Op-Ed: Santa Ynez Valley Hates Gay People

By Jess Silverstein

How much longer must I keep writing about the intolerance, ignorance, hate, discrimination, and buffoonery that’s infecting the Santa Ynez Valley?

Solvang is in the crosshairs yet again, and it’s not only directed at self-proclaimed bigot and Solvang City Councilmember Robert Clarke (read my last opinion on this idiot here), but now it’s Solvang Mayor Mark Infanti.

Numerous news outlets reported this past week that Sophie Hæstorp Andersen, Lord Mayor of Copenhagen, urged Infanti and the Solvang City Council to get with the times and support the LGBTQ+ community. The Danish mayor pretty much said if you’re going to embody and dress up like a Danish town, then act like one and here’s our track record of inclusiveness. Read her letter here.

As many know, this issue comes up as painted rainbow crosswalks and pride themed banners were proposed for June, the nationally recognized Pride Month for the LGBTQ+ community. The proposal has been denied twice with Infanti being one of the deniers citing issues with horses not liking certain colors. Never seems to be an issue during the Fiesta horse parade, but ok. Councilmember Clarke then took it upon himself to go on an anti-gay, anti-drag, anti-anyone different than his straight, white, Christian, self rant while calling himself a seemingly proud bigot. 

This all falls on the backdrop of two young men recently being charged with burning pride flags last summer, Santa Ynez Valley High School quickly cancelling it’s anti-bullying campagin that included rainbow crosswalks due to community complaints, and numerous reports of anti-gay experiences from LGBTQ+ community members living in the valley.

The letter from Copenhagen’s Mayor is diplomatically telling Solvang this is unacceptable and not at all Danish.

Infanti, ever prideful, said in a KEYT interview that he and the council did receive Andersen’s letter and he responded to the mayor, but declined to state what the response included. He then said he worked with the applicant over the Pride banners and is “hopeful it will be granted” at the Solvang City Council meeting on Monday, April 24.

That’s interesting.

On Friday, the Santa Barbara County Republican Party (known for it’s conspiracy ridden emails with links to blogs devoid of anything factual and upcoming banquet hosting accused child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz) sent out a newsletter written by the “Santa Ynez Valley Common Sense” group.

It says that during Monday’s City Council meeting there will be a third application for Pride banners being installed during the month of June. It says there have been 300 emails against, and 20 in support.

“We are the overwhelming majority, even if social media makes it appear otherwise,” the ugent call to action states, adding Infanti’s name at the bottom making it appear that he’s the one writing the message.

“We cherish the Constitution of the United States and are God-centered,” is what the Santa Ynez Common Sense group has plastered on their homepage. But it appears they only cherish parts of the Constitution that work best for them. 

The Constitution explains that Americans are free to exercise the religion of their choice, but the government shall not impose religious values on the people. Yet one specific political party has no problem doing just that, and apparently this group that has common sense in their name very much lacks it. 

If what they say is true, that 300 letters have been written to oppose LGBTQ+ representation for pride month, then the Santa Ynez Valley hates gay people.

Social media is no different. There are hundreds of people on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (seemingly from the local area) that are putting their homophobia and bigotry on full display. 

“Wake up people, that is not discrimination, that is a group of people throwing a fit because they didn’t get their way,” wrote Miranda Khivrenko on Instagram. You’re wrong Miranda, it’s discrimination. Especially when the council denies the application for being “too political,” essentially saying that one’s identity as LGBTQ+ is political. If you can’t understand that, I suggest you take time to education yourself on being a decent human being.

“Solvang has their own ‘look’ for their tourist destination city, to look like a danish town, not a pride town,” wrote Monique Tamez on Instagram. Oh Monique, you’re also wrong and sorely misguided. If a town is playing dress up as another country for money but refuses to actually embody those country’s values then it’s appropriation in the highest order. And having banners for one month during Pride month does not make it a “Pride Town,” it just shows it’s a welcoming and accepting place for EVERYONE, not just you Monique.

