Ynez Valley has a long way to go in showing the LGBTQ+ community that they are welcome here. With idiots like Clarke spouting off unintelligible dribble and a group of juveniles getting caught burning Pride Flags (what happened to that by the way, were they ever punished?), Solvang is not the “friendliest goddamn town” as Clarke states. But it could be.
I urge all Solvang residents who support the LGBTQ+ community and believe in equality for all to stand up, make their voices heard, and never vote for idiots like Clarke again.
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“I’ve been called a bigot before. I don’t care.” – sounds like someone who is proud to “not be woke.” Proud to be a bigot. Someone should TP his house.
TP his house? Now in the “non-bigotry” corner I present: “two wrongs make right”.
Certain people in a certain political party have made being racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, bigoted, and discriminatory a badge of honor. It’s disgusting.
SBstoner, you can’t say you’re pro gay and all for gender expression and then explicitly say things that are anti-gay. Gross
VOICE – you probably call the cops on kids who ding dong ditch, don’t you?
SBSTONER – can you define “woke?”
“ludicrous amf unpopular idea” – you mean like rainbow flags during pride week?
SBSTONER – also, you’re wrong. The definition of the term “woke” is, according Merriem Webster: “aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice” –
Now tell us, Mr. I’m Not a Bigot, why you think that’s a bad thing?
Sac – Woke:
When social Justice warriors push ludicrous amf unpopular ideas and issues into the eye of the public and don’t shut up till the politicians pick up their pens.
I doubt your neighbors who are pro gay have the same some ideas as you.
Sac – That definition will be championed by those in with the “culture” but doesn’t make it any less of a minority movement that is so in everyone’s face that those who are neutral feel pressure to comply or be labeled “bigots” by those same champions of wokeness.
And no, ridiculous and ludicrous like “if a city doesn’t put up rainbow flags for a month then they are anti gay and bigoted.”
Goodnight, bigot!
Sac – People are really on here downvoting those who voice any opposition or disagreement with their personal values. Even those of us with non invasive personal opinions that we aren’t outwardly lobbying can’t say how we feel on a public news site without a ton of backlash. I don’t know what happened to “love thy neighbor” but just because some people with more conservative views disagree with changing our lives to comply with every single group’s increasingly demanding requests doesn’t make us bigoted, misogynistic or fascist.
I see it all the time here on EH. People on both sides of the political battleground do it. I feel baited by you peoples’ continuous comments calling me anti-gay or a bigot when I don’t think I’ve said anything of the sort.
Not agreeing with adopting different policies, curriculums or ideas en masse doesn’t make me racist, sexist, or homophobic. I don’t see a thing wrong with Solvang not decorating for pride month similar to how I don’t see a thing wrong with people having issues with non-binary pronouns. I’m allowed to believe that children should not be exposed to let alone educated about this “them they” stuff until they are old enough to start questioning their sexuality at all, similar to how I can say that I believe teaching that in schools, and making it a mainstream identity is confusing to children who biologically are meant to imitate what they are exposed to.
With seemingly more stuff to either comply with or get canceled every year, it’s increasingly hard to imagine how there will ever be an end to the list of things we should or shouldn’t do based on the woke agenda.
I bid you a wonderful evening, try to take everything with a little less salt.
You are conflating biology (sex you were born) with gender here. If someone born male wants to identify another way (non-binary) there are no pronouns except for “they” and “them. Fully get that you don’t understand because you don’t have to but we should respectfully let people identify however they choose. The world is changing.
““if a city doesn’t put up rainbow flags for [PRIDE] month then they are anti gay and bigoted.” – Exactly. That’s exactly what they are.
Snicker – THANK YOU! So well stated, well done.
“can’t say how we feel”
You are saying how you feel-a downvote doesn’t prevent that. OTOH, a downvote is an expression of how someone feels. Perhaps if you can acknowledge these obvious facts that illustrate extreme hypocrisy and illogic then you can you go on to recognize the other elements of extreme hypocrisy and illogic that permeate your comments. (Oh, who am I trying to kid? That won’t happen.) Over and over you express bigoted sentiments and then say you’re not a bigot. Why such cowardice? Why not own and be proud of your bigotry? Wave your bigotry flag high! You talk of your “opposition or disagreement with their personal values” — that’s bigotry, straight out of the dictionary.
“can’t say how we feel on a public news site”
Sure you can.
“without a ton of backlash”
Well, right, a lot of people don’;t like bigotry and speak out against it–what’s your problem with that, IF YOU’RE NOT A HYPOCRITE? Why do you get a voice but no one else does? I think bigotry sucks and is stupid and bad and ignorant and mean and self-centered and unpleasant and we should rid our society of it … why can’t *I* express my opinion without you whining about it? I think conservatives are self-serving and backwards thinking and narrow minded and ignorant and dishonest and cowardly … why can’t I say so without a lot of backlash? Sorry, it’s a fake question–I expect conservatives to complain about my views; I’m not going to whine about it because I’m not a pathetic cowardly whiny mewling dishonest hypocritical … conservative.
