Historic Aerial Photo of Santa Barbara High

By an edhat reader

Santa Barbara High was completed in 1923, this aerial photo is circa 1921.

Note the stadium, field house, Anapamu Italian Stone Pines, as well as the Armory, has been not built yet.

Update by John Wiley

Today’s fascinating aerial photo of SBHS reminded me of this 3/18/2020 one.

So much has changed in 100 years! Yet there are still plenty of landmarks to identify specific features. Many more and larger trees in Our Town.


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  1. Per SB Unified website:
    “Santa Barbara’s educational tradition is one of the oldest in the State of California. Its traditions are rooted in the 18th century Spanish era where historical records indicate that Santa Barbara had the third school in the state. Santa Barbara High was established in 1875 and located on the corner of Anapamu and De La Vina. The school was moved to its present site in 1924. It was designated an official California and City historic landmark in November 2005.”

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