I’ve even seen some locals posting on social media that the letter from the Copenhagen mayor is “fake” and all part of a ploy from a LGBTQ+ organization to make Solvang look bad. The lengths people will go to be discriminatory and then attempt to hide it, shift blame, and flat out lie are astounding. For anyone confused, the letter is not fake and is published on the City of Copenhagen’s website with the mayor’s signature.

Write to Solvang’s mayor Infanti and the city council members below to show your love and your support of the LGBTQ+ population in our county. Discrimination will not find a home here, we must all be allies.


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Written by Anonymous

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    • BFT – because those “differences” have caused some people to be beat, shot, raped, stabbed, murdered, bullied, fired from jobs, and worse throughout our history. They just want to be treated like the rest of us and be able to celebrate their differences, not hide them from society any longer. Sad you don’t understand that simple idea.

  1. Solvang isn’t what it used to be. It looks like a worn out miniature golf course. SYV had a boom from the Sideways movie but that has played out. Glad we’re seeing this in national news so tourists can decide to spend their hard earned dollars in more welcoming cities. SYV is full of hateful bigoted repuglicans that wants to cancel the existence of others.

  2. A must-read here:
    Quotes from the involved parties obtained through FOIA.
    “Clarke called his colleagues “bozos” for revisiting their previous vote and “bowing to a tiny woke mob.” He vowed to “keep fighting this crap” and suggested Solvang cancel its upcoming Pride parade because of the backlash he has personally received over his comments. ”
    “Clarke repeatedly blamed LGBTQ organizers and their supporters ― whom he referred to in various messages as “alphabet mafia” and “chardonnay antifa” as well as “snowflakes,” “clowns,” and “assholes” ― for stoking division and “spewing” their “woke poison” across the community. “Their campaign will not relent until we all cave to a far left woke agenda,” he said in a group email.”
    “Clarke promised them that, for every one of his “butt-hurt” critics who spoke at upcoming council meetings, he would donate $10 to Gays Against Groomers, “a coalition of gays against the sexualization, indoctrination, and medicalization of children under the guise of LGBTQIA+,” according to its website.”
    There’s more… What a hateful person. But as always, it’s the hypocrisy that gets me, as the conservatives/Right/Republicans seek to control the actions of people while touting their belief in freedom.

  3. ” I proudly hate racists and bigots. Why don’t you? Eh… we all know the answer to that.”
    I proudly hate racism and bigotry, but I don’t proudly hate the individual, because hate is a blanket that excludes the possibility of a human changing. But you do you, I’ll do me.

  4. Solvang HAS a “PRIDE STORE”….Does Santa Barbara…?
    Solvang HAS a PRIDE PARADE…..Does Santa Barbara…?
    Solvang HAS a PRIDE DAY AT THE PARK… Does Santa Barbara…?
    Yeah, they capped the issue of Pride Banners for a month displayed on the main “drag” of Copenhagen Street…So what? Does that mean “HATE”….?
    The LGBT+ community is supported and accepted, but we don’t need indoctrination of a groups ideology or political beliefs in the faces of everyone else…
    Because the Head of SB County’s Rainbow Coalition didn’t get what he asked for, we are all HATERS… Insane.

    • Coast, in spite of your hate speech…. a simple Google search using the Internet that Al Gore invented revealed the following:
      “Solvang HAS a “PRIDE STORE”….Does Santa Barbara…?” No, but no one is stopping anyone from starting one.
      “Solvang HAS a PRIDE PARADE…..Does Santa Barbara…?”
      Santa Barbara has the Pacific Pride festival
      “Solvang HAS a PRIDE DAY AT THE PARK… Does Santa Barbara…?”
      Santa Barbara has numerous pride events near round.
      “Because the Head of SB County’s Rainbow Coalition didn’t get what he asked for, we are all HATERS… Insane.” No coast, those with statements like yours are being called out for being hateful bigots – somehow believing that those of another sexual orientation are trying to indoctrinate you or that solely being an LGBTQ person makes one political.