” I’m allowed to believe that children should not be exposed to let alone educated about this “them they” stuff until they are old enough to start questioning their sexuality at all”
Yes, you’re allowed to believe that, and people are allowed to point out ignorant, stupid, bigoted and dishonest it is–that it is fueled by a right wing political agenda and is a covert attack on the rights and existence of people unlike you, and that it is cruel and harmful to children who have gender dysphoria issues.
“based on the woke agenda”
“I bid you a wonderful evening, try to take everything with a little less salt.”
Again, I will note how hypocritical and dishonest this juxtaposition is.
6:47, that’s what Black people and their allies did in order to get civil rights legislation passed. Civil rights for Blacks was a “ludicrous and unpopular idea.”
5:40, non-binary gender, and sex, has been a part of human history for probably all human time. I urge you to learn about intersex people (a biologic fact; the wikipedia entry has dozens of great footnotes and sources:
the existence of a “Third Gender”
“That definition will be championed by” lexicographers and others who recognize what words mean.
“doesn’t make it any less of a minority movement”
Despite all the right wing propaganda, a recent poll shows that 60% of Americans still recognize “woke” as having a positive meaning.
“that is so in everyone’s face that those who are neutral”
You sure don’t SOUND neutral. In fact, no one here, including those who feel the same as you–including YOU–think you’re neutral.
“those same champions of wokeness”
So, those same champions of being aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice).
“And no, ridiculous and ludicrous like “if a city doesn’t put up rainbow flags for a month then they are anti gay and bigoted.”
What’s ridiculous and ludicrous (well, not as ridiculous and ludicrous as you calling yourself neutral) is omitting the fact that it’s *Pride Month*
Here’s a clue for you: you’re not going to win people over because, even if you happen to be right about something, you argue very poorly and *transparently dishonestly*. You can’t claim to be neutral and also rail against “the woke agenda” and trot out every single other right wing talking point. And you can’t convince anyone that you’re not a bigot when over and over you use the rhetoric that bigots use. And you won’t win any friends by complaining that you’re not being allowed to speak just because people speak back. And no one is going to take you seriously when you write “try to take everything with a little less salt” AT THE END OF A RANT.
Seriously buddy.
Sbstoner – cool name, but I doubt it. Just like you keep telling us you’re pro gay lol
“we should respectfully let people identify however they choose”
And whining about it, criticizing it, calling it “the woke agenda” is the sort of bigotry and narrow mindedness and dishonesty that permeates right wing discourse, and results in LAWS like in Florida that ban teachers from mentioning the existence of gay or trans people and the existence of institutional slavery, ban books that mention these things or show images of two fathers, even ban books about two male penguins (, etc. And make no mistake, the guy who says ” we aren’t outwardly lobbying” will send money to and vote for the right wing politicians who institute those bans in a heartbeat.
“social Justice warriors”
What’s wrong with fighting for social justice? Why do you fight so hard against it?
“ludicrous amf unpopular ideas and issues”
What ideas and issues, exactly? Why do you use such veiled language, like referring to “personal values” that you are in opposition to? Spell out these “personal values” *honestly*, without resort to equally veiled terms like “wokeness”. What is it that your enemies *value* that you don’t? I mean, aside from honesty, decency, social justice, inclusion, being intelligent, informed, and everything else good.
Snicker – A lot of insinuations, but you won’t find me on any of those donor lists.
It’s funny, for someone who got so wordy outside of having actual conversation, you aren’t saying a lot. Just calling me a hypocrite and bigot the same as everyone else. You sure are fighting the good fight breaking down everything I say as though it makes you more right.
I hope those little upvotes help you sleep at night.
Who TF is asking you to change your life?
This constant victim claiming from the people that have always held the power is the ultimate gaslighting.
Believe whatever TF you want. Don’t freak out because people want what you have.
Boomer move of the week definitely goes to Robert Clarke
Stoner… “push ludicrous and unpopular ideas…” your “woke”definition sounds more fit for people who ban reproductive rights, want weapons anarchy, and deny climate change than for those who want to celebrate our wonderful LGBTQ+ community.
You also just invented your own definition to counter a dictionary definition. Ever heard that “facts don’t care about your feelings?”
Preach Jess, Preach!
Hahahaha, this is great. He is an idiot, glad someone finally said it.
The definition of a bigot is “One who is strongly partial to one’s own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.” Sorry, Jess, if your attitude is it’s the LGBTQIA2S+ way or else you’re a bigot, then this screed shows you’re just as much of a bigot as this other guy. I got no skin in this game, I don’t live in Solvang, just pointing out that you’re demonstrating the same amount of (in)tolerance.
It’s fascinating how blatant bigots are too cowardly to own their bigotry and dishonestly turn it around. “You’re critical of bigots so that makes you a bigot! I thought you liberals were supposed to be tolerant!”
Years ago, when people marched in the streets for the right to sit at lunch counters and on the bus and drink from water fountains and swim in pools and go to schools without having dogs and water cannons turned on them or be lynched, they were subjected to the same vile nonsense and were accused of attacking genteel white society. In fact the word “woke” come out of the Black community–it’s a reminder to be awake to the threat of bigots and prejudice and oppression.
