“Piss Christ” Artwork Removed from College-Level Course at Dos Pueblos High School

By the edhat staff

After complaints from a Catholic student and his parents, a 1987 piece of art has been removed from a college-level course at Dos Pueblos High School.

Last month John Hayward, a junior at Dos Pueblos, asked for the art piece “Piss Christ” to be removed from the class during a Santa Barbara Unified School Board meeting. Hayward is not enrolled in the class but stated he worried he might have to take the class next year.

Immersion (Piss Christ) is a photograph by American artist and photographer Andres Serrano. It depicts a small plastic crucifix submerged in a small glass tank of the artist’s urine. The piece was a winner of the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art’s “Awards in the Visual Arts” competition, according to Wikipedia.

Piss Christ by Serrano Andres (1987) [wikipedia]

The Santa Barbara Unified School District said the image was shown during a PowerPoint presentation while discussing the topic of “what is art?” The class, Theory of Knowledge, is designed for students to reflect on the nature of knowledge and on how we know what we claim to know.

It is a required course in the high school’s International Baccalaureates (IB) program which aims to “provide an education that enables students to make sense of the complexities of the world around them, as well as equipping them with the skills and dispositions needed for taking responsible action for the future,” according to the program website.

Supporters of Hayward called the image “sacrilegious” and “hate speech” that “undermines the Catholic faith,” even though the artist has stated he meant no harm.

“I had no idea Piss Christ would get the attention it did, since I meant neither blasphemy nor offense by it. I’ve been a Catholic all my life, so I am a follower of Christ,” Serrano said in a 2017 interview with VICE.

Hayward’s family hired the conservative lawfirm, the Thomas More Society, to send a letter to the school district requesting the removal of the image citing “anti-Catholic” beliefs and “religious discrimination.”

The district’s lawyer responded stated a different teacher would lead the course next year and the image would not be used. Although the law firm pushed back threatening to sue if the district did not confirm the image be permanently discontinued.

Bill Woodard, principal of Dos Pueblos High School, stated that after conversation with teachers the image will no longer be shown, but the artwork may still be discussed in conversation. 

“As the principal at Dos Pueblos High School, I am proud of the academic rigor of our courses that lead to some of the best academic results in the state,” Woodard said. “We believe in having intellectually stimulating conversations while also being inclusive of all students in our community.”

In a press release issued earlier this month, Hayward stated the end result is a “small, yet significant, victory for Our Lord.”

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. Yes let’s protect the sanctity of Catholicism and do not offend the Catholics with a piece of art created by a Catholic follower.
    What’s that? Children are continuing to be molested by Catholic priests and they are still protecting them and paying out settlements and refusing to acknowledge the truth and people still support the organization and it’s “sanctity?”
    Yes, but let’s focus on an angry white male teen about how he feels persecuted for his faith.

  2. Also, DP totally screwed this up. They are censoring curriculum because of a single request, do they not see where that can go?
    What if I am offended by the inclusion of Thomas Jefferson in US History classes because he was a slave owner.
    BLOT HIS NAME OUT lest I be offended? Really?
    It’s actually pathetic. So give a disclaimer before every single class that dares to discuss ideas.
    “This class discusses ideas. You might not like some of them. If you can’t handle being exposed to ideas that you don’t like, then our suggestion is you take a pottery class instead.”

    • Gregoreo, as the article stated, Serrano is a Catholic and said quite clearly that his intent was not at all to be blasphemous. So where is the hate you speak of?
      Beyond that, you have been chilling for decades while Catholic priests raped kids with the knowledge of the church. If you were to ask Jesus what hurt his heart more, a picture of a wooden figure of him in a glass of urine or thousands of children being raped and scarred for life, what exactly do you think he would say?

    • Just because the creator wasn’t offended by his work doesn’t mean most Christians probably are! It’s like The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence aren’t trying to offend other Catholics… Come on. It’s all hate and that’s fine, but keep it out of our schools. Just like ALL hate.

    • Oh, GIMME A BREAK, Gregoreo. There is no hate for Jesus. While I personally find that art piece reprehensible, horrid and offensive, I would not ban it. Art should never be banned. Freedom of speech and expression. Don’t like it? Don’t look at it. I don’t like many of the things right wingers say, but I’d defend their right to say it. This is America.