  5. Reposting part of a comment I made earlier about Solvang. I want to say that there are not hundreds of letters and emails in support of the council’s actions – the minority is deliberately exaggerating public support for their position, unless you count multiple texts and emails from a small group of supporters separately, If Infanti is part of the Santa Ynez Valley Common Sense group his political career is over. That group makes Marjorie Taylor Greene look reasonable.
    It’s important to understand that Robert Clarke, who lost an election to Solvang City Council in November, was appointed – not chosen by voters – to his new seat. He does not represent the majority of Solvang residents. Furthermore, to drum up support for his out-of-touch agenda he solicited input from a small group of citizens by inviting them to speak at the City Council meeting. It is doubtful that they would have shown up if he hadn’t reached out to them and asked them to contact his fellow council members. The views his supporters shared are not representative of the way most people think in Solvang. Notably, the same group has endorsed four out of five SYVUHSD board members. Take a look at the group’s website, Santa Ynez Valley Common Sense, to understand just how out of touch this loose organization of people really is. Robert Clarke needs to be removed from office when he is up for election later this year, as do the four school board members. Vote them out.

  6. Re: 300 emails of opposition, have those been vetted as (1) from ACTUAL members of the community and (2) from real, identifiable people AND (3) from different people? Let’s see the breakdown. Bet somebody copy pasted a bunch of times and set the internet Qanons to task. Vet em! Let’s see just how shady these bigots are.

  7. Sometimes a “No” is simply…a No.
    – If I say “No” to my neighbor’s daughter who wants to sell me Girl Scout cookies…..it does not mean that I hate girls or the Girl Scouts.
    – If I say “No” when you ask me to watch your dog for a couple of day….it does not mean that I hate dogs.
    – If I say “No” when you ask to borrow money….it does not mean that I hate you.
    There seems to be a concerted effort to “cancel” every person and every business in the Santa Ynez valley. This is silly and childish at a minimum. It’s a “we didn’t get our way and taking our ball with us” situation. Grow UP! Live and let live.
    Not getting your way does not mean people hate you even if you “feel” that way. Do lot let your feelings get hurt by three people….not worth getting all worked up about it. Basically, it’s a no-brainer if you think about it for a moment of two. Relax (please).

  8. 1. To the author, I am a resident of SYV and your title is wildly untrue. I’d venture that about half of the SYV hates everyone, and the other half are working hard to motivate some progress toward reality. The haters in SYV are comprised of middle-aged+ white folks who have either grown up here, or who have been here for quite a while. So I don’t doubt that there is a fair amount of support for Clarke, as they prefer to live in their safe bumf**k bubbles. 2. Clarke’s remarks are shocking, hideous, and childish. Quite literally if my teenager made public remarks like his, she would be suspended or expelled from school. How this man is still in his position is beyond me. 3. This comes on the heels of the SY High School painting over a pride campaign (which was APPROVED by them) on campus recently. The optics are terrible, but continue to bring to light the old-school, good-ol-boy bigotry so rampant here. 4. I also see some validity to the mayor’s points that we do not have month-long events (aside from Jule Fest) or fly banners for any party for longer than the length of an event, normally a few days to a week. We don’t fly flags for any minority’s history months, etc. so any party that would like the month-long banners ought to apply for the same parameters that other groups have. It’s in poor taste to deny with bigotry, but it’s also in poor taste to demand exceptions without compromise. 5. Screw SYV and the horse it rode in on, generally. As soon as my kid is out of school, I’m out of here and never looking back.