1678428741 – Oh please. We all know the people whining about their idea getting rejected are not facing what segregated people faced. There aren’t beatdowns, mob attacks or other violence, or any other bad things happening to those people at a rate that isn’t proportional or less than what is happening enough to other groups.
Choose a hill but not this one.
Downvote me for saying the truth xD
You’re pretty blind to what you don’t want to see, aren’t you?
Then please explain how it’s different.
Leave it to snicker to liken the struggle to redecorate Solvang with rainbows to the Civil Rights Movement.
10:26, have you never heard of gay bashing?! Or the murder rate of transgender people?! Where have you been for the past few decades, and do you read newspapers?
Solvang doesn’t have to adopt ANY proposals from any “special interest group “ . The City chose not to celebrate an entire month of Gay Pride with painting crosswalks and hanging banners. Solvang had a Pride Event at the park and a parade last year…. I am sure that it could be done again, but why is that unreasonable…????
It’s a theme town with a Danish Main Street, which BTW has two prominently LGBT+ stores located downtown. Why does the LGBT+ coalition have to throw their colors/personal identity in everyone’s face… Here’s a thought, don’t come to Solvang if you are offended and bruised by the fact the Council voted this proposal down. To call people names and throw a tantrum because a vote didn’t go your way, shows how UN-INCLUSIVE and open you are. Gays are accepted in our society, but throwing names like bigot and racist only creates divisiveness.
Why does the far-right christian nationalist coalition have to throw their colors/personal identity in everyone’s face
YES! Christians and religions throw their symbols and “god” and colors at me all the time (my entire life, and without my consent)! But heaven forbid we put a rainbow up!
Give an inch they take a mile.
Who, bigots? You’re right. Donald Trump gave them a pulpit and coaxed them out of the greasy, shadowing holes in which they spewed their hate. Time to send them back!
Who is “they”?
Residents can recall them or vote them out. Seems that those are the only two choices unless there can be a compromise of some sort. There was a successful recall recently in Solvang. So, it’s something to consider.
I’m going to be completely honest, I’m not anti-LGBTQ but I think there’s a point where the expectations of accommodation have to stop.
I don’t like the proliferation of “now we do rainbows for a month” celebrations that I see basically everywhere when it’s that time of the year. That does not make me or anyone who feels similarly a bigot.
What’s bigoted is to say that because people are Danish descendant they must be pro-gay, or to claim that someone “subsequently rambled incoherent nonsense about gay people” and then not be able to cite one sentence that matches that description.
Jess, I don’t really hate to tell you, you’re a big fat biggot and made a post because you can’t accept that people ( a lot of people by the way) don’t agree with your values.
SBSTONER ” That does not make me or anyone who feels similarly a bigot.” – If you are upset about pride flags, yes. Yes it does make you a bigot. A normal person would either accept them or ignore them without being upset.
Sac – Seems like the city of Solvang chose to ignore the request.
I simply don’t see where the finger pointing and name calling comes into play.
There’s nothing even remotely honest about that. Honesty would be to admit the blatant bigotry that permeates that comment.
“I simply don’t see where the finger pointing and name calling comes into play.”
“you’re a big fat biggot”
Um, ok.
“you can’t accept”
He does “accept” it as a fact, but he’s critical of it.
“that people ( a lot of people by the way) don’t agree with your values”
There’s a word for such people: BIGOTS. (And by “your values” you actually mean their sexual identity.)
As soon as you stop your white, Christian, Euroecentric actions which literally permeate every sector of American society you can legitimately ask other people to stop asking that they have an iota of representation.
I’m white, straight, male, and IDGAF if gay people get flags–we literally carry money in our pockets with symbolism created by white straight European males every single day.
TP his house? Wow, that’s just lame.
I found it amusing. Like, a joke, ya know?
Basic is a fine fellow who thinks it is not at all lame to take someone to task for wearing a mask when they had cancer and a splenectomy and are immunocompromised.
The Republicans in this part of town are a special kind of stupid. Same folks who boarded up their businesses when some high school students wanted to march and support BLM – these repuglicans spread a false rumor that Antifa was being shipped in by the bus load. It’s no surprise though, we are talking about the lowly educated living in the shadow of the Reagan Ranch. Young America’s Foundation also became a slovenly joke – their Twitter feed is post after post with anti LGBTQ and anti dragshow hatred. Very reminiscent of 1930’s Germany. Good old rage politics to stir up the weak minded and inflate election donations with blue collar money.
Looks like any opposing viewpoint is deleted by the EDHAT EDITOR….Cancel Culture at its best once again….
COAST – you always cry about deletion, yet your posts remain. Think a second before typing. You’re embarrassing yourself again.
Coast copies and pastes this same line every time.
It is quite a stretch to say that those who did not vote for putting up the gay flags are bigots. Seems to me that someone has sour grapes over not getting what they want and having a bit of a fit. Okay, I get it, a few folks are upset that the vote did not go your way. Maybe next year they’ll vote to put them up and then you’ll be happy. Those CoExist and Tolerance bumper stickers need to apply to everyone, not just those who agree with you…..needs to apply to those who do NOT agree with you. Should not be an issue in my opinion, but…whatevers.