    • Not Really. Art, has to get “stupid” sometimes for some smart-ones to not trully ever understand. It’s just Art, or a possibly for many an Existential Synthesis oreven an Existntial-Crisis to be diverted or even the embracing of such existance and possibly a ridiculous expression of any or all crazy opinions upon theology / religion or any other aspect of this over-hydrated–moment of a story. sorry, I may have to go tinkle. L O hello Love! LOL Oww!
      Even for some of those overly-cognatively-inspired-or-over-educated-Anylitical-understanding scholars— really-Often-art is just a two minute temporary thought or expression-inspiration—So. For others, maybe just a quickly ponder and / or to have their own tizzy. Get real about artzy art See, my opinion is lit / It is like an artistic fart / it may rhyme with Bart/ or may possibly may ring in Your Heart /, OF LIFE, YUP, NOT EVERYONE will EVER AGREE! Thats been true since the Universal start of ones own Theeee. On anything regarding All, including The Human-Condition-OR-Related–Dynamics on any chart quite possibility quite, POSSIBLY. Please do not blame U or Meeeee!
      IF = Art is A Human Freedom, even if it sounds ridiculous, aginst Your Personal Belifs, OR against Your own Opinions / Self-Policies, Against Your own made-up-Laws or inequalities.
      Most art , is only and artisticaly understood to be a wonderfully opinionated expression with no ability to be harmful or of any enforcement of any rules, policy, or law, It’s just ART you see. [Hahaha.] Wheather Literary, Video, Podcast, Book, Picture, etc. LOL (Maybe just) Laugh at it, and try to Think-Openly!!! Maybe, it’s that, this life in a complicated PERSONAL-FLUX, a pesronal Experience??? Thus, Leave it Alone, for others to enterpret-see. LOL Live as sisters and brothers, in some form of UNITY!!!
      No book should be banned. Imagine if the “The RElativetY, SpecIal And RelatIveTheorY” had been banned by any theocratic-authoritarians. Wow, then really almost no book should be banned. Unless it is that libel or slaner against any persom, or as an example aparent. Like what happened for a while in Child Custody Cases, and The Judge thrived on that, in SB County! Ooooff!! See my bias, opnininated, painfully?

  3. If DP tries to fight this, they wind up burning lots of taxpayer money that should be going towards educating kids. It’s not spineless, it’s common sense. No win situation for them against a parent and the Thomas More Society that are likely ready to take them full-on in court. And yeah, what if it was a rainbow flag in a toilet? Artistic freedom still?

  4. Get real. You think the District should go to court over this and we’ll (meaning us parents and taxpayers) all be better off? I’ve got a bridge to sell ya…. Hey, I think it’s a joke too, but priority 1 isn’t court battles – our kids aren’t getting a high quality education to begin with right now.
    What about that is “whataboutism”, whatever the F- that’s supposed to mean….lol

  5. Easy fix.
    Replace Jesus with Mohammed and get yourself a 24/7/365 bodyguard, food tester.
    Actually, no religion should be marginalized, derided in a public school. There are ways to teach art without the visual of immersing religious icons in piss and unless you would dare do Mohammed, come see me when you intend to.
    Personally, I would not worship or believe in a deity the needs me to protect his/her image, but it is disrespectful towards others who do care.

  6. One day, I hope they see the truth
    This puppet show stays on because of you fools
    We’ve been dancing with the devil way too long
    I know it’s fun, but get ready to pay your dues
    Oh God, come back home
    This crazy world is filled with liars and abusers
    We need you now, before we’re too far gone
    I hope one day they finally see the truth
    God, we need you
    I know the truth is hard to swallow, just digest it
    Suspected something’s goin’ on, but chose to just neglect it
    Deflected by some breaking news, oh we just accept it
    Expected just to fall in line and follow their perspective
    Don’t question their objective, but I got a lot of questions
    How these kids molested but nobody’s been arrested?
    Read it in the Testament these children are protected
    So I’m fighting all these terrorists, both foreign and domestic
    Refuse to be directed, lion not a sheep
    Only kneel to my God, so I’m dying on my feet
    Silence when we speak, but there’s violence in the street
    I’ve been rollin’ with the punches, I can’t take it on the cheek
    I drink from a glass half full, I’m optimistic
    People are sadistic, so vicious and malicious
    Prayin’ for assistance to overcome opposition or I’m gonna start resistin’, and then I pray for forgiveness. Struggle Jennings;)

  7. I am still waiting for someone to agree that if the desire is to utilize controversial religious art in the class as a “teaching moment”, then why not next year use art that depicts Mohammed for discussion?
    And to those advocating to “shut this clown [the father] down”, will you be providing the pitchforks and torches for your mobs?

