Marborg Trash and Recycling Rates to Increase Next Month

By the edhat staff

Santa Barbara City Councilmembers approved a rate increase for Marborg’s trash and recycling services.

Last week the council voted yes for a 3.4% increase starting in July for the average Marborg customer.

The original increase was almost 10% that included a utility users tax (UUT), but the city only approved the 3.4% attributed to adjustments in billing administration and its new contract with the city.

An average single-family residence will see their bill increase by about $2.12 while apartment buildings of five or more units will see an approximate $82 increase.

The new rates will kick in on July 1, 2023.


Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. VOR is correct, this is about business. Make room in your budget for trash/recyclable/green waste collection, that is , unless you want to start taking out your own trash to the dump every week, which I think is still an option.
    Businesses have to make some money to survive in the real world. Otherwise, they’re out. Marborg is a good local business. They have to make money to support their employees’ jobs.

  2. I believe the city should explore rate discounts for people that probably only need trash pickup every other week. I know now our kids have moved out and our amount of trash is about a third of what we use to have. For seniors there should be a 50% schedule. It doesn’t seem fair to be paying fir full service,

  3. Of course, this trash pick up is already high.
    I don’t understand how everything has gone up so high this year . And so has the cost of living.
    Just pull from your money tree.
    Wow , do the people have no say in anything or have the help from our officials to stop this crazy increase in everything.
    Just controlling our life’s and how we spend our money, making sure we are stuck , live check to check till you’re now considered low income. This is so out of control! Who will stop this and fight for the people?
    I’m so disillusioned by this , doesn’t make since.
    But just swallow it and roll over right.
    This has been the worst 3 years ever and getting worse every day.

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