There is a very good argument here for a 1st Amendment lawsuit. A decent lawyer would only need to compare what groups the city had allowed to display their wares over the past 5 years. Could be very expensive for the taxpayers.
“It is quite a stretch to say that those who did not vote for putting up the gay flags are bigots.”
It’s hard to otherwise explain such a vote.
“Seems to me that someone has sour grapes over not getting what they want”
Sour grapes is when someone denigrates something they actually covet.
I won’t bother to explain yet again the concept of hypocrisy, but I will mention the risk of being tolerant of intolerance:
GTree – Nope, not even close. Good luck to anyone who tries to say in court that this is a violation of 1st amendment rights. The person who says that will leave the courtroom kicking and screaming and crying that it’s “not fair” and that bigotry won.
It’s about what the people of Solvang want, not what .0001 of the people of Solvang and all the liberals of Santa Barbara want.
Go ahead and claim that there is “ a very good argument here for a 1st Amendment lawsuit.” It doesn’t hold true here and sure won’t in any court. For someone who isn’t a lawyer, you sure know a lot about the law.
Hate crimes represent minority populations, but I guess we should throw them out the window because it’s only .0001 of the total population?
Why doesn’t Edhat allow an op ed written calling the Democrats in this town idiots?
Do you have any evidence that such a thing was disallowed? But maybe it would be harder to pass muster than this piece that calls one specific person an idiot because of specific statements and actions, giving an argument to that effect, because “the Democrats in this town” is a rather broad category and it would be pretty hard to present a cogent argument that each and every Democrat in this town is an idiot. More likely it would make the author look like an idiot, so that might not be a wise way to go.
Write one and send it in.
You’re welcome to write one and submit it for review.
CONSERVATIVESB because your crayon drawings that you emailed didn’t pass muster. The platform requires full sentences with decent grammar – with some type of proof of comments other than Tucker Carlson or using the phrase “what about”.
Snicker- Haha, says someone who would happily call any conservative a biggot. What a coward.
Bro.. it’s called an op-ed because it’s an opinion, this isn’t a NY Times investigation story.
GeneralTree – That’s not necessarily true, I could write an op ed saying that democrats’ favorite word is bigot and I’m pretty sure that would be allowed. I don’t think I need proof of my comments just like how Jess doesn’t need proof that the issue in question is a demonstration of bigotry.
Does Solvang hang banners or flags for other special months?
Yes. I believe in one of the articles it stated the pride flags were deemed too political and divisive and promoting of a business or something. Even though one council member noted other banners do the same thing. Basically, the pride banners were denied because of politics (aka bigotry)
You can’t be bigoted against bigots, because being a bigot is a choice. It’s not discrimination, it’s just calling out people who made the stupid decision to hate others for the way they were born.
Choices have consequences. Pull up yer bootstraps and accept it.
…. This just in…..
Denmark has sent Solvang a cease and desist letter demanding they remove any and all Danish flags or likening to the Danish community as they do not want to be associated with archaic values and beliefs.
There were not gay Vikings? C’mon Solvang – Skol!
I am fully pro-LGBTQ+. But the idea that this === “VOTES FOR BIGOTRY AND DISCRIMINATION” is risible.
Transparent – Agreed. Can’t say that here without ruffling some feathers.
I guess these empty people like to feel righteous or something.
Yeah, that line really got to me, on top of all the other stuff!
Anytime someone starts a sentence like “I am totally pro-(fill in the blank), but…..” LOL
yeah we know…..
SBTONER – “I guess these empty people like to feel righteous or something.” Says the guy who calls himself “pro gay” lol
Anytime someone starts a sentence like “I have friends and family who are….-(fill in the blank)
Eye roll, the dems brought race into the comments as only they could….
Stoner painting himself the good guy while being a bigot. Pretty typical stuff here – an easy read.
Sbstoner – where has race been brought in? Maybe instead of rolling your eyes at “race,” you should be asking yourself why you are upset by rainbow flags during pride week and still refer to yourself as “pro gay?”
And what does that mean? Do you think saying that makes you toleratant? So do you approve of LGBQT community, but just not enough to be ok with them putting up flags during THEIR pride month?
Sac – Look for SurferBlue at 3:24 pm. Earliest mention of racism in this thread. You guys are just looking for an argument at all times.
“Certain people in a certain political party have made being racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, bigoted, and discriminatory a badge of honor. It’s disgusting.”
When the topic is bigotry, why would you think that mentioning race is off-topic?
I’m lgbqt and I don’t care if they’re rainbow flags or months. It’s so funny to see you guys go back and forth lol.
Looks like this guy Clarke was appointed to his position and it was controversial. i will avoid Solvang until this whole thing is resolved. Sad that they got scammed out of all that money. And what about the issues at SY High School? Big lawsuit coming there. No, sir, this is not a ‘g.d’ friendly town.
If you read the independent be advised you are reading slanting work generated by activate and those with an agenda. SYVHS the kid had been expelled previously and the paramedics made the call to sedate him. There will be no lawsuit and if there is it’ll fail. As for this, the crosswalks requested would violate federal safety laws. Even Copenhagen doesn’t have pride trans flag crosswalks. Plus they would endanger horses and their riders because they look like cattle guards to a horse. Google pride flag horses video and you’ll see.
