Solvang Scolded by Copenhagen Mayor, Urges Support of LGBTQ Community

By the edhat staff

The Lord Mayor of Copenhagen urged Solvang’s Mayor and city council to give their “full support” to the town’s LGBTQ+ community.

Denmark’s Sophie Hæstorp Andersen recently became aware of the Danish-inspired town’s decision not to hang banners in support Pride month, one council member’s bigoted comments towards the LGBTQ+ community, Santa Ynez High School painting over rainbow crosswalks over “community complaints,” and the two men charged with burning pride flags.

The Lord Mayor stated she was surprised and shocked to read of the above events. “This opposition to Pride does not reflect the genuine warmth and acceptance of Pride that can be seen across Denmark and especially in Copenhagen,” Hæstorp Andersen wrote in a letter published by The Independent.

Hæstorp Andersen stated that Copenhagen and Denmark have a proud tradition of acceptance and inclusion, and since the 1970s has held LGBTQ+ community events with Copenhagen Pride happening every year since 1996 and in 2021 hosted WorldPride.

“In the spirit of friendship between our cities, I urge you to give Santa Ynez Valley Pride and your local LGBTI+ community the full support or your City Council, in the same way that the Municipality of Copenhagen wholeheartedly supports Copenhagen Pride for the benefit of all Copenhageners, and to show the world that respect and acceptance are vital elements in a modern, welcoming society,” Hæstorp Andersen wrote.

Tyler Hayden of The Independent reported Lars Henriksen, political chairperson of Copenhagen Pride, will be sending two new pride flags to replace the ones that were burned. 

“It’s a sad indictment of where things are heading when we need to offer assistance to friends in countries such as the U.S.A., where the trend of tolerance seems to be moving in the wrong direction,” Henriksen stated.

Read the full story at

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. It is totally fine you do not agree with the decision that Solvang has made regarding Gay/Pride flags, parades, rainbow street crossings. However, you need to accept their decision as it was theirs to make. Request put in….request denied. Very simple, in my opinion. By complaining non-stop does not help the case of those in the future who may put in a request for a Gay/Pride month in Solvang. Remember, tearing down others does not build anyone up….it just makes the complainers look like…..well, complainers who cannot accept decisions made by others. Hate the people of Solvang? Don’t go there. Maybe let this one go and head to places that you want to support. Some of us with progressive roots have learned to calm down and not make ourselves look silly, and approach these things logically/calmly and take out the negative emotions, which for some can be very hard to do….but give it a try!

  2. The bigoted hate monger principal from SYV HS resigned – good riddance. Here is a short, but incomplete list, of other thingsthat rethuglican cancel culture has tried to cancel based on their hateful drivel driven agenda.
    American Airlines
    Amy Grant
    Bank of America
    Banks which plan for climate change
    The Beatles
    Beauty and the Beast (2017 film)
    Ben & Jerry’s
    Black people
    Bud Light
    Campbell’s Soup
    Capitol Hill Club
    Colin Kaepernick
    Common Core
    Critical race theory
    The Da Vinci Code
    Delta Airlines
    Dixie Chicks
    Dr. Anthony Fauci
    Dungeons & Dragons
    Ellen DeGeneres
    Enterprise Rent-A-Car
    French fries
    Ghostbusters (2016)
    The Golden Compass
    Good Omens
    The Guardian
    Hallmark Channel
    “Happy holidays”
    Harry Potter
    History of racism
    Home Depot
    InterContinental Hotels
    JPMorgan Chase
    Kathy Griffin
    The Little Mermaid (2023)
    Levi Strauss & Co.
    Little Demon
    Liz Cheney
    Megyn Kelly
    Ms. Marvel
    The New York Times
    Potato Head
    Procter & Gamble
    Republicans who voted to hold Trump accountable
    Rock music
    Samantha Bee
    Same sex weddings
    Sandi Patty
    Sesame Street
    Sex education
    She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
    The Simpsons
    Star Wars
    Stephen Colbert
    Thor: Love and Thunder
    Toy Story 4
    Transgender people
    United Airlines
    Video games
    Wells Fargo
    Wrangler Jeans

    • Here, I’ll list what the left tries to cancel:
      Man, so anti-progressive to intolerant towards these awful things, huh? You must feel so persecuted. Imagine being denied a platorm to spout hate and ignorance. Must suck for you. Move to Texas or hey…… Solvang! Lad ikke døren ramme dig, hvor den gode herre splittede dig!

