Movies Way Back When: Happy Birthdate, Mary Miles Minter!

By Betsy J. Green

“Flying A” actress Mary Miles Minter was born on April 25, 1902. The first movie that 14-year-old actress Mary Miles Minter made at the “Flying A” was called “Youth’s Endearing Charm.” The film takes place in an orphanage, and dozens of children from Santa Barbara’s St. Vincent’s Orphanage appeared in the production. (The building is still here at 925 De la Vina Street.)

“A strong attachment sprung up between Mary and the love-starved kiddies, and she was the center of a loving throng every minute of the days the children were working with her. Twice she gave up her luncheon hour so she could take the children for a spin along the beach in her new motor car.” – Motography, July 22, 1916

Betsy’s Way Back When book — Movies & Million-Dollar Mansions — is now available in local bookstores and at This is the seventh book in her series on the history of Santa Barbara. Learn more at​.


Written by bjgreen

Betsy J. Green is a Santa Barbara historian and author. Her books are available in local bookstores, and at (Shop local if you can.) Learn more at

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