City Misspells Carrillo Street Sign

By Paige Kaye (@paigekayebroker)

At the intersection of W. Carrillo Street and Kenwood Road, this newly installed sign has an egregious spelling error.

Carrillo has two “r’s.” Guess the City lost this spelling bee.



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  1. Hey at least it’s consistent as looking on Google maps street view (showing Dec 2022), both sides of that sign have the same[incorect] spelling. Although if you change the date to the next closest (May 2019 w/the biker cutting the corner on to Kenwood looking at the sign from Kenwood) it’s spelled correctly. Choosing the Carrillo view you can see it still correct (Feb 2021), although it does look like it’s in need of replacement in that view .

  2. I suggest it is ‘egregious’ to say that this mistake is ‘egregious.’ It is a typo of sorts and certainly not “outstandingly bad; shocking” as the word is defined. What may be at least bad is the ‘gotcha’ nature of this posting. I wonder if the mistake was brought to the city’s attention by the author or was it more important to post it so we can tsk tsk tsk?

    • Did I get downvoted for stating the fact, or was it because the fact doesn’t support the narrative?
      Are you happy that our schools turn out graduates who can only spell to 48% proficiency?
      I cannot say for certain that whomever misspelled Carrillo as Carillo is a graduate of a local high school, but I can say they did perform to the 48% standard. They may even have attended SBCC or equal

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