  9. “Clarke promised them that, for every one of his “butt-hurt” critics who spoke at upcoming council meetings, he would donate $10 to Gays Against Groomers, “a coalition of gays against the sexualization, indoctrination, and medicalization of children under the guise of LGBTQIA+,” according to its website.
    Records show Clarke has so far donated $100 to the organization.”
    Here’s a taste of the radical right-wing Gays Against Groomers:
    “A child wearing anything queer related is worse than a Nazi having a child wear a shirt with a swastika on it. The queer movement is more evil than the Nazis.”
    Gays Against Groomers Illinois @GAG_Illinois Twitter
    Gays Against Groomers (GAG)[1] is an American far-right anti-LGBT[2][3] organization known for protesting against gender-affirming care for minors, including at hospitals that provide it;[4] against LGBT representation at schools;[5] and against Drag Queen Story Hour events.[6] A spokesperson for the LGBT advocacy group GLAAD has claimed that the group uses the slur “groomer” to characterize LGBT people as pedophiles.[6][7][1] GAG has hosted anti-LGBTQ rallies, alongside other far-right and anti-LGBTQ organizations such as Moms for Liberty, which have been attended by the Proud Boys.[1][8]
    GAG began in June 2022 as a Twitter account created by Jaimee Michell, who had previously been employed by right-wing communications firms Arsenal Media and X Strategies and posted similar content on her personal account. The account is known for posting anti-trans rhetoric and has been compared to Libs of TikTok. Michell officially incorporated GAG in September.[6][1] GAG has been banned from multiple social media and payment platforms for violating rules on hate speech; they have been promoted by right-wing media outlets such as Fox News, One America News Network (OANN), and InfoWars.
    GAG was founded by Jaimee Michell, at the time a content creator and lead designer at marketing company Arsenal Media, a conservative media organization specializing in creating viral content.[9] GAG’s Twitter account was created by Michell on June 6, 2022.[10] Her website featured examples of her work for conservative candidates and activists.[6] Michell had previously been on the advisory board to Donald Trump’s “Trump Pride coalition”, and described Trump as a “pro-gay” politician. Leading up to the 2020 United States presidential election, Michell was involved in the “Stop the Steal” movement, to promote conspiracy theories that the election had been “stolen”.
    There’s more. There’s always more. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gays_Against_Groomers or google who is gays against groomers

  10. Thanks for the Op-Ed, Edhat. Might I suggest an edit to the headline? “Santa Ynez Hates” is sufficient. You have spewed your vitriolic hate from S.Y. like a broken sprinkler all the way to Copenhagen.
    Racists running schools, disabled kids restrained and forcefully injected, homophobes run the place. Sounds like the pols & teachers in S.Y. hates anyone who doesn’t look, act, sound, and smell like they do.
    If there are good people who don’t hate their neighbors in S.Y, now would be a good time to make yourself heard.

  11. I love how the right uses “common sense” as a rallying cry. In these issues, “common sense” usually means ignorance. Keep it simple, stupid. Simplicity is king. 2 genders. If there’s no slavery anymore, then racism is over. If wind turbines kill birds, we have to keep using coal and oil. It’s easier and more “common” to ignore the nuances of issues. Willful ignorance, usually due to lack of intelligence, sometimes due to pure hate, is easy. If it’s not black and white, it’s confusing and liberal. Common Sense, indeed!
    If it don’t make sense to yer blue collar mind, it’s liberal trickery. They’re trying to indoctrunate my kids and yer kids! Come on folks, it’s “common sense!”

  12. In the old days, being intolerant or bigoted meant refusing to accept another group of people. Now acceptance is not enough. Being intolerant or bigoted today apparently means refusing to embrace and celebrate a group of people with sufficient enthusiasm and and expense. The valley is very much a live and let live type of place. People in the valley may not choose to celebrate every different group of people, but they are accepting and friendly towards everyone. Interestingly, many liberals are extremely intolerant and refuse to accept others. The outpouring of hatred and contempt in these comments is a testament to that. Many liberals attack and intimidate people who are different from them. I looked up the definition of bigoted below, and it describes the hateful liberals commenting on this article to a tee.
    “Being or characteristic of a bigot.
    Obstinately and blindly attached to some creed, opinion practice, or ritual; unreasonably devoted to a system or party, and illiberal toward the opinions of others.”

  13. ENDEY “hate is a blanket that excludes the possibility of a human changing” – no it doesn’t. If a Klansman changed his mind, saw the errors of his ways and preached tolerance instead of hate, I’d no longer hate him. Easy. If you refuse to acknowledge your intolerance for people because of how they were born, I’ll hate you for being a racist/bigot, etc. But once you become more educated and make an effort to think about others and their struggles and accept peoples’ differences, why would I continue to hate you? Gosh. Super simple there.

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