Man Accosted on State Street by Suspected Homeless Woman

By Geo Duarte

At around 4 PM Sunday a man who is present on State Street daily, reports he was accosted by a homeless female which he had never previously seen in town. He reports she yelled and cursed and kicked the planner wall in front of the Marshall’s at the corner of State and E. Canon Perdido Streets. 

He finally had enough when she kept getting closer and closer to him. He then took calm measures to restrain her from proceeding forward any more. She allegedly called him a sex offender amongst other names.

The reporting party stated he does not have a cell phone so he asked a nearby gentleman if to please call the police. Three police vehicles arrived quickly, including a K-9 Unit and what would appear to be a plain clothes officer. The woman continued to yell as she was taken into custody and put in the back of a police cruiser.

Photo by Geo Duarte


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  1. I think it is very short sighted to want people to move because they may not vote like you do. Say what you will about Elon Musk, but when he left CA he took hundreds of millions of dollars of tax payments with him. It is also narrowminded to think that everyone who goes to a red state for tax reasons is a “rethuglican”. Amazon was willing to move its HQ to NYC, lots of good jobs, lots of high income taxpayers. But Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez torpedoed it Amazon was canceled out of NYC by the Democrats and went to Virginia instead. AOC cited $3B in tax breaks but smart people noticed:
    “There is a financial literacy epidemic in America.
    Quick lesson: NYC wasn’t handing cash to Amazon. It was an incentive program based on job creation, producing tax revenue.
    There isn’t a $3 billion pile of money that can now be spent on subways or education.”
    Noted rethuglican Governor Mario Cuomo said: “[A] small group [of] politicians put their own narrow political interests above their community — which poll after poll showed overwhelmingly supported bringing Amazon to Long Island City — the state’s economic future and the best interests of the people of this state….. They should be held accountable for this lost economic opportunity.”

  2. GT is LA Times an extremist news organization??
    “Over 500,000 Californians left the state in the two years after the pandemic began due to rising housing costs and crowded, crime-filled cities, according to a report.
    Between April 2020 and July 2022 the number of those leaving California surpassed the number of people moving in by more than 700,000, The Los Angeles Times reported.”
    How about stats from those rethuglicans at the extremist news organization at the State of California Department of Finance
    “Since 2011, California has experienced negative net domestic migration, in which the number of people moving out of the state in a year exceed the number of people coming in. Since 2016, net domestic outmigration has outpaced net international migration, leaving natural increase as the only source of population growth. However, with continuing fertility declines and increased deaths from aging and the pandemic, natural increase did not offset the declines in net migration—total migration into the state minus total out-migration —during this period.”
    “According to the American Community Survey, from 2010 through 2021 about 7.7 million people moved from California to other states, while only 5.8 million people moved to California from other parts of the country. According to CA Department of Finance estimates, the state has lost residents to other states every year since 2000. Over the past few years, the movement out of the state has accelerated with a record net outflow of 407,000 from July 2021 to July 2022.”
    GT: You cited no sources, no footnotes and provided numbers with no context at all in a post where you dismissively noted: “even high school students are required to cite sources.”

    • Edney You’re all over the place . My numbers are easily found on the US Census Bureau website and anyone that knows how to use Google could have used my numbers to find that. You claimed 800,000, now you are back pedaling claiming 500,000 to save face – even though 500,000 is the numbers that I posted. Again, I enjoy those packing up to move to red states and will gladly buy a bus ticket. Yes I was dismissive – I’m always dismissive of bologna.

  3. To the usual handful of commentors who turn everything into a political argument and/or fan the flames: Congratulations! You’ve ruined another thread. Discourse in these comment sections has become nothing more than rote, predictable drivel from the very same people. I hope that Edhat goes the way of Noozhawk and The Independent and does away with these tiresome exchanges.

    • That’s is only a minor part of the problem. The major problem is local mega landlords who jack commercial rent sky high, they effectively set the market rate because they own so much property. This means even if they rent only 50%, and claim tax deductions on the vacant properties, they still come out ahead AND have to do less work since they have fewer tenants. City Council needs to create ordinances that require properties to be rented. It’s about time the 1% in town had some consequences for their selfish actions.