@KKSYV – OH GOOD, now you don’t trust journalists. Are you saying he didn’t say those homophobic and transphobic and bigoted things? Even though he’s been quoted in 2 papers and it’s available to view on video?
Do you want to throw your support behind Putin while you’re at it?
Solvang will be better off without you there so thanks for staying in Santa Barbara.
Wow- what an awful turn of events. Why is Central coast California so close minded? It’s like we’re living in the 19th century here, people are so backward that they can’t even tolerate the tiniest modicum of flexibility because they feel so uncomfortable with themselves and people different than them. I’m done going to this town if they don’t choose to respect people Of all backgrounds and lifestyles. It seems like a pretty hateful, unevolved , bigoted place from this standpoint. Central coast California has some serious growing to do in general- it’s slow to change and I think it’s only hurting the future of our towns economy and community.
I’m fully pro-heterosexuals, but ya’ll constantly throw it in my face with your outdoor weddings in public spaces, handholding, kissing, and daily celebrations. Do it behind closed doors and not in my face! /s
You know you’ve been misled when the person writing this ad hominem smear left out that the same Robert Clarke:
1. Voted to approve the very first pride festival and parade last year
2. Approved Juneteenth festival and donated $1,000 of his own funds to it.
3. Followed city guidelines that banners not be “political” or benefit only 1 out of 500 businesses.
4. Pointed out that the organizer of this rainbow house inc has a children’s Queer Trans book store in Solvang and attempted to host a drag Queen brunch for children of all ages last December in Solvang.
She also didn’t post the video of the hearing. Here it is and watch for yourselves. The only idiots are those who believe smears without knowing all the facts. Here are some more facts:
1. They wanted to paint pride trans flags on 8 crosswalks. This was demonstrated to be illegal under federal traffic safety laws and dangerous to horses who would see the stripes like a cattle guard. Moreover the city would be civilly liable for any accidents in non-standard crosswalks.
Here his the full hearing with the speakers beginning at 1:40:00. After that you can hear Clarke’s views. He apologized later for the goddamned friendly town phrase.
These points don’t absolve Clarke of bigotry. Especially #4. And you KKSYV attempting to throw out the GOP talking point about drag queens reading kids stories somehow being harmful to kids is also bigoted, transphobic, and discriminatory. Shame on you.
From the Independent article:
[In his closing statements, Clarke said he just couldn’t wrap his head around the idea that banners hanging from city streetlights would make Solvang’s LGBTQIA+ residents feel any better about themselves. “I just don’t get that,” he said. He also seemed to want to punish Cavalli and his toy store for organizing a drag queen story and tea time that was ultimately canceled because of scheduling and budget considerations.
Clarke claimed it was in fact successful “heat from the GOP” that killed the event. “I don’t know what it is about men dressing as women and twerking in front of small children that is inclusive,” he said. “I’ll be called a bigot tomorrow,” he predicted. “I’ve been called a bigot before. I don’t care.”]
KKYSV – the real idiots are those living in the valley putting their head in the sand when there’s been numerous incidents (anecdotal and reported) of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric and actions. Clarke said what he said, it’s in the papers. Don’t try to distract.
So would you be for painting all the crosswalks in Santa Barbara and Stearns wharf with the trans pride flag? I think it’s ugly and would be against that.
Thisnisntheblonlntonthebcity council hearing so you can see just how much truth was left out by Silverstein. Again- the real idiots are those who take an inflammatory op ed and ignore the facts conveniently left out. The net effect is defamatory.
Speakers begin at 1:40:00 and it’s entertaining. All politics is local after all.
KKSYV – “painting all the crosswalk” isn’t the same as hanging some flags for a month. But hey, don’t let all your hate and intolerance get in the way of your logic LOL! Dang, just when I thought Valley folk couldn’t get anymore ridiculous!
I think Christmas decor is gaudy, ugly, and offensive to me as a person of Jewish faith so I’m against that too, but it’s not up to me.
“telling people men can become women? No, that is an insane mind virus, sorry.” – So transgenderism is a “virus?” You’re gross.
Now @KKSYV is saying they’re against drag shows because they are a feminist? hahahahahhahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH
Ok J.K. Rowling, go back into your hole.
“I don’t hate LGBT people but….” lol sure thing. Cue Dueling Banjos.
KKKSYV you seem to be in bed with Clarke. Guessing you and he know one another.
“no different than blackface”
Jesus, shut the fuck up.
