Motorcycle and Bicycle Collide on Las Positas

Update by Geo Duarte

Motorcycle versus bicycle accident on La Positas and Portesuello around 4:00 p.m. Wednesday.

A bicyclist suffered serious injuries, they were transported to Cottage Hospital.

The motorcyclist seemed to be generally OK. Traffic was completely stopped on the northbound lane of Las Positas for at least 30 minutes.

Photo by Geo Duarte

By Tagdes

Traffic Accident, Las Positas at Portesuello. Fire, AMR & PD responding.


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    • It may be becoming apparent that the bicycle may have changed course just after an impact with a motorcycle, possibly into a crossing-sign-pole and then the bike thus fell apart? With, immediate prayers, and best wishes for the injured party, hope the bicyclists’ took a different trajectory than the bike after the bounce. And, is gonna recover quickly. There is plenty of folliage and bushes near by, which are better landing zones than urban-hard-objects. Maaan!!!

  1. E-bikes are not the enemy. I get the impression from the comments that many dislike them. I see far more regular cyclists zooming around with no regard for pedestrians or cars than I do e-bikes… if not for the sheer outnumbering of regular cyclists alone. Regular cyclists go much faster!

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