Bicyclist Crashes From Pot Hole on Modoc

By an edhat reader

Bikers beware. There is a nasty pot hole on Modoc near Modoc Preserve.

A bicyclist crashed due to the pot hole.


Written by homeboy7

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    • MICHAEL – you should come check out Cathedral Oaks. I and my kids ride along there a lot and the bike lanes are great. Problem is, we also have the spandex bunch who like to blow through all the stop signs and ride 2 or more abreast, causing drivers to have to swerve into on coming traffic at some curves (near Los Carneros for example). Please share the road.

  1. Looks like the pothole is not in the “bike lane” part of the road.
    Seems well deserved to me because I personally hate the people who bike like they own the road and expect cars to go over the center to go around them.
    Instead of worrying about the potholes in the road let’s worry about the PITAs on the bikes that don’t know simple driving etiquette.

  2. The past couple years of pavement work in the City have been absolutely abysmal. Brand new slurry seals are delaminating all over town! I know the City has to take the lowest bid, BUT they can also disqualify certain contractors. I don’t know who did the latest work, but they should be blacklisted.

    • jimbo212 – that’s correct setting up for the left onto the “Obern Trail” attempting to avoid the parallel cracks in the road (just as treacherous as huge holes in the pavement). The google street view from 12/22 shows the hole before the “almost repaired”, whoops missed a spot…,-119.766012,3a,75y,343.27h,87.42t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUIbDeEM-nw9xQQ0OVQLcdQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

    • Gotcha, it’s hard to tell with the pics. City, county, whoever is responsible for roads and sidewalks in this city really need to do better. Also something needs to be done about the eucalyptus trees around town that are all falling or about to fall. People are getting hurt when they shouldn’t!

    • A couple of downvotes for being factual, apparently. The same crowd who whines about masks and lies about climate science (plus one very opinionated guy who habitually makes silly generalizations about “spandex warriors”–a weird flex about clothes that are engineered to be comfortable and visible) are here telling falsehoods about bicyclists .

    • SNICKER – I use the term “spandex warriors” to describe the guys and gals who race up and down Cathedral Oaks. I have no problem with their clothes, just a common term here that everyone understands so I don’t have to say “the guys and gals who were tight jerseys and shorts, riding really nice race bikes in groups.” Sorry if that term is offensive to you. Not sure what falsehoods you’re talking about, but I see these folks multiple times a day, EVERY day riding through the stop sign across the street from my house, usually without even slowing down. That’s no “falsehood.” I also see DAILY groups of 2 or more of these types of cyclists riding 2 or more abreast, which puts drivers at risk of head on collisions on some curves in Cathedral Oaks, especially near Stowe Grove park. It’s just a factual observation, no “falsehood.”
      I do apologize if you don’t like my observations, but….. that’s what I see. I have also seen my kid almost severely injured while walking through a crosswalk and a spandex clad “racer” not even stopping and nearly clipping her at a high rate of speed. Again, just my observations. Now, I’ve seen cars roll through signs as well, but not nearly as often as cyclists. No “falsehoods” here.

  3. I thought the only possible solution for potholes was the do it yourself approach our former governor took recently shown in the article below.
    Another approach to dealing with potholes is turning them into planters and putting in flowers. This makes them more visible and improves the aesthetics of the road.
    I thought we would just have to accept potholes as we adapt to living with decaying infrastructure. However, now that bicycles are involved I have hope the potholes will soon be repaired. The bicycle lobby is the only organization in this area with the power to get something done to fix this. They would never repair the potholes for the people who drive cars, but if the bicycle lobby demands the potholes get filled in for their safety it just might happen.

  4. Another whine from the bike fanatics. The pothole is clearly visible and far from the curb. The rider has some responsibility to avoid potholes, rocks, branches, mud, running water, and other such things. And we know that even when bike lanes are present bicycle riders ignore them to ride in auto lanes to avoid having to stop and share the bike lanes, etc.

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