First, I am not taking a position either in support of Councilmember Robert Clarke, nor opposed. Instead, my concern is the editorial response itself. For the past ten years at least, public debate has been reduced to name-calling and pretty much demonizing the opposing side. This happens in professional journalism and also places like Edhat where ordinary folks respond to important issues. Such journalistic practices are dangerous for the country, as they inflame rather than inform and persuade. If you have a legitimate position, then state it without reducing the argument to inflammatory rhetoric. That’s what the above is pretty much, including slander against a person you do not know. I stayed with the opinion piece, though, and came to one paragraph near the end that is pretty darn good. Indeed, a good editor would have pointed this out to the writer. I am reprinting that single paragraph here, as a lesson in argumentative writing that respects the opposition’s right to their position, focuses on the subject (here, the Gay community), and especially, respects one’s audience to arrive at their own conclusions without being force-fed. Here it is, an example of a succinct and compelling statement: “It is profoundly disheartening, anger-inducing, and exhausting for LGBTQ+ people to have their identity , questioned, ridiculed, judged, criminalized, and deemed ‘political’ simply for existing. The queer population in the Santa Ynez Valley is very small, but Solvang is a massive tourism town. A lot of LRBTQ+ people visit Solvang and spend their money there. For residents and tourists alike, seeing that rainbow flag is a small symbol of hope, acceptance, and inclusivity telling them ‘hey, you’re welcome here and we love you just as you are.'”
Calling someone an idiot is not defamation, it’s an opinion. I hope you’re also directing this pointed lecture to the GOP party and Fox News. That is, when you’re not being interviewed on Fox.
@KKSYV – he made homophobic and transphobic statements LAST WEEK
You’re exactly right. And for context watch this. The gay community was brimming with pride and joy at their weeklong festival and parade last year which Clarke approved. He took heat from the right though they were polite at least.
I doubt that homophobia is at work here. Esthetically, painted sidewalks don’t resound with Solvang’s vibe. Solvang City Council shouldn’t be punished for not capitulating to a small fraction of society that is throwing its weight around. I don’t see how flags and sidewalks will improve the charm of Solvang. I am sure gay people will enjoy it with or without the trimmings they demand. This need to destroy people’s character because you don’t get your way is childish.
THIS. We are so tired of people who represent a small fraction of the population kicking and screaming every time x demand isn’t met.
SBSTONER–if you are “so tired” then why are you participating?
To paraphrase something, if you don’t like it “just don’t do it”.
SZQ – “destroy people’s character” – he is a homo/transphobe. Is that the “character” you think shouldn’t be destroyed?
“small fraction of the population” – yes, good thing you homophobes and bigots are just a small fraction. Well, at least here in CA.
Did you miss the homophobic and transphobic statements Clarke was quoted making in the 2 news articles? That’s the point here, not the crosswalks. The point is it was denied because of bigotry. And if the crosswalks are such a “big deal” then why didn’t the council suggest just the banners instead like they do for every other organization.
You’re so right SBStoner. Anytime someone uses a slur against me, or another state revokes my access to care, or right to marry someone, or even punishes my kid and their teacher for mentioning myself and my partner, I should just shut up about it.
Hey Solvang! Your City Council’s decision has just cost you MILLIONS in tourists dollars. Hope it was worth it. This is being blasted all over the internet, with calls among the community to boycott your stores. Bigotry never wins.
@KKSYV – you don’t speak for the gay community so stop pretending to be supportive.
So you’re saying approving the weeklong pride festival and pride parade was for nothing and Solvang is hereby cancelled? Look at all the happy faces in gay community and ask whether you’re on the right side here or not, Clarke’s sour quotes or not.
And miss proving you wrong on a daily basis? Nah, I’m good.
you should get out more.
Sac – The city of Solvang will be just fine. Stop preaching as though you’ve won something by commenting on a news article populated by mostly liberal readers.
I’m saying actions have consequences, KKSYV. You bootstrappers love to talk about choice and consequences when it comes to things like drug addiction, homelessness, welfare, etc, but when consequences arise from your hate speech, bigotry, etc, you start crying like children about how unfair the left is and oh, “censorship!”
You can show all the happy faces and talk about the 1 “lesbian woman” who doesn’t like flags (bwahahaha!), but know that actions have consequences. I have friends and family that are very involved in the LGBQT community and have heard plenty – many are avoiding your town like the plague. Take it or leave it, I don’t care.
You should stay in–and turn off your computer LOL
These Repuglicans remind me of their parents and grand parents in the old photos, the ones who were shouting at and spitting on black school children as they tried to attend school. These little minds are on the wrong side of history once again. I’m glad though they have shown their faces so we know who and what they are.
Sacjon, that language was “unfortunate”? Can you at least try and imagine if anyone even slightly right leaning said that, and what your response would be? You’d double standard is astounding.
At a moment the U.S. was facing crises on multiple fronts, President Trump continued to use language that sparked controversy and highlighted the nation’s racial divides. He retweeted a video of a man chanting “white power” at a Florida retirement community and referred to the novel coronavirus as “kung flu.
That was the Democrats. Regarding desegregation of schools and busing Joe Biden said on the floor of the Senant “unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle”. When you rewrite history it always tells the story you want it to.
” desegregation of schools and busing” Yeah, you don’t know what Biden really said or the context of it.
Here’s the full quote: “Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this.”
He was opposed to bussing as a means of desegregation, not against desegregation. A few minutes of research would have taught you that. The part AFTER “racial jungle” puts it into context – he was concerned about racial tensions caused by bussing. Taking kids and forcing them to attend other schools as a means of desegregation would have caused tensions, he’s right.