    • Rethuglicans have been trying to cancel the minimum wage ever since it was enacted in the 1930s;Republicans have done their best to cancel American’s health care; Republicans have fought to cancel unions ever since the 1920s;Republicans have worked hard to cancel educational opportunity for Americans;Conservatives have also succeeded, over the time from the 1890s when America first started having public schools to this day, in cancelling any semblance of honest Black history;Republicans have been working since 1980 to cancel a woman’s right to choose an abortion;Republicans have been trying to cancel the workplace, political, and social rights of women for a century; Republicans have been trying to cancel your right to clean air since the 1970s; Pretty much every Republican legislator alive today has spent most of their careers trying to cancel the right of LGBTQ Americans; Republicans are trying to get average Americans to cancel getting the COVID vaccine; , Republican appointees on the Supreme Court let Republican Secretaries of State cancel the voter registrations of over 20 million Americans in the last dozen years and let them reduce the number of voting machines and voting locations, particularly in Black, Hispanic and working-class neighborhoods, to cancel their right to quickly vote. Hell, they even tried to cancel American democracy itself on January 6th.

    • The right has been defending those schmucks from the unite the right rally – the ones who were “good people on both sides”, the ones that were chanting anti-semetic statements – now they are being hunted down by law enforcement and being charged with a felony – burning an object with the intent to intimidate. Like the far right people here that have been defending the burning of LGBTQ flags in order to intimidate.

    • “projection, double standards, and intolerance” – where? Explain.
      Oh hahaha! You still think being anti-racist and anti-bigot is being “intolerant.” That’s so cool of you to love racists, bigots, homophobes, and the like. You’re super progressive to defend and support those garbage piles.

  3. So you’re saying that flying flags and painting sidewalks is the key to acceptance? I think that’s a fantasy. I hear what you’re saying, but to me this is a lot like taking a couple ethics courses in med school, or maybe attempting to train an ignorant bigot at work with a 2 hour class on racial sensitivity. That’s not what works. I personally don’t care if Solvang paints the sidewalks or not, but apparently you and some others really do. I respect your opinion, but I don’t think that’s where acceptance comes from, not at all. It’s how we’re raised.

    • Looks like part of the problem is you don’t get it and I hope by asking that means you’re attempting to understand. Stating that everyone has differences and all pretty much the same so we don’t need to fly flags for our identities is an ignorant statement. It would be nice if this was true, but there are laws on the books and a number of laws in motion that are set to restrict the rights of specific Americans. Being gay is not a “personal value,” it is someone’s identity and personhood that is historically and currently under attack. Voting for a particular person are party is not the same as being gay, “Trump supporters” are not under attack like LGBTQ people are, and suggesting as much is ignorant and offensive. I hope this clears it up for you, otherwise I suggest doing a little research and googling to better understand it.

  4. It’s important to understand that Robert Clarke, who lost an election to Solvang City Council in November, was appointed – not chosen by voters – to his new seat. He does not represent the majority of Solvang residents. Furthermore, to drum up support for his out-of-touch agenda he solicited input from a small group of citizens by inviting them to speak at the City Council meeting. It is doubtful that they would have shown up if he hadn’t reached out to them and asked them to contact his fellow council members. The views his supporters shared are not representative of the way most people think in Solvang. Notably, the same group has endorsed four out of five SYVUHSD board members. Take a look at the group’s website, Santa Ynez Valley Common Sense, to understand just how out of touch this loose organization of people really is. Robert Clarke needs to be removed from office when he is up for election later this year, as do the four school board members. Vote them out.

  5. I live in a nice middle-class neighborhood my direct a neighbors are entirely different people. We have a gay couple. We have a Muslim couple. We have a family that has a child transgender changing and us. that’s on our side of the block across the street. We have two very right wing and two very left-wing. And guess what we all get along and we get along very well. We have barbecues kids play together. We don’t put signs in our yard so we don’t cram anything down anybody’s throat everybody just lives their life quietly on their own. Nobody hides anything, but nobody is disrespectful. It’s really very easy we don’t make anybody feel uncomfortable. everybody feels welcome

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