Repaving Shoreline Bike Path

By the City of Santa Barbara

On Tuesday, April 18 and Wednesday, April 19, the Public Works Streets Operations Division will be paving the bike path on Shoreline Drive. This section of bike path connects Shoreline Park to Leadbetter Beach. Work will be performed between the hours of 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Vehicles will have access to Shoreline Drive and pedestrians will have access to the sidewalk.

The Project is funded by Measure C.
To find out more, please contact Streets Operations and Maintenance Supervisor Mike

Krashefski at

For more information on Streets Operations and Infrastructure Management, click HERE.

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    • its not a rule or a municipal code.
      yall are so bent on having it only your way. i walk so i don’t want bikes in the area, i ride so i don’t want peds in my way, i drive so i don’t want bikes or peds in my way, i skateboard and hate all of you. cmon people…..we all pay taxes, we all share the things around us. If you want rules to be followed by cyclists, don’t give them a reason to ride out of the bike lanes.
      when i’m walking with my kids and dogs in the morning along the water front, i stay out of the bike lanes and keep my kids and dogs out of it. i see countless people with strollers and people walking in that bike lane…just dumb. dumb because you have a side walk within a few feet of you, that is three time wider than the 3 feet of bike lane we get. but yet you still want to get in the lane….i wonder if you are bold enough to do this in a lane for cars?

    • Karma–what about the absolute failure of bicycle riders to use the “bike path” created for them down Las Positas? They don’t like to stop at the intersections or share with pedestrians so they simply drive in the car lanes which the previously claimed was too dangerous. What hypocrisy.

    • yeah? that’s probably due to the fact hat folks like you and other people walking like to become self entitled and walk in a clearly marked bike path. that forces bikes out of the path and onto the side walks, then we get yelled at. right. easiest solution, stay off of the bike path unless you’re on a bike or scooter or something. if you’re walking, stay on the side walks.
      Also, i live half a block from Shoreline park. the way you’re making this sound is like its a constant race way with bikes lol….there may be one or two here and there. let’s not over exaggerate things.

    • I spend a fair bit of time at Shoreline park. When I’m running, inevitably there are people on the sidewalks walking 2-3 abreast, or walking their dogs on a long leash, or a group of folks stopped in the middle of the sidewalk chatting – oblivious to others who want to use the sidewalk.
      At the section mentioned here, it’s much the same. I’m sure I anger cyclists when I run on the bike path there, but sometimes there is little choice due to the people on the sidewalk. (Also, the bike path surface is easier on my joints.) I prefer the sidewalk still.

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