You can read more here if you’re truly concerned about it:
The “racial jungle” language was unfortunate, but his FULL quote is hardly what the lazy Fox pundits try to tell you it is.
I don’t “support” what he says, I actually indicated that if you really read my comment. My point was, it was taken out of context. Yeah, if a liberal OR con said that, I’d feel the same – bad choice of words. However, the context is important and you’re unable to understand that. I get it though, thinking beyond blind hate is tough.
As for your buddy Clarke here, it wasn’t just his action of banning the pride flags during pride month, it was the….. here’s that word you need to look up again…. CONTEXT. He didn’t just make an aesthetics decision, he made multiple hateful and anti-LGBQT comments in conjunction with it, then announced he was fine with being called a “bigot” which, when looked at together (in CONTEXT), indicates he is a BIGOT.
Understanding the not so difficult nuances of our language is helpful.
Southern Democrats – that became the modern day republican party. The bigots are thick in here today.
WOW, Jess Silverman, I am stunned by your comments!! You title your piece “Bigotry and Discrimination” and then you go on to call Clarke an “unintelligent, hateful idiot”. Are you not doing the same? Numerous times you call him an “idiot”. I was raised NOT to name call as a child. Did your parents forget to teach you that lesson? How is it that someone who says that the city of Solvang should be tolerant, accepting, welcoming to the LGBTQ+ community can be so INTOLERANT and use NAME CALLING as an instrument to try to further your agenda? I’m amazed at how people who profess to the be loving, respectful, accepting, and tolerant in our society are so the opposite! I welcome your defense!
I never said that. I said that I do not condone calling someone an idiot. Plain and simple there too. I was responding to Jess Silverman.
If we can’t hold each of us accountable for what we say, how can we begin to hold elected officials accountable? It begins with each and every one of us.
Hateful? Where did you get that from my comments? If I’m supposedly hearing banjos you are hearing words I did not say. I also did not say that I was defending Clarks’s statements, only that calling someone an idiot was not okay.
As for ” None of us EVER said we love, respect, accept or tolerate bigots.”, I guess you only extend those actions to those that you agree with. Is it any wonder that people cannot talk to each other anymore.
Ragtop – you have yet to hold Mr. Clarke accountable for his speech, which is arguably worse, and instead rail against someone criticizing his hate speech.
Comparing a private citizen calling an elected public official an idiot in an opinion article with the hateful rhetoric an elected public official said in a public forum is like… I dunno, comparing an idiot to Einstein? Laughable. As taxpaying citizens it’s up to us to hold elected officials accountable. Clarke is being held to account for the awful things he said.
RAG – “I’m amazed at how people who profess to the be loving, respectful, accepting, and tolerant in our society ” – None of us EVER said we love, respect, accept or tolerate bigots. The banjos must be too loud out there if you thought that’s what you heard.
Love, respect, etc for people who are BORN differently than others. No one has an obligation to love people who CHOOSE to be hateful. Like you.
@Ragtop – you’re fine with Clarke saying bigoted things though? As a public official during a public meeting?
Rag, there is no tolerance for bigotry.
SBStoner well said, THIS. We are so tired of people who represent a small fraction of the population kicking and screaming every time x demand isn’t met.
Anyone who doesn’t agree cries bigotry and hatred instead of respecting a difference of options. Fed up with double standards. The Council held its ground because it didn’t want political banners.
LORAX – “respecting a difference of options.” – Why should we respect bigotry? His words and deeds aren’t just another “opinion,” they’re cruel and discriminatory.
When you choose to speak out against a choice, it’s one thing. That’s what we are doing here. Speaking out and condemning his CHOICE to be discriminatory. This is not the same as speaking out against a group of people based on attributes they are born with.
I can’t believe you Cons here can’t get that simple concept. CHOICE vs NON CHOICE. If you CHOOSE to be a bigot, man up and accept the anger and consequences you earned for being intolerant of peoples’ unchosen attributes (skin color, sexual preference, etc).
That you call pride flags, “political banners,” tells all we need to know about you though.
How about we remove all the Christmas decorations because people of other religions don’t like it? You going to support that as well?
“Kicking and screaming” – like when black people weren’t allowed to vote or attend white schools?
How is being gay political? You’re making it political, we’re simply existing.
From the Indy article: “The city, she said, ought to reject this “woke campaign,” maintain its Danish heritage, and “stay true to who and what we are.” – Yes, bigots. Stay true bigots! Blow your bigot horns loud!
The Mayor “said he didn’t believe Solvang struggles whatsoever with acceptance. “I haven’t seen the prejudice that is being expressed,” he said.” LOL hilarious! I love it when white, straight men say they’ve never experienced homophobia, racism, etc, so “therefore, it doesn’t exist.”
Why should Solvang have to enetertain a certain group politically which might alienate other groups and therefore hurt business. As is, all people are welcome. Why does the LGBTQ group think it should get special treatment?
CHALF – “Why does the LGBTQ group think it should get special treatment?” BECAUSE. IT. IS. FOR. PRIDE. MONTH. Gads…… you valley folks are somethin’ special!
Not special treatment, equal treatment.
“special treatment”
Ah, the bigots’ calling card.