    • SBGETSA You are now mixing large retail chains in with mostly local businesses on state streets. Large companies have mostly been leaving California due to high tax rates, punitive regulations, high labor costs, and a high cost of living. I’m glad your anecdotal evidence of maybe knowing two business owners should now be believed by everyone as the entire reason for low occupancy downtown. Again – the buidling owners can just write off their losses – and it is less work for them. What extremist news organization is telling you that CA has a net population loss of 800,000? The population of California in 2022 was 39,029,342, a 0.29% decline from 2021. The population of California in 2021 was 39,142,991, a 0.91% decline from 2020. The population of California in 2020 was 39,501,653, a 0.16% increase from 2019. The population of California in 2019 was 39,437,610, a 0% increase from 2018. Again – even high school students are required to cite sources. I’m glad people are leaving California – especially when Republicans are moving to red states.

    • Yes, & national companies like Walmart, etc closing stores across CA state.
      As to downtown I know of several companies that moved their offices from state street because of the transient people citing several reasons such as; making their employees not feel safe, having to clean up feces everyday to not be in g able to have client calls because of continued yelling on the street, etc.
      Those that moved off state did not mention high rent as a reason.
      This is nothing new, it’s a building humanitarian crisis that the government refuses to address.
      The question is when is the tipping point? When will voters finally have enough?
      Considering CA has a net population loss 800,000 people in the previous two years, the first time in CA history CA population has shrunk and by big numbers you know there are issues. Not all homeless, but there are issues.

    • Wealthy real estate don’t lose much by waiting, thanks to federal tax laws. Whether or not a storefront is rented, the deductions (depreciation, utilities, security, real estate taxes) are essentially the same. And if you have vacancies that are resulting in losses on a property, it certainly offsets income from other properties, and you end up paying less tax accordingly. So if you had an opportunity to put a tenant in at $8k, and you wanted $10 k a month, you have somewhat of a disincentive to accept that lower rent immediately… as opposed to just holding it vacant and hoping for higher rent, because the owner may be getting a tax benefit from that. It’s just another line item on the balance sheet to the large real estate investors.

    • “how to use this Google thing you’re talking about?” says the liar who refuses to ever post cites to back up his comments and when he does, they prove him wrong……
      The number 167 is still less than 1,595 genius.
      Also, there’s not “several” local private schools that cost under $7500

    • I owned the tiniest building on State St. Inherited it from my family. What had once been a really fun block (400) has become a ghost town. NOT all are mega landlords. I was more than fair with rent.
      EVERY morning there was shit and piss right in the entry. Believe me, it is not the rents.

  4. GT.
    I never claimed there were 800,000. That was another poster. I cited solid sources (LA Times) that claimed 500,000 people net left CA over a two year period and cited (LA Times) April 2020 and July 2022 the number of those leaving California surpassed the number of people moving in by more than 700,000. I also cited a solid source (CA Dept of Finance) that came to the same conclusion.
    I’m not claiming 800,000 left, I am telling you that the CA Dept of Finance and the LA Times say slightly more than 700,000 left.
    This is marginally on topic because the most often cited reasons for leaving (LA Times) are “rising housing costs and crowded, crime-filled cities”

  5. Numerous writers say that landlords can write off empty space. That is not true. They show less income when space is empty but they gain no writeoffs. Landlords may be reluctant to lower rents to attract new leases because they own other properties at higher lease rates and don’t want those tenants asking for reductions.

    • “Whenever you see someone blaming vacancies on “greedy landlords” rest assured they know nothing about real estate.” – So, no commercial tenants have left due to increased, unaffordable rents? I mean, by saying “whenever” that means all times. So, what you’re saying is landlords who raise the rent so high their commercial tenant can no longer afford it and vacate, leaving the building “vacant,” are never to blame? Interesting.

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