    • Racjax,
      Sure, personally, I’m fine with images of Mohammed because in my world there is no such thing as religious “blasphemy.” I’m not bound by your or any other religion in any fashion at all, nor will I allow myself to be. I choose to NOT make statements that offend others’ religious beliefs because to do so would be unnecessarily hurtful and rude. But you’re not going to dictate to me what I can or can’t see.
      What I am not understanding here is where you are trying to go with the comparison? Are you trying to say that the “libs” wouldn’t stand for a controversial piece of art featuring Mohammed but are fine with a controversial piece of art featuring Christ? Because you may be aware that liberals have spent far more time defending disgusting and objectionable speech under the 1st amendment than conservatives have.
      Are you trying to argue that Christians should be as extreme on this topic as some Muslims and start (well continue) killing anyone that they considered to have blasphemed?
      Not sure at all what you are even advocating for. Are you?

  8. The ironic part of all this feedback is that if this “protest” had not been filed, the image would have been seen once by an AP class as part of a discussion of “What Is Art?” It was included because many people feel that it is not. It would have been seen by one class for less than a day. Now it has become a weeks-long argument on EdHat, exposing the image to the whole community, and generating all kinds of defenses of it. Good job!

  9. It is a first amendment right to take my beliefs anywhere I want, but if we did get God completely out of the public school classroom, then Piss Christ would not be allowed in either because it is art featuring a religious icon.
    The founder of the USA were very clear that their intent was not to ban religious expression in public places, but to ban the establishment of a state religion like the Church of England or the Russian Orthodox in Russia today. Burma also has a state religion, Buddhism, and requires, by force, that villages of those ethnicities who do not practice Buddhism to build Buddhist temples and to donate food, housing, and money to the monks. Monks, who are not native to the area, are usually from Yangon and selected by the government (All Buddhists are not peaceful- when Americans think of Buddhism, they are thinking of an Americanized offshoot of a Tibetan variant)

  10. I don’t think the piece should have been banned from the classroom, but to me it is lazy to pick on Catholicism. Lazy like when some person spoke “truth to power” at George Bush and was heralded as so brave- its not- Pussy Riot was brave to stand up to Putin, barking at Bush was about the safest political stunt imaginable. You want animated discussion, place Piss Christ next the the Charlie Hebdo cartoons of Mohammed and get 5 other provocative pieces from 5 other world religions. Discuss. If you can’t handle it, stay home

  11. The snowflake family that reported this are well known local members of the John Birch society and the father’s actions won’t fly with his employers. Go sell worm fields in Texas. Pathetic and coward parenting involves putting kids in a safe space so they can’t see or hear anything that discomforts them. Rethuglican far right fascists are cancel culture.

  12. The catholic church has started wars, murdered and enslaved tens of millions of people, denied the earth revolves around the sun, molested hundreds of thousands of kids and continue to groom without reproach ….. but yes, the feelings police put these smurfs in their safe space. Jesus was invented to placate the poor. No historical evidence of her existence!

  13. I think it’s sad the principal Mr Woodard and the Santa Barbara Board of Education have issued no public apology. This is so offensive not only to Catholics but to any Christian.
    It’s no wonder the school district is sued so often, administration is tone deaf to parents. It just wasn’t the student and family , other teachers and students at the school were also upset about this and threatened to protest. It wasn’t until the legal firm got involved and a group of students and parents spoke at a school board meeting that the offense “piss Christ” was removed. I’m glad the law firm is holding the district to permanently removing it under threat of litigation . Not long ago the sexual molestation law suit, settled for almost One million dollars, where the teacher was moved around for years by the district with full knowledge of continuing complaints of sexual harassment. Must have had friends in high places. It would be nice if next election we can get some new board members that put students and parents above politics.

  14. “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”
    — Isaac Asimov
    This is in full display on this page.

  15. Snowflake parents….the minority trying to take over what is taught. If your little feelers are hurt by things like this then sit your child out during that class. If you don’t want your child to read a certain book then tell them not to read it. Do not take away art and literature away from students who want to learn. Sorry, not sorry, but the principal was wrong here in caving to the far-right religious ideologues.

  16. I puzzled over the artist’s message until I read this interview with Serrano:
    Not exactly what my first guess was (and likely not Hayward’s either). Now that I know, this is really going to be a lost teaching moment. We need more kids who can become critical thinkers. I give Hayward’s son an “F” for reacting with his gut instead of his brain. He’s probably watched too many American movies where they explain everything at the end rather than letting the viewer figure it out.

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