To all those in SB who write / think and express that those in the SYV are generalized as “Bigots” or any other term, because the City of Solvang rejected a proposal to place Banners /Flags and repaint crosswalks with a rainbow theme for an entire month, DON’T come here. Your hate and name calling is not welcome. SOLVANG DID HAVE A PRIDE PARADE (mostly made up of SB folks) SOLVANG DID HAVE A PRIDE EVENT AT THE CITY PARK- You all seem to gloss over these FACTS. Just because they rejected the MONTH LONG banner displays and painted crosswalks allows your HATE to surface… WHO are the bigots and haters…?
Coast. Solvang is a joke. They boarded up their stores when they scared themselves into a frenzy that Antifa was coming to see some high school kids rally for George Floyd (nobody gave an F about coming to Solvang). Sad sick idiots. Are you so lowly informed to think that bigotry includes people having opinions about the city’s idiotic behavior. That is sad and why books should not be banned and why history should be taught.
Bunch of sicko bigots….
Silva told the council he didn’t appreciate his existence as a gay man being described as “political,” and he rejected the notion that Solvang is utterly devoid of prejudice. “I have been called a fag in this community more times in the last two years than I can count, and it’s uncomfortable to be told that homophobia doesn’t exist in this area,” he said. Another speaker referenced the recent theft and burning of a pride flag from an area church.
Sick racists and bigots in that part of town. Been that way for years.
“Clarke claimed it was in fact successful “heat from the GOP” that killed the event. “I don’t know what it is about men dressing as women and twerking in front of small children that is inclusive,” he said. “I’ll be called a bigot tomorrow,” he predicted. “I’ve been called a bigot before. I don’t care.”
Solving has all of the recipe for a new kkk to emerge. Full of white far right bigot evangelicals and Q followers.
SBSTONER – i meant. It’s Saturday night, so sue me.
COAST – “Your hate and name calling is not welcome.” – LOL
You mean like saying gay people are “sexually aberrent (sic)” ?? (GRABBER)
We should use “KY jelly” (Gizmo1),
There are only “men and women and straights and gays and that’s it” (SBTONDER),
Calling people who support LGBQT community “butt buddies” and “butthurt bigots” (SBTONER) and “butt-hurt” and we should “STFU” (BASICINFO)
“I don’t hate LGBT people, but I do hate an ideology that exposes children to drag shows (KKSYV)
Man…. get out of here with that BS. You people are so overflowing with hate for people because of the way they’re born, it’s disgusting. So are you.
People who hate others for how they’re born are a special kind of rotten.
It’s funny how many of these people are actually just bigots talking about the banjos we must all be hearing.
SBSTONER – the only true bigot here is you. Well you and GRABBER, Gizmo, KKSYV, Voice, etc. I bet you all think you’re good Christians or some bs too, huh?
Are you sure it’s not KKKSYV?
“The Lord Mayor of Copenhagen sent a letter Tuesday to her counterpart in Solvang, urging Mayor Mark Infanti and the city council to give their “full support” to the town’s LGBTQ community. Sophie Hæstorp Andersen’s entreaty came in response to a recent vote by the council to deny a proposal to hang banners and paint crosswalks in celebration of Pride Month this June.
“Your city’s status as ‘the Danish capital of America’ is something that you rightly cherish,” wrote Andersen, who also referenced the recent theft and burning of Pride flags in the area. “This opposition to Pride does not reflect the genuine warmth and acceptance to Pride that can be seen across Denmark and especially in Copenhagen.”
Andersen reminded Infanti and the council, who cited Danish “tradition” as part of their justification for rejecting the proposal, that her country is among the most progressive in the world and has a long history of embracing its LGBTQ people. Since the 1970s, she said, its capital has hosted Pride events, and in 2021 the city put on WorldPride, the biggest celebration of its kind anywhere on the planet.
“In the spirit of friendship between our two cities,” Andersen stated, “I urge you to give your local LGBTI+ community the full support of your city council, in the same way the Municipality of Copenhagen wholeheartedly supports Copenhagen Pride for the benefit of all Copenhageners, and to show the world that respect and acceptance are vital elements in a modern, welcoming society.”
In his own statement, Lars Henriksen, political chairperson of Copenhagen Pride, said his organization had specifically asked Andersen to contact Infanti. “I was stunned to hear about the opposition to Santa Ynez Valley Pride and smaller Pride events in Solvang,” he said. “We brought WorldPride to Copenhagen precisely because we are a beacon for LGBTI+ equality and acceptance globally, and so the opposition to Prides in Solvang is far from reflecting the values we cherish in Denmark and Copenhagen. We had to ask our Lord Mayor to write to Mayor Infanti and we sincerely hope he hears her friendly message.”
Henriksen said his group is sending two new Pride flags to Solvang to replace the ones that were stolen. “We are always happy to help activists where we can, and we are fortunate to be able to do so with our Solidarity Fund,” he said. “However, it’s a sad indictment of where things are heading when we need to offer assistance to friends in countries such as the U.S.A.,” where the trend of tolerance seems to be moving “in the wrong direction.”
Infanti did not respond to